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A little while later, Aiden was looking through the trunk of his car and closed it as he heard Shaggy and Scooby screaming.

Aiden: I swear to god.

A short time later, the group was about to go through the bushes where they hear Shaggy and Scooby on the other side. Every one but Aiden goes through, but as soon as he goes over, he stops when he sees the same ghost girl from before in front of him. The ghost girl looks to be 13 years old with black hair and green eyes wearing blue jean shorts and a red shirt. Fred then pops his head through the bush, and Aiden looks back at him.

Fred: Aiden, you alright?

Hr looks back where the girl was, but she was gone.

Aiden: Yeah, I'm good.

The rest of the gang goes through the bush and finds Shaggy, Scooby, and Beau.

Velma: What's going on, guys? We can hear you screaming all the way to the house.

Shaggy: It was horrible. That pirate Moonscar was nothing but bones... and then, he got worse. Like a zombie!

Scooby then starts imitating a zombie and latches on to Velma like one, as Shaggy explains.

Simone: Oh dear!

Aiden: (Please don't let this be Haiti all over again. Bullet to the head, my ass.)

Fred: Where did all this happen?

Shaggy and Scooby point to the direction where they find holes in the ground.

Fred: Well, there's nothing here now. Are you sure you saw a zombie?

Shaggy: Like we know a zombie when we see one.

Scooby-Doo: Reah! Rombie!

Shaggy: And then we ran into him.

Shaggy points out at Beau, and Velma starts to question him.

Velma: What were you doing out here?

Aiden: He's a gardener. What do you think he's doing?

Beau: My job. I was doing some planting, got thirsty, went to get a drink... and came back to find these people.

Velma: What are you planting, elephants? That hole is huge?

Beau then angrily walks away

Velma: There's something suspicious about that gardener.

Aiden: I doubt it.

Velma: How can you be so sure?

Aiden: I just do.

Daphne Yeah, he is suspicious... but he is kinda cute.

Both Aiden and Velma gave her a "Really" look.

Fred: Well, uh... if we're all through here, maybe we should get going.

Shaggy: Like that's a great idea, Fred.

Daphne: Get going? No way. This place gets more interesting by the minute.
Simone Lenior: But it is getting close to sunset. And the ferry doesn't run at night.

Shaggy: Like, we do.

The two go to leave but are stopped by Simone.

Simone: We have plenty of rooms. You could stay for the night.

Daphne: Really?

Simone: Oh, I couldn't let you leave without offering some of our famous southern hospitality. That is, if Lena doesn't mind some extra guests.

 THE SIXTH MEMBER (S1)Where stories live. Discover now