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Fred grabs his camera.

Fred: If you ladies will excuse me.

Fred, Aiden, Velma, and Daphne get up to go but are stopped by Simone and turned to Lena.

Simone: Lena, get them some lanterns.

Lena: Right away. But please
Fred, you must be careful.

A little while later, the gang was walking through the forest, and Logan had his pistol out.

Velma: Shaggy! Scooby! Where are you?

The gang then hears a noise.

Velma: Guys?

But it was Beau.

Aiden: Beau, good to see you.

Beau: Like wise Aiden. Oh great, it's you three.

Fred: So it's you! Where's Shaggy and Scooby?

Beau: You're crazy friends near the bayou screaming about zombies. I don't see any.

Velma: You never do! And you're never around when these ghosts and zombies appear.

Aiden was about to say something.

Fred: Yeah. Now, isn't that a coincidence?

Daphne: Save your suspicions for later, guys. Right now, we're have to find Scooby and Shaggy and the others.

Aiden: She's right.

Daphne: We have to split up and find them.

Fred: Good idea.

Daphn: I'll go with Beau.

Fred: Bad idea.

Velma: I'll go with Beau. (Whisper) I won't let him out of our site.

Aiden: Sorry, Beau, they mean well.

Beau: I'm sure they do.

Aiden: I'll go with Fred and Daphne

The group heads off. A little while later, Fred, Daphne, and Aiden find the Mystery. Machine Daphne puts her lantern down to the ground and goes to open the back door, and then all crawdad shells come down as she screams

Daphne: What is it?

Fred: Crawdad shells.

Aiden: Good thing, it's just crawdad shells.

Daphne: Well, I guess the guys like your girlfriend's cooking too.

Fred: She's not my girlfriend, Daph. I just said I enjoy her cooking. And what about Beau?

Daphne: What about him?

Aiden: Daphne, look

Then, a hand grabs Daphne, and she grabs its hand and flips the person on the mystery machine.

Aiden: Out.

Fred: Daphne, are you

Daphne: I can handle myself, thank you.

They take a good look at the guy on the ground.

Fred: It's probably the gardener.

Aiden: You still on that?

Daphne: We'll just see about that.

Then, an arm appears, and Daphne grabs and flips the person, but it turns out to be Shaggy

Daphne: Shaggy?

Scooby then appears.

Fred: Scooby?

 THE SIXTH MEMBER (S1)Where stories live. Discover now