☆𝐌𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝☆

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By now i was standimg up next to my seat ready to run away from everyone.

"I originally wanted you to have a squad of bodyguards with you at all times but your brother talked me down to just one."

"One is still too much dad. I am entitiled to my privacy and that is hard enough with cameras everywhere."

"My darling sit down please and listen to us. Normally i am lenient towards you and allow you to have less restrictions but as there is now danger i have to look out for your well being."

"He isn't going to be watching you all day. He's always goimg to be near by incase he is needed and will be with you if you leave the house for school."

"Great i am going to look even weirder with a random guy dressed in a suit following me about all day."

"If it any trouble my darling then we can have him pose as another student at the school so it would make sense why you were with him all day."

I hate this, i hate this, i hate this.

I don't want to seem like a brat trying to put myself in danger but i have enough trouble making friends as it is, i don't need the whispers about me behind my back.

"Fine, you can have your bodyguard guy following me around everywhere but just know i don't like it."

"We knew you wouldn't but you need to remember it is because we love you."

"Whatever and i love you too."

No matter how anouyed i am at them i won't ever hate them.

"well i might as well inyroduce you to your bodyguard, Miller."

One of the men standing by the tall glass windows started bracing.

i looked over to where he was standing and saw that his sleeves were rolled up and the top two buttons undone to reveal his tattoos. He had dishevelled looking hair and only looked a couple years older than me. He was hot i will admit that.

(a picture for reference, if you dont like it then just ignore the description and picture )

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(a picture for reference, if you dont like it then just ignore the description and picture )

"Yes sir."

"Do you understand what is asked of you and what it is that you will be undertaling for this task."

"Yes sir, i do."

"good then, Emilia you are excused."

i immediatlly scooch out my chair, thank the chefs for the food and run of with dessert to snuggle with belle.

My idea of heaven except some guy is going to be staring at me the whole time.

"come here bella, i can do my work tomorrow i'd rather snuggle and watch a film."

I went onto netflix and clicked on one of my comfort films and started watching.

The door clicked open and the same guy from before stood there silently. He tensed his jaw when he saw me on my bed with belle but said nothing.

"You know this is a 2 and a half hour long film right? You don't have to stand up the whole time."

"It's fine miss, i need to be able to guard every entry point and i can't do that from your seat."

"ok then."

i dont know what it was that i was expecting him to do but it feels weird to make him stand for an hour.

i don't know at what point in the film i fell asleep but i did. Until i got woken up by my alarm at half 7 in the morning.

it doesn't matter how much sleep i get, i will never be a morning person.

Belle already left me for breakfast and my new fun bodyguard also left.

He is really good at his job.


i manage to drag myself into my bathroom to have a shower and get ready.

I pull on a pair of jeans and white spagetti strapped top since it is warm outside and grab the nearest pair of trainers.

my makeup isn't extravicant simply because i don't want to get up earlier but just some concealer, mascara, something to help my eyebrows stay down and not fly away, and some lipstick that i also use as blush.

I would try harder but i simply can't be arsed.

i grab my colledge bag and run down the stairs for breakfast.

toast and porridge is the perfect way for me to start the day.

"Hey dad is Jacob gonna take me today since he is here."

I say shoving a peice of toast into my mouth.

"No darling Miller will be taking you in one of our jeeps. he should be finishing up getting dressed and will be ready when you are done eating."

"ok love you."

"love you to sweatheart."

i carry on waiting until there is a knock at the door and in walks my bodyguard wearing a plane grey   t-shirt and some washed out jeans.
I also notice that he is wearing his watch still and that his hair is still disheveled.

He so doesn't own a comb i swear.

I Quickly grab my toast and my stuff trying to not have him wait long and hop into the passenger side of the jeep.

He takes his time getting to the car and pulls out a pair of sunglasses.

i take a moment to take it all in when he is busy reversing.

"You know you don't have to stare at me."

crap he noticed.

"yeah i know but i was just realising something."

"realising what?"

Who knew he could be so chatty.
i don't think he said a word yesyerday and kept staring out of the window infront of him.

"Just that i don't know your first name."

he looks at me funny like i just forgot the order of the alphabet.

"Because you don't need to i'm your body guard not your friend my job is too protect you not to play dress up."

"alright, don't get your panties in a twist , i was only trying to make conversation."


I turned up the radio and just ignored that he was there since that was what he clearly wanted.

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