Chapter one

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"Evyyyy! Cheers to my best friend turning 21, us graduating uni in one piece minus some of our dignity and the handover of our new London flat to us so that we can live happily every after" Anna happily said while shoving a shot of tequila into my face. Annas red hair glowed in the afternoon sun, her brown eyes beamed at me waiting expectantly to take the death trap named tequila out of her hands. I threw the shot back, pursing my lips as the alcohol burned the back of my throat following with a warm tingly feeling after. Placing the glass on the side of our new apartments kitchen, designed in an airy white vibe much like the rest of the flat. Our parents both  helped us buy this place as a graduation present for Anna and I  seeing as our plans were to carry on living in the city after going to university here for the past 3 years. 

I met Anna at university, we both studied law, bonding over the late nights of study and nearly losing our vision with the masses of books we had to read written by old farts who spoke in what seemed like riddles when we first started. We immediately connected and after our first year in halls moved in with each other, which brings us to now. About to get ready for a long night of drinking in whatever club we end up and hopefully not getting knocked up. 

"Thanks babes. I can't believe uni is over I might do a masters to avoid the real working world for a bit" I giggled out to Anna, grabbing my phone and connecting it to the sound system throughout the house to play music while getting ready. Sound flooded through the apartment bringing smiles out on both of our faces. I followed Anna to her bedroom swiping the vanilla vodka from the counter instead of the tequila in hopes for a less powerful hangover tomorrow. 

"Nope" she popped the P as she spoke out, following up with "if we go into the adult world we do it together I'm too scared alone". 

"I'm kidding, I'm excited to start our jobs at the firm, I hope our boss is hot" I said while grabbing a towel and heading towards her ensuite, we both had one however whenever we got ready to go out we done it together, normally in Annas room as she had the extensive closet that I normally ended up raiding. She had laughed at my comment and sat down at her vanity throwing her makeup on it, tying her hair back. Stripping out of my graduation dress I glanced in the mirror, my long hair hung loosely around my waist in soft curls so dark it nearly looked black, my eyes a dark green that I inherited from my father. He was a surgeon in London while my mother didn't work but instead attended charity events and constantly told me I looked too pale or had too many dead ends in my hair. My skin finally clear after years of hormonal acne and my lash extensions freshly done by my lash tech I had been with for 3 years, who also done my nails. I hadn't had much work done to my face apart from the occasional brow wax and a slight top up of lip filler to make my lips more round and plump despite my mothers disappointment. I seem to draw towards doing things that she wouldn't like, as an only child I didn't want to end up like her but work and be an independent person. Maybe that's why I have a butterfly tattoo on my hip even though I haven't had the nerve to tell her incase she single handedly lasers the bastard off my skin. 

I hopped in the shower feeling the hot stream of water pound over my back, letting out a sigh I grabbed my loafer and started scrubbing my skin with my vanilla body wash, exfoliating and washing my hair. Not needing to shave as I had had laser hair removal on my body, making me looked like a plucked chicken before getting roasted at Christmas, Annas comment not mine. I couldn't wait to go out tonight, excitement was running around my body as a smile spread on my face remembering the last time we went out Anna made sure we hadn't paid for one of our drinks the whole night, and then ditching the poor sods at the bar as soon as she gotten what she wanted. We were both outgoing charismatic people however Anna had a more fiery side whereas I was a touch more responsible. 

I got out of the shower, wrapping my towel around me and grabbed my hair dryer, drying my hair and putting some products in it. once I was done I put on some sweats and brushed my teeth before doing my makeup. Anna always thought I was weird for brushing my teeth before my makeup but she's the one who always ends up with toothpaste all over her clothes. Walking out from the bathroom I decided to let my hair stay natural tonight it its waves, I grabbed a seat at the vanity too, overwhelmed by the mess of the products Anna had strewn all over the table. She giggled besides me, nearly done with her makeup, rocking a full glam look, she snatched the setting spray from the middle of the pile and carried on. I started applying my makeup knowing that it would take while to do it all, choosing to have a smokey wing and nude lips my favourite combo for a night out. 

Anna had straightened her hair and started throwing dresses, tops, skirts, thongs and every other clothing imaginable on the bed ready to try on about 40 different outfits before settling for the first one she tried on. 

"This would look lush on you" she bounded over with what looked like a mosquito net of a dress with black swirls of fabric that covered the tits and arse just about. 

"I don't wanna catch flies in my dress I have to say" I said staring at the fabric still outstretched in her arms. 

"Well maybe you'll catch a man in it. You've gone celibate for too long now after Alfie, you guys broke up ages ago" she retaliated, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 

"I did not go celibate, the law degree was like Gandalf" I replied "No penis shall pass" I laughed out to her grabbing the stupid dress as I wasn't going to be able to wear anything else now that she had her mind set on me wearing this dress. 

Anna spat out her drink laughing so hard she nearly started choking while disappearing into the bathroom. I placed the dress over my head being careful not to ruin my makeup, I had to go commando with how many mesh swirls were trailing over my abdomen and back, my skin peeking through. Oh if my Grandmother saw me I'm sure she would be turning in her grave, this outfit was something so scandalous I'm sure I will be mistaken for a shot girl tonight. Twirling in the mirror I was looking good, reading to celebrate turning the ripe old age of 21 even though my back felt 40. I drank some of my vodka and grabbed my black clutch putting my ID, phone and the essentials that I might need for tonight, I ran into my room searching for my black strappy YSL heals that would go perfectly with this partly black dress. Once I got into Annas room again she had gotten dressed in a red dress with a deep neck line that looked amazing on her, she turned to me with two more shots. 

"We have to feel on top of the world before we leave or its bad luck, drink up" Anna remarked. I grabbed the shots and threw them back, her following along after me. I had consumed enough to start making me feel fuzzy but no where near enough that we could leave just yet. I turned up the music and grabbed my best friends hand, dragging her into the living room. Our laughter filled the room while we danced around the furniture. Singing out of tune to the music, my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. The past 3 years had been hard but I wouldn't have changed anything about it, Anna and I had made so many good memories and always cherished the small things in life that made the colours brighter. I took the bottle off the kitchen counter drinking from it, passing it to my best friend she used it as a microphone before shooting some down. Looking at my phone I saw it was nearly time to go, my head was buzzing and I stumbled to the toilet. Sitting down it felt like the alcohol punched me in the face. 

"Fuck, I didn't realise I was this tipsy" I mumbled, washing my hands and grabbing my clutch. 

"I'll order an Uber" I said to Anna, she nodded her head in agreement while putting her heels on. 

"We're heading to mMantra right Evy?" Anna asked I agreed in response while checking how long our driver would be. We started heading out of there flat locking the door on the way out, we needed to get more keys cut as we only had the one at the moment, Anna took hold of it insisting that I was going to a hot mans house tonight instead of our own place. The Uber rolled up on the side walk and we hopped in. 

Once we arrived Anna lead us in front of the waiting line knowing the security guard on duty tonight, she batted her lashed up at him and was leaning her hand on his chest as I looked past him at the lights flashing in the darkness. The bass of the music thumped through my bones, Anna lead me into the club skipping through the hallway and took a beeline top the bar. 

"Let's get trollied birthday girl!"


A/N: Hey I've never written before so I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. Please be nice to me I won't take anyone being a dick ahaha. I'm not sure if this chapter was too long or too short but let me know any suggestions. 

Thanks xoxo

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