3rd-Press Conference

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"Do you have any food? How can you invite me over without any food in your fridge?" Lia is rummaging through everything in my apartment.

"I came here in a hurry because you said it was urgent. What the fuck is this? You called me here to starve me?" She's getting annoyed.

"Shut up and just get in here. I ordered food so it should be here soon" I announce so she'll stop being fussy.

I invited Lia over because they're having Ryujin's press conference tonight. Lia said she arrived earlier and she's coming straight from the airport.

There's still no announcement on who's going to catch for me in tomorrow's game.

"I'm more worried about seeing Ryujin again" I say.

"Maybe you shouldn't have ghosted her and broke up with her like a decent human being" Lia doesn't help at all.

I glare at her and she looks at me like she's not even sorry.

"Until there's food in my stomach, I will be like this" she says with sass.

"I couldn't break up with her in person" I sigh.

"If you loved her that much then why break up? Not all high school relationships fail" she's calmed down now.

"I didn't want to risk it. We made our pact of breaking up before college when we're still in the beginning of our relationship. Who's to say she didn't change her mind? If she did and asked if we could still be together, I don't think I would have been able to say no" I explain.

"But at least you wouldn't have to worry about her holding a grudge against you and possibly ruin your career" she acts like a know it all.

"Shut up" I say then the doorbell rings.

"Grab your food then maybe you'll be a helpful friend" I roll my eyes.

She leaves to go to the door and the press conference is starting. My mind starts to wonder different things. Will I recognize what she looks like? Is she happy? Is she doing well? She has to be since she's known as a good catcher.

Lia comes back with her food and she's saying something but it sounds muffled to me. At the same time that she came back, Ryujin finally shows up in front of the camera.

You can clearly tell she's tired from the trip but she still has a smile on her face and is warmly greeting everyone. She waves to people from time to time.

She bows before sitting down then she makes some adjustments to the microphone.

"That's her?" I hear Lia choking next to me but I don't answer. My eyes feel like it's glued to the TV.

"You didn't want to give that a shot? She can break my heart any day if I get to sleep with her!" Lia exclaims so I grab a pillow that's next to me to hit her with.

"Shut up" I bite my nails. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

"Do you think she's holding a grudge against me?" I ask without looking away from the TV.

"I would if I was her. It's one thing to break up but to be ghosted? Damn. Imagine not having a closure with someone you claim to love then you find out that she's living her dream as a baseball player" Lia comments and it's not helping me at all.

"But that's just me. I don't know her so I can't say" she backtracks her statement.

"It's starting now" I shush her.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shin Ryujin. I'm the new catcher for JYP. I hope you go easy on me with the questions" she bows with just her head now.

The first reporter step up, "Why the sudden move to Korea when you've been approached by so many teams before JYP?"

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