Panic (Request)

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Request from tumblr:
would that be possible to have something, (platonic or romantic, i don't really care) maybe a cadet who's having a panic attack, maybe not on the battle field but more before or after something big happened tho? and our precious levi taking care of them?
no pressure, feel free to decline if you want 😌
(your other works are fire damn 💃🕺)"

A/N: Thank you so much! I'm returning to my roots for this one; a need for comfort is right up my alley. I gotchu >:) 
if you couldn't tell... I'm back in my aot phase, too. I have Levi fever at the moment. I also wrote this while I was fighting off my sleep meds, sorry.

- please keep in mind that everyone who has panic attacks has them differently, so mine could be vastly different from yours. I am just writing from experience! With that being said, please stay safe and, um, don't touch glass when you have a panic attack as Y/n does.
TW: Panic attack, blood, and very slight depictions of gore (Marco), Levi bandaging you up, and mentions of death.

You slammed the door to your room in the barracks, stumbling to your bed. You coughed, trying to breathe, and clutched the fabric chest when you were unable to. "I," you gasped, wanting to cry out for help, but being unable to. Who could you talk to about this? The other scouts were trying their best to forget it already. Half of his face was gone. He was your best friend and half of him was gone.

Tears streamed down your eyes as you coughed and grabbed a glass of water. You had to calm down. You drank some, but it dripped down your shirt and you flinched, dropping the glass on the floor. "No, no," you whisper-screamed as your trembling hands tried to shovel the broken glass up.

A knock came on your door.

You shakily inhaled enough breath to call out, "Go away."

"It's Captain Levi."

You cursed to yourself as you stared at your bloody hands. The shards from the glass must've cut you when you were trying to clean them up. When you didn't respond and let out a sob, the door opened.

"What's going on in here?" He asked, his eyes going from the tears streaming down your face to the broken glass to the blood on your hands. "Shit, cadet, what happened?" He muttered, his tone filled with worry.

You sniffled, unable to catch your breath. You turned away, not wanting to look weak in front of him. You heard his footsteps recede and thought that would be the end; you thought he would have just left you alone. You thought he would because it was Levi; he wasn't a therapist or anything. He was just a guy. But you felt something tug at your wrist and you flinched hard.

You turned to see him, sitting on your bed with a first-aid kit. You, again, tried to put on a brave front, but you felt your heart palpitate and you gasped as you thought all of the air in your lungs was escaping. "Can't," you cried out in a panic, "can't breathe."

Levi seemed to recognize this fairly quickly. His eyes widened slightly and he showed you his hand, then placed it on your arm—a reminder that you could still feel. That you were still alive and real. "I'm here," he stated. "Breathe with me, okay?"

The blood dripped down your arm and you shivered as you felt it. "But the—"

"We will deal with that in a moment," he replied, his voice soft, yet stern. "Breathe. In," he inhaled, "and out." He exhaled. He waited for your shaky breath to slow down before he repeated it softly. "In," he whispered. In. "and out." Out. Levi nodded when your breathing was under better control. "Good," he murmured, "just like that." Your tears still fell, but something about the way Levi's chest was also rising and falling at the same time as yours was calming. You kept your eyes on him.

"I'm going the clean up your hands and bandage them now, okay?" He asked for confirmation before touching you. You nodded slowly, holding your shaky arms out. He looked at you with furrowed, worried brows before examining the state of your injuries. "Whenever you're ready to talk—if you want to talk—you can."

Levi took a wet cloth and cleaned all of the blood off.

"Half of his body was gone," you mumbled. Levi looked up at you with a familiar sadness in his gaze.

"I know. Marco, wasn't it?"

You nodded.

"I know cadet," he said, his voice softening as you let out a sob. He shushed your cries, nodding. "I know. I know."

Levi then used tweezers to pick out the tiny shards with care. He poured gauze over your wounds. When you didn't even flinch, he looked at you again. "Cadet?" He called out to you, making sure your mind was still there, "Are you feeling any better?" He wrapped your hands and arms up.

You shrugged. "I don't know."

He stayed at your side as he put everything back in the first-aid kit. "It has been a long day, cadet. Let's go down to the mess hall and get something to eat. You need to maintain your strength." You nodded silently. Something about your silence irked him. "I'll show you where I keep my tea, too. We can make some." You nearly smiled at his attempt to cheer you up.

"Thank you, Captain."

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