"And They Were Roommates?!"

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Req from anon on Tumblr:

Hiii, saw that you were taking requests!! How about the friends to lovers trope in modern!AU with Levi? Maybe they've known each other for a long time and they've decided to become roommates, so one night when one of them is really drunk, they confess.

I'm not really creative when it comes to things like this, so you could really change it any way you want. Thank you :)

A/N: I'm not apologizing for that title. Also, I changed it just a little. Levi is moving out and Y/n doesn't think time is on their side. Enjoy <3

When Erwin, Hange, and a few of the scouts came over to someone's house, you called it a party. Levi called it a cacophony. Erwin brought the drinks—usually fancy wine or other drinks that had neat labels and elegant packaging. Hange brought the food. Nothing consistent; sometimes, they'd bring bread and butter, sometimes, cheese, and other times, a deconstructed mound of something that only Erwin was brave (and stupid) enough to touch. The other scouts usually brought something edible.

Levi claimed that he hated when they came over because they caused too much noise, something would break, and someone would get too drunk. Yet, he always stayed on the couch instead of his room when they came over. He'd stifle smiles and hold his breath to not laugh at some of the things he heard.

Tonight, though, the party/cacophony was at Erwin's house. He and Hange challenged you to a drinking contest. You only did it for fun, not really thinking you could win because Erwin was the (almost) undefeated champion at these. Levi was always the judge, despite being able to beat Erwin. The rules were simple: Levi would call out who was getting too drunk to stand—nobody could get too drunk tonight because you all had work tomorrow.

A few drinks in and you didn't realize your body was swaying back and forth until you looked down. You stumbled a bit but pulled yourself back to the table. You felt Levi's eyes burn into your skin. "Y/n is out," he declared in a monotone voice, watching the other two down more drinks.

"Already?" Hange gasped, giggling a bit. Their words were a bit slurred. "I didn't know you were such a lightweight."

"Hange is out."

"What?!" They exclaimed, tumbling backward.

Levi crossed his arms. "Erwin wins again. Do you want a gold star, Erwin?"

"No, no," you mumbled, taking another shot. "I'm still in."

Levi glared at you, then at Hange when they joined in again. "If Y/n is still, in, so am I!" They took another shot and Erwin shook his head, taking another, too.

"You're all idiots."

"We're all winners," Hange corrected.

You laughed a little as you drank more.

You weren't sure how much time had passed, but after a few drinks, you had to sit down. Levi pulled out a chair and you stumbled into it. He frowned, looking up at Erwin and Hange, then back down at you. "We're going home."

"You two..." Hange snickered, pausing. "You're like... an old married couple..."

Erwin smiled. "You are. Most people start dating before they live with each other."

Levi glared at them, helping you up. "Shut up, both of you. I don't want to hear it. I'm moving out in a few days, anyway." You leaned on him as he wrapped his arm around your side for support and helped you leave the bar. It was late—probably midnight. It's not like he would've been able to sleep now anyway. You wrapped your arms around his side, hugging him.

ミ★ 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘈𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now