"Oh My God. They Were Roommates." - request + sequel

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A/N: Ask and you shall receive the sequel to "And They Were Roommates?!" Honestly, I loved this request so much, I might make it into a series.

Your eyes slowly opened and light shone into them, stinging a little. You groaned in response, pulling your arm over your face. Your head throbbed in pain and your stomach ached. Damn Hange and Erwin. I'm never drinking with them again.

You took a breath and the scent of bacon and waffles nearly lifted you in the air like a cartoon character. Footsteps approached you as the bacon sizzled. "Morning." A deep and groggy voice, still full of sleep and filled with a concerned undertone spoke.

You opened one of your eyes. "Levi," you mumbled as your hands covered your face. "Water."

The seriousness died down a little and his eyes gleamed with a teasing light. "You weren't lying last night, were you?" He murmured, patting your head. "You really wanna say my name the first thing in the morning?"

You hummed in confusion. Then, the events of last night slowly came back to you.


"Levi. Levi. Levi. I want to say your name. And I want you to say mine..."


"Every day. Like, when we... wake up. I want my first words every day to be 'Good morning, Levi.' Y'know?" You mumbled, closing your eyes. "I wanna... own your first words every day. And I wanna give you mine..." You shuddered. "I don't want you to move out."

He swallowed, unsure of what to say. "Y/n, you're drunk."

"Maybe a drink was what I needed... Maybe I needed to get drunk... Maybe I..." You stared at him, smiling like an idiot. "Maybe I want to kiss a clock—I mean, maybe I want to kiss your name—you. You." 


You groaned in pain and embarrassment and Levi ruffled your hair. "It's alright, Y/n. You're cute when you get drunk. Which, by the way, is not happening again. No more drinking contests."

"What if you try to move out again?" You replied, looking up at him.

"If I try to move out, then don't get drunk before you try to kiss me. You know that's against my morals, right?" He muttered, walking back to the kitchen. He took the bacon off of the stove and shoveled some onto a plate. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah..." You mumbled, sitting up. As much as it hurt, oh, what a sight to see... Levi stood in front of the stove, his eyes narrowed and adorned with the familiar bags under his eyes as he put the last of the bacon on a plate. He only wore a sweatshirt and sweatpants—not the most suggestive thing to wear, but the way the sweatshirt lifted ever so slightly to reveal his hips and waist when he stretched made you swoon.

You stood, stumbling over to him as you rubbed your head in pain. He noticed and quickly steadied you by your waist. His eyes softened and he looked at you as if you were the most delicate and intricate piece of art he had ever seen. "You okay?"

"My head hurts."

"Mine does, too. Do you remember half of the things you said last night? 'Levi, you're a clock. Levi, Levi, Levi...'" He mocked lightheartedly.

You rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully. "Whatever. I just didn't want you to move out."

"Clearly." He handed you a plate with bacon and waffles, then grabbed a cup. "So, do you want to talk about what you said last night or do I need to threaten to move out again?"

Your smile faded. "What is there to talk about?" You already told him that you loved him; what else was there to say? It wouldn't do you any good to tell him how beautiful he looked, even (especially) with messy morning hair. How he was cooking you breakfast after you annoyed him last night. How, when he grabbed you by your waist, your heart practically pounded out of your chest.

Yet, he looked at you with a soft smile, because he was wondering if he could make your day brighter by telling you that he liked making breakfast for you. That he didn't just 'accidentally' make too much breakfast in the morning and leave a note that said, "I made too much for me to eat. The rest is yours."

Levi wondered if you would want to hear him say that he did care about you; that he felt the same. That he remembered the way you like your drink in the morning and the way you tear off all the tags on your new clothes even though he told you, numerous times, to use scissors. He liked the way you dragged him along to every party with Hange and Erwin, despite his protests. He liked the way your idiotic metaphors, especially your drunk ones.

He liked you. He cared about you.

So, before anything else, he asked, "Did you mean what you said last night?"

You didn't hesitate to say, "Every word. At least, every word I remember."

He took a breath and admired you, trying to take a mental image of how amazing you looked, even if your face was a bit puffy from sleep and your eyes were baggy, he still found you so captivating. Levi leaned in and your eyes widened as you realized what was happening. His hand cupped your cheek and your arms wrapped around him as your eyes fluttered closed.

Your lips pressed against his. It was short and sweet; his lips were soft and it seemed as if he was waiting to do this forever as his other arm snaked around your waist and pulled you closer. Neither of you could stifle the smiles that tugged on your lips as you parted.

"Go brush your teeth," he teased but his hand remained on your cheek and his arm, on your waist.

"You first."

ミ★ 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘈𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now