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Shaggy and Scooby are now in the kitchen.

Scooby: Cat food! Yuck!

Shaggy: Forget the cat food Scoob. There's a lot better chew in this kitchen.

Shaggy: Hmm. Smells great. It's gumbo, isn't it?

Lena: You sure know your food.

Shaggy: Like, we traveled the worlds in our stomachs. Mind of we have a taste?

Lena: Of course not. Let me know how you like it.

Shaggy uses a spoon to take a sip of the gumbo.

Shaggy: Like, not bad. But it needs a little more spice, don't you think so?

Scooby: Uh-huh!

They go inside the closet to get a pepper

Shaggy: These puppies ought to do the trick.

Aiden walks into the living room where the others are.

Daphne: Hey Aiden, what took you so long?

Aiden: Just chatting with Beau.

Fred: Delicious lemonade, Lena

Lena: Why, thank you.

Daphne: So how long have you've worked for?

They hear a scream coming from the kitchen.

Velma: The guys!

In the kitchen, Scooby was drinking juice, and Shaggy was drinking water to cool down the hot in their mouth.

Shaggy: Like that was some hot pepper!

Lena: Those are Moonscar island peppers.

Simone: I wasn't exaggerating when I said they were the hottest peppers in Louisiana.

Fred: With all the screaming, we thought you might've seen a ghost.

Shaggy: If you do, you'll be the first to know.

Daphne: Sorry for the interruption, Ms. Lenoir.

Simone: Please call me Simone. Shall we continue the tour of our house.

Daphne: Thanks, Ms- I mean Simone.

Aiden: Next time, boys, don't eat those spicy peppers.

Shaggy: Right, we'll just stick with the gumbo. If you don't mind, Ms Lena.

Lena: Of course not, I'm glad you like it to help yourselves.

Everyone besides Shaggy and Scooby leaves the kitchen, and Shaggy pulls out one of the peppers.

Shaggy: Come on. I dare ya.

Scooby: Nah, uh, you first.

Shaggy: Not chicken, are you old buddy, old pal?

Shaggy and Scooby begin to feel cold.

Shaggy: Brrrrrr. That's funny. A? second ago I was on fire. But now it's freezing.

Scooby: R-r-reah. F-f-f-freezing.

Shaggy: Here, we'll split this big one. That'll warm us up.

They hear a noise as they turn and see a fog writing something on the wall. Their eyes begin to open wide.

Velma: Now this is a great library, Simone.---

Then they hear screams again.

Aiden: (sighs) Now what?

They run to the kitchen and open the door to see Shaggy and Scooby hiding

Daphne: Peppers, again?!

Aiden: I thought I'd told you guys to stay away from them.

 THE SIXTH MEMBER (S1)Where stories live. Discover now