☆𝐌𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝☆

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I open my eyes and blink.

What the hell is the time.

I flick my phone up to see 2.33 am.

Great 10 hours of sleep, except the fact my body thinks it is 7 in the morning.

I look over my shoulder to see that whatever-he-wants-to-be-called isn't there but that he ditched his suit jacket onto the chair next to my wardrobe piling with clothes.

He probably only works for a certain amount of hours.

Not my problem though.

I get out of bed and put my slippers on.

Since I have the energy I might as well do that coursework now.

I grab all of my folders and my dressing gown and walk my way towards the kitchen.

This place seems so bareen at night, despite people being everywhere the lights of makes it seem like it isn't.

Shrugging my thoughts off I open the freezer and grab the big pot of Sorbet that is reserved for just me.

Yes it is all mine no one else likes it for some reason.

I drop my folders on the island counter and they thud.

Might as well start with yesterday's.

This is very relaxing actually, just revising and shoving Sorbet into my moth under a single lamp.

I should do this more often.

At once all the lights turn on making me immediately close my eyes from the harsh light.

"God sometimes even I mistake myself for being a vampire."

I heard heavy footsteps pounding everywhere and people talking into radios.

Oh shit what if that arsenic guy is here.

Oh god fuck the coursework how the hell do I get to the downstairs safe room. Oh god where the fuck are the hidden guns.

Right yeah under the otherside of the counter. Helpful.

I drop everything and stay low to be unseen.

I grab the hand gun and flick a switch to over power the lights.

Pitch black even my lamp and the emergency exits.

The thuds get louder and louder everywhere and I know that everyone just became very panicked from it.

I know this house better then anyone I don't need the lights.

I just need to pray that I don't run into anyone that wants to kill me.

OK it would be stupid to try and leave since all doors would be locked and I would make too much noise so I need to get to the study and into the safe room.

It isn't to far away hopefully I don't have to use the gun.

I hide behind the doorway and check if the coast is clear.

I dive behind one of the sofas and army crawl across the floor.

OK nearly there I need to pass the stairs, only problem us about 5 soldiers are in and out of there every second.

I am honna have to run and shoot as I go.

No biggie, just that I could die a very painful death.

OK I can do this.



I start running and start frenzy shooting at soldiers going down the stairs and in the hallway.

They shoot back and start running after me.

Thank god none of them shot me.

I have to run for my life into the study though.

I nearly make it running in zigzags to not get hit when I get body slammed to the floor.

My fight or flight takes over and I start frenzy punching and kicking my attacker but they ate stronger than me and restrained me with just one hand and held a gun to my head whilst I squirmed.

Well I lived a long 19 years I always knew that my dad's lifestyle would inevitably kill me.

I close my eyes and wait for them to shoot my head but instead I here my name.


It surprised me so much that I opened my eyes stunned to find my overly kind and generous, definitely not being sarcasti, bodyguard pointing a gun to my head looking as surprised as I probably am.

"For fuck sake I am going to kill that new guy."

He stands up and puts his gun into what looks like the waistband of black Joggers.

I look up just to see him towering over me and toned abs and muscles glistening with sweat.

His muscles were on full show and you could see scars littering his body.

He still had his gold chain on that I have never seen him without.


He offered me his hand for me to get up and with the other took the gun out my hand.

"God do you even know why everyone is running round."

He rubbed his face looking tired and out of it.

"No I thought that guy that my brother and dad were talking about did it again so I grabbed a gun to run and hide. I'm not stupid I wasn't just going to be sat frozen there like a sitting duck."

He looked more puzzled by my answer then seeing me.

"Wait you thought there was an attack? So you grabbed a gun, despite hating them, and actually used your brain to not stay in one place."

It is my turn to be confused now.

"What do you mean 'thought there was an attack' isn't there?"

"No, god no Emilia. I would have managed to kill the guy before he ever got to you."

He mumbled the last bit clearly unsure of what he was saying which wasn't very reassuring.

"So what the hell is going on?"

"I will tell you what, I got one of the new guys on the security team to bodyguard you through out the night when you fell asleep so I could rest. Only for the dickhead to not even bother to do his job and when he came back to your room he found that you weren't there and rang the alarm getting everyone up ready to find the guy and kill him."

"Oh so that's why you- erm."

I look down towards his torso and blush, he follows my gaze and smirks, despite trying to hide it.

"Don't have a shirt on, yeah I grabbed gun on my bedside and ran to find you as soon as I heard that alarm go."



"What about those guards I shot at, did I hurt any of them?"

"No you missed all of them except grazing the leg of one, he'll sadly live though."

"Oh god I made it worse by overpowering the lights."

"No Emilia it's good that when you need to protect yourself you don't just freeze and don't let you not liking guns stopping yourself from using one when you need to."

"Oh god I need to just go to sleep again. My Sorbet and books are everywhere on the island counter in the kitchen, could you please get  someone to clean it up and put the Sorbet back in the freezer."

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