i wish you saw

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I wish you saw the poetry in your eyes
I wish you felt how your hands make me blush
I wish you heard how your voice makes me asleep.
even when I'm 2 cm from the light.

I wish you taste the glittering sound when you look up and close your eyes because you feel the light
and you want to keep that inside
for as long as it's switched on,
even if there is darkness so dark that you don't see your hands.

I wish you smell how outrageously your thoughts are and how gentle you ask for some good things for your heart.
even if you give all the good to everyone
to be good person
in every person mouth; to hear maybe few or all of that but still trying not to take all of that.
and in the end, with all those senses, there is no good word for all the music that plays symphonies in your eyes.

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