Kiss the Cook

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A/N: Yes, I made him too soft. No, I'm not changing it. Stay mad haters.  

The sun peeked through the curtains. Levi stirred in his sleep, holding you tighter. Something about how he was hugging you and muttering little complaints in his sleep made him seem so much more human.

In a world of inhumanity, it was nice to know that the person you go to sleep with and wake up with is human. His brows, for once, weren't furrowed and his eyes weren't dark with worry or disappointment. Instead, his expressions as that of complete peace. His lips, not thick, nor thin, were slightly parted.

His eyes slowly fluttered open as he took in his surroundings. The amount of light in the room surprised him at first and he hid his face in your chest, groaning. His arms ventured up into your hair and he tucked your hair behind your ear. "Morning," he mumbled, his eyes finally getting used to the light. He stared up at you with a sleepy expression. He had the ghost of a smile on his face. "How come you look so angelic in the morning?"

"How come you look so cute when you're sleeping?" You replied with a question.

"Since when did you watch me when I sleep?" He teased, pressing a kiss against your neck.

You chuckled. "Since you slept in."

He held himself above you by placing his hands next to your shoulders. He trailed kisses up to your jawline, then finally, your lips. "You're so stunning," he whispered. You kissed him back.

Levi always seemed to get affectionate in the mornings. It was his form of meditation, almost. Showing that there was still love in him—feeling the love he still had to give—was comforting to him. And in your shared bed, which was warm (a blessing from the cold winter wind), he'd always wake up the same; with you by his side.

You ran your hands through his hair. "Levi," you whispered, "you're so pretty." His cheeks were tinted pink and, on instinct, he nearly looked away to hide his expression. But he stopped himself. His eyes remained on your charming face as he smiled.

"Are you hungry?" He asked suddenly.

You guffawed. "I am. Do you want to make breakfast?"

He nodded. "I'll make breakfast. You can stay in bed."

You tilted your head. "Why's that?"

"You trained way too hard yesterday, love." He climbed out of bed and left the room. Your bed felt cold without him. It felt like you were missing your blanket. Like you were missing your pillow, your mattress, or every part of the bed that made it your bed.

You sighed and stood up. Levi was right; your thighs were still taut and strained and for a moment, you thought your legs would collapse beneath you. You stretched and your back popped several times. Your triceps and biceps and whatever other 'ceps' you had in your body were all in pain.

Nonetheless, you were hungry and you missed your boyfriend, so you left your room and struggled to walk a few steps to get to your kitchen. Levi was brewing tea and you grinned mischievously. He was turned around.

You snuck up behind him and as soon as you got a few feet away...

"Do you want honey?"

You frowned. "What? How'd you know I was coming? I was completely silent!"

"Oh, were you trying to scare me?" He asked with a groggy smile on his face. "The only thing scary here is your cooking, hence, why breakfast is cooking safely under my supervision." He flipped a pancake. "So, do you want honey?"

You crossed your arms. "No."

"Brat," he mumbled, throwing a glance at you over his shoulder. Levi finished cooking them and placed a few pancakes on a plate for you. He carried it over to you but didn't give it to you. You reached for it, but he moved it out of your reach with a teasing smile. "Ever heard of the phrase 'kiss the cook?'"

"God, did Hange teach you that one?" You mumbled.

"Doesn't matter. It still applies." He grabbed your chin softly and pressed his lips on yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back. Satisfied, he set your plate down in front of you and you ate as the sun shone on you two. 

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