Chapter 17: Another day at the office

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He remained quiet, calculating... he was planning what to say carefully which meant I had hit a nerve. I smirked.

When Lawrence didn't answer Elias decided to chip in. "Well, Aubrey, I believe that the best way forward is putting our differences aside don't you?", he asked in a loving manner and I had a feeling it was coming from a good place. "Elias, I have done that already. That's why Lawrence is still talking to my young sisters. He still has access to them. Look... What you are proposing is not where our vision is, that is the reason for my decline, not anything personal. Thank you for visiting and if you ever need our services, I believe that Justin will be there to get you sorted out. I have to rush to another meeting", I said while standing up then left the boardroom.

"Nico, please get me a cup of coffee", I told my assistant the moment I was in the hallway. "Sure thing", he said disappearing somewhere as I walked to my office. I was about to settle on my chair when Lawrence barged into my office.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", he asked looking pissed. I raised my brows remaining silent, waiting for him to speak. "I'm trying to help you and your acting like a fucking child!", he barked. "Help me?", I asked then laughed. He looked confused. "You think I don't see what you're doing? Lawrence, you need to move on. I'm never coming back to you. No amount of bribe to Maya or Simone, award dedications, or even partnership will change my mind so deal with it", I said with the little calmness I could come up with.

"You need to wake up Aubrey, he's damaging your career. Your name. You need to be with someone worthy of you", he said and I finally realised what all the ruckus was about. "I would assume the worthy person is you right? The person who sees me as an opportunity to make themselves richer? The person who only got jealous after seeing that I finally found true love?", he started laughing.

"True love? You're kidding me, right? You met the guy just yesterday and you call it true love? You're a billionaire and he's a fucking firefighter! Tell me you're joking right now", he said pissing me off even more.

"Mr. Columbus, please exist the premises freely or I will be forced to carry you out", Jenkins said making us both turn to the door. He was standing right next to an angry Justin, which was a rare view. Lawrence seemed like he was snapped back to reality. "Shit! Aubrey... baby am sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I just lost it. Am sorry", he said then walked out of my office.

"What the hell was that? I've never seen him so pissed", Justin asked. "I think reality just caught up with him. He's been showing up and doing things like he wants to influence my sisters into helping fix us but I don't think it has been going according to plan. Meeting Ajax at the Caddel's party definitely didn't help", I said settling on my chair and finally getting a cup of coffee I'd been craving.

"You need to cut ties with him. I don't like this obsessive behaviour. It's like he's going mad", Justin said. "He was mad already, you guys are just seeing him properly now", I said while indulging my coffee.

"That father of his also seems weird. I bet the Caddels know all about him", Justin said looking deep in thought. I didn't think too much about it. It was just another day at the office for me. "I'm sure Lawrence is up to something, I just hope he leaves my sisters out of it", I said and he nodded.

"This is a lot for the first day back. I'm gonna call it a day", Justin said and I was about to agree and bid him goodbye when my phone rang. When I turned it I saw the fire truck emoji and smiled. Ajax made us save each other as emojis. I swear he can be a kid sometimes.

"Well well well... I think I'm gonna stick around until you finish that call", Justin said then sat on one of the visitor chairs making me roll my eyes.

"Hi, gorgeous! Still at work?", Ajax's amazing voice pierced my ears and made my smile even bigger. "Yes, and I have someone who wants to be the third wheel in our conversation. Do you mind if I put you on loudspeaker?", I asked nervously. "Not one bit", he said causally.

"Ajax, I would like you to meet my Vice President, Justin. Justin, meet Ajax", I said making Justin stand up and walk closer to the table.

"Hello, Justin. It's a pleasure", Ajax said making me admire his calm neutral voice which was the total opposite of the one I was used to. "The pleasure is all mine Ajax. I must say. You're causing quite a scene and I believe you owe me a double date", Justin said making me furrow my brows.

Ajax's chuckle made me relax. "Of course. We can always arrange for that right Brey?", he asked making me clear my throat. "Anhaa!", "Great, it's a deal. I'll let you two get all lovey-dovey now. Have a good evening", Justin said then walked out of the office.

I put the loudspeaker off and picked up the phone. "Sorry about that. He has been away for a while, a month to be exact. He just got back", I explained earning a chuckle.

"I must admit, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be this famous", he joked and it was my turn to laugh.

"So I called because there's this get-together thing that my friends and I usually have and I was hoping that you would go with me this time around. Nothing major, just barbecue and drinks", he said with hesitation. "I would love that. When will it be?", I asked.

"This Friday... we could go for that and then a sleepover at my place then the next day we could take the gang to 'Feed n Drink'... if your schedule allows that of course", he said the last part in a low voice and I knew it was because he was nervous.

"Ajax, I would make time for you no matter what so if you need me just tell me, and I'll make it happen. I believe that's what being a girlfriend and boyfriend means. Am I wrong?", I asked and he chuckled.

"You're absolutely right. I'm gonna rephrase that. Woman! You're mine from Friday 6 pm to Sunday morning", he said with confidence making me laugh out loud. "You're crazy", "I know. But only for you Brey. I love you", he said then hung up.

I froze. Did he say the three words first?

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