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Aiden was watching the Hex Girls practice, and Fred and Daphne were off to side having a chat.

Daphne: So Fred, why do you always pair us up?

Fred: Uh, well, I thought about that for the longest time, and there's never been a good time to tell you, maybe it's time that I, well, that I-

Fred then noticed something behind Daphne.

Fred: Hey, here they come.

They hide as the Hex Girls and Aiden walk down the walkway as he lights a cigarette.

Thorn: You know those can kill you, right?

Aiden: So was fighting in a war, yet I'm still here, aren't I?

Dusk: You're annoying, you know that?

Aiden: Yeah, but I do keep life interesting.

Thorn: I think we'll have to perform our ritual, girls.

Aiden: You guys do rituals? Of course you weirdos do.

Dusk playfully punch his shoulder.

Thorn: We'll show you.

Dusk: Not tonight. Thorn, my powers are weak from rehearsing.

Luna: Mine too, how about tomorrow just before the concert.

Thorn: Never mind, I'll do it myself, See you in the morning, bad dreams, sisters.

Dusk and Luna: Bad dreams, sister Thorn.

Aiden: Good god, my friends and sister are wired.

Dusk: Don't let her stay up to late Aiden.

Logan: You got it, Sammy.

Dusk glares at her brother.

Dusk: Good night, dork.

Aiden: Good night, weirdo. Good night, Luna.

Luna: Good night.

Dusk and Luna walk out of earshot.

Luna: What are the chances of those two finely getting together?

Dusk: 30 bucks that they get together before the concert.

Luna: You're on.

Back with Daphne and Fred, they watched Aiden and Thorn walk off.

Fred: Did you hear that, Daph? Those girls have something to do with this ghost, I'm sure of it, and Aiden might be under some kind of spell. Thorn seems like the leader. Let's follow her.

Daphne gives Fred a skeptic look. As they continue to follow them, Thorn and Aiden decide to chat.

Aiden: So where are we going this fine evening?

Thorn: It's not far... do you trust me?

Aiden: Always, unless you try to sacrifice my soul to a cat god.

Thorn: (laughs) What?

Aiden: (chuckles) Never mind. And thanks for giving me your number. I wasn't sure if you'd changed yours or not.

Thorn: No problem. What happened to your old phone?

Aiden: It got destroyed, along with the sim card.

Thorn: How did that happen?

Aiden: Long story.

The two then approach a house.

Aiden: You still live here?

Thorn: No, I got my own place, were going behind the house.

They continued and approached a small shack behind the house.

 THE SIXTH MEMBER (S1)Where stories live. Discover now