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thank god, I don't think I could have done that. My mother had me when she was 17, I grew up around teenagers having no idea how to parent.

 Lydia, Thomas, fin and Dad plus Mum, were my family growing up. it was hard to parent because my mother was young and when her father died it really hit her, but she quickly adjusted, whereas I didn't. I went through a phase of depression, I rarely left my room and my appetite disappeared.

 I've never had a problem with my body image, I have been really lucky that I just felt sick when I ate or thought about food. during the time my father passed away me and Lola weren't as close but she helped me and we grew closer thane ever.

Lydia and Thomas died in a battle, and both of them were engaged to each other, Fin was next he had just gotten married to Sophia a beautiful lady and then she fell pregnant right after the marriage fin never got to meet his daughter because he died in action as well. 

Mum used to blame herself for their deaths, she went crazy a couple of times, and she cried for weeks on end when everyone died, but I was only little so she had to get back to parenting. imagine all of your childhood friends that helped you raise your child all died, every single one of them. they all passed in the same month in different accidents,

thankfully, my mother had been a death eater for years even when she fell pregnant with me, Voldemort helped her, and she reconnected with her sister and brother-in-law. we have always lived with them.

I brush my teeth and let my hair fall, I put on some low Uggs and put on some stretchy low-waisted lounge beige pants with a grey cropped top that went off the shoulder a little

I washed my face and did my skincare, I put on some gold jewellery, and I started to head to the great hall for breakfast

As I make my way through the halls I see Gabe he's walking around perfect key sober this time
I laugh to myself and WLAK up to him

"Hey are you feeling better," I ask

"Yeah why would I be," he questions

"The other night you were high and I'm pretty sure drunk and it was late and I took you back to your dorm and you literally face-planted six thousand times bro it was so funny I swear I pissed myself," I say with a laugh

he looks embarrassed but laughs at his stupidity

"that was goofy of me," he says

we enter the hall and I sit down with Matheo with Gabe the other side of me. I wave at Enzo as he smiles at me and continues his conversation with Lola

i stare at the food in front of me, the thought of food makes me feel sick and I think I might gag. Matheo could sense my uneasiness as he asks me

"what's wrong,"

"i think I have a tummy bug, I threw up this morning and i don't think i can eat anything," I say

"oh shoot, should we go lay down, do you need anything," he asks frantically

"it's okay i just need some water and some medicine," I say putting my arm around him as I get up to walk to the hospital wing

as i arrive I see misses Pomfrey

"good morning, miss I was wondering if you had anything for stomach or headaches, that i could take," I ask

"oh y/n what happened," she asks while going to the cabinet to search for something

"I woke up and I threw up a bit and I can't eat anything, I guess its just the classic tummy bug," I say brushing it off

"oh dear why don't you take this and go lie down for today I can tell mrs McGonigal," she says handing me a syrup

Not a love story - Matheo Riddle & Y/n LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now