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Amber's Pov
Life is so gloomy and grayily dreary
I'm happily married to a perfect nerd.
I gave what he enjoys reading so much a try.
And now I've written down my own tales.
Yet no newspaper seems interested in the writings.
I have gone through so many changes.
First I was a young Princess trying to achieve the standardly contrived royals of Perfectionism amongst my friends at Royal Prep.
How long will life remain a swamp to walk through?
A nightmare you cannot runaway from.
Something quicksandy when you push it pushed back.
A joyful lavender light entered my room.
A bright side I knew I needed not.
A beautiful brunette pauper girl from our nearby village town.
There and then I experienced the difficulties and pressure of being a perfect big sister Princess.
She taught me to mature when she forgave me in more than one way.
She taught my Father and young twin brother a few things.
But now I'm struggling to be a perfect Queen, Queen Amber the first as my sister, Princess Sofia the First once said.
Your Royalty Queen Amber I of Enchancia realm."

A knock on the door, a blonde boy in a deep blue suit comes in and asks. "Love, sweetheart, I take the offer never occurred."

"Oh, Des." I cried stroking my blonde hair in a bob. I couldn't change the style when I was in the palace it fit my image so much better.

"The maids: Marcie, Suzette and Violete told me. I'm sorry. Sometimes, no means The World's not ready yet." Desmond responds. That's right we were married.

"I know, but I think they should be ready, the Good Fairies and all those teachers on Royal Archipelago prepared us to get such things out there, Dessie." I spoke softly to him. Who would have thought all those years ago, a very vain and self absorbed Princess like myself would swallow my pride for a book nerd, and even bend myself to try to publish a book in my name. It was a weird itching that wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe it had something to do with encountering Rapunzel in my life. I have no idea where this urge rose up from.

"Sofia and Hugo have invited us to their house for tea." Desmond responded. "In a couple hours, Amber you should get ready for a carriage ride."

"It will be good to see my step-sister and brother in-law. Have James ready the carriage."

"All prepped, my lady, we're waiting on you." Desmond informs me. "A Royal's never early never late but arrives exactly when they must, Amber darling."

"Oh, Desmond, I love you!" I cooed pecking him on one of his cheeks as I stood up from my chair walked away from my vanity set and into my closet. I heard him close our suite doors as he walked back into the hallway.

Rex came trotting up to Desmond and licking my hands. I hugged the big foxhound and gave him kisses. James stood around the corner.

"Hey, Des, she almost ready?" James asked kindly trying not to spook a best friend of his.

"She's coming. She's a little upset the Enchancia News didn't take up the offer on helping sell her book." Desmond informed.

"Rotten luck, we've all read it. It's brilliant stuff." James said. "And the golden truth it is real because it is her personal feelings. If anyone criticizes her because of it they have me to answer to, promise."

"You're the best first Knight and brother the King could ask for, James." stated Desmond. "I assume the carriage is waiting. I see you got Rex to finally stop jumping on everybody."

"The carriage is ready to go, King Desmond." James answered his brother in-law kindly.

Queen Amber came out in a Light Green Dress of a royal gown from hers and Desmond's Royal chambers.

"Classic ultra-charming but brotherly brave Prince James you will always be to my twin."

"I don't know whether or not to take that as a compliment sister." James replies.

"Please do consider it a compliment." said Amber sadly.

"Let me cheer you up, with that twin song we made up together. Sing along if you dare, Amber."

🎶I'm your twin.
You're my twin.
We stick together through thick and thin.
No matter what I do
I'm always stuck with you.

And if trouble comes our way,
I know my twin will save the day!
Wherever you maybe,
You're always stuck with me.

When you're feeling sad and blue,
Call my name and I'll find you.
We have a bond that's tried and true.

You and me.
Me and you.
Two by two.

What if I never find you?
What if I'm a twin no more?
I'd give all the kingdom's treasures
If you came walking through that door!

Amber, it's you and me.
Me and you.
Two by two.

When you're feeling sad and blue,
Call my name and I'll find you.
We have a bond that's tried and true.

You and me.
Me and you.
Two by two.🎶"

Amber hugs him to his surprise. To which James squeaks in response. "Too tight sister, your picking up bad habits from that Norberg Princess. I forget her name, but you know whom I speak off."

"Sorry, James, dear brother." She apologized genuinely. "C'mon, Sofia and Hugo are waiting. Let's get there really fast, boys."

Sofia The First Continuation-Queen Amber I: Under-pressure Princess TalesWhere stories live. Discover now