Chapter 5: Something Personal

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I was certain that Lawrence was going to say something stupid and we were going to argue but he surprised me. I wish I could believe that he has good intentions but something told me to keep an eye on him. He was up to something.

"I better get going. I'm sorry for coming here unannounced, I could have called but I don't have your number so...", he said while walking out of my office. I didn't answer because giving him my personal number was out of the question. Even my business card had my PA's number unless you were in my inner circle.

"Jenkins, please get me the person who gave him clearance", I said calmly but by the way Nico smiled, I knew I had given myself away.

It didn't take long for Jenkins to return to my office with a woman wearing a suit that was suffocating her and a smiling Nico. I looked at them questioningly making Jenkins explain. "She's the one that gave clearance", he said making me furrow my brows.

"What's your name?", I asked standing up and walking closer to her trembling figure. She was a bit taller than me and had a nice model-like body with amazingly long hair and white skin while I was a size 18, 5.2 ft, with dark chocolate skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. There was nothing out of the ordinary for me but she had so much potential and yet didn't have the brains to follow a simple rule of calling my Vice President's PA who would talk to Justin who approves or denies someone's request to come to my office.

"My name is Lisa Gerald, Miss Kendriks", she answered confidently. "Lisa... it's nice to meet you, now tell me, why did I have an unexpected guest on my floor without an appointment?", I leaned on the console that was next to my table. My calmness made her nervous. She started fidgeting her fingers trying to come up with an excuse but it seemed nothing came to her aid.

"Are you aware of the visitor protocols for the VP and Me?", I asked again. "Y-y-yes. I'm sorry, it won't happen again", she said with tears in her eyes. "Why did you do it?", I asked looking at her in the eyes. "I...he d-d-distracted me Miss Kendriks", she said and I believed her. Lawrence did like using his charms to get him places for both business and pleasure.

I released a breath. "OK then, since the problem is getting distracted, I believe Accounts were looking for someone to scan their documents. Nico, take her to accounts and get her started, she will return to the front desk when everything is scanned and arranged to their liking", I instructed and she was about to question me when my glare made her swallow her words and bow her head in fear.

"You have an event on Saturday so I need you to pick a dress", my Head of PR said handing me her tablet with the shortlisted options. "These beautiful Lydia but I'm not going to the event, I have something personal that same day. If you told me earlier, I wouldn't have committed so tell Justin to go on my behalf please", I told her and handed the tablet back.

She was still shocked. "You never have something personal. It's either 'I'm doing something with my sisters' or 'me time' what's happening?", she asked sitting on one of the visitor chairs, looking lost. "I do now", I said with a smile then went back to reading one of the contracts I was given by legal to review since we were updating our terms and conditions and onboarding processes.

"Waoh! Uh... ok then I'll do just that... do you want to tell me what that means? Are you and Lawrence back together?", she asked. "Fuck no!", I said making her release a breath as if she was relieved.

"What did he do now?", I asked knowing that there must have been another scandal. "Well nothing much, he just got drunk and the woman recorded him having a threesome then sold the video to a gossip channel", she said with distaste. "He's never going to change is he?", I asked feeling my chest tighten. "I'm sorry to say this boss but men like him, never change", she said standing up then left my office.

When I was done with work I packed my stuff and called Jenkins, ready to leave. He carried my bags to my car, leaving me behind as Nico was walking me through the following day's schedule. It was a Friday and I usually worked a half day so, he knew to prioritize things otherwise he would have to wait until the coming week. He wasn't a patient assistant.

"So you'll sign them all in the morning? I can have them on your desk by 7:30", he said with puppy dog eyes. He looked creepy instead of making me laugh. You would think that a 6ft white man with an incredible physique and smart brain would be able to pull it off but he was nowhere near it.

"Please stop doing that, you look like a psycho and yes I'll sign them... if and only if I find them at my desk first thing in the morning next to black coffee and ginger biscuits", I said making him smile. "Deal!", he said walking back to the office as I went to my car.

Jenkins drove me to the restaurant where I found Simone and Maya waiting for me. They had wine glasses in their hands and were glued to Simone's phone, no doubt stalking a new model that Simone was working with. I wonder how her boyfriend can trust her. She's always surrounded by models.

"How does Jason endure all that being around all of you?", I asked making them jump in surprise. "What is wrong with you? god!", Simone said with her hand on her heart. I hugged them both and then sat next to Jenkins. Yes. I had dinner with my driver and bodyguard. He tried resisting at first but gave up when I told him, he had to choose between dinner with us or being jobless. Let's just say I always get what I want.

"How was your day Maya?", "So busy, can you believe that a woman tried to change her baby's diaper in the waiting area!", she said looking terrified making the rest of us laugh. Well... except for Jenkins. He never laughs.

We ordered our food and continued telling each other about our crazy day. By the time we were done, it was close to 10 pm. We returned home, each of us retiring in our rooms. I took a shower and got between the sheets, I thought of Ajax. The thought of going on a date with him made me feel nervous.

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