Sofia's Appointment

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"Adelaide and Reginald thanks for coming." Hugo said. "We need you to watch the house while I take Sofia to the doctor to check up on her pregnancy progression."

"You're welcome, it is amazing to see you again, big brother." said Adelaide. Reginald and her had met on her rides to Enchancia with Hugo when Sofia and Hugo joined Ruby and her boyfriend Reginald for a Starlight Walk the day before the Flylight Pageant every year."

Sofia's Royal doctor below

"Good afternoon, Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo

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"Good afternoon, Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo. I'm Dr. Safiya Constance. You're in good hands I assure you fill out this form, young couple. I'll get your ultrasound ready again, Sofia."

"Are you sure she is the best in her field, Hugo?" asked Sofia the First nervously and filled with tension clear in her voice.

"What is there to be nervous about, love?" asks Hugo.

"I'm nervous about lying people, Hugo." stammered Sofia.

"Sometimes you have to lend a little trust before you can gain it, Sofia." Hugo reminds her. "Remember I tried to tell you the opposite when we went to the Flying Crown Horse Derby."

"Right, I remember that day." says Sofia giggled a little. "I gotta change into my gown see you on the other side dear." She kissed him on the cheeks and smother a third kiss on his lips.

"Take good care of her, Doctor Constance or you'll have my brother and her step-brother to answer too, crystal clear?"

"Most definitely Mr. Kropolov. She is in wonderful hands, friend." Safiya responds immediately. "Please inform me when she has removed her clothes for the ultrasound, sir. I will be right back in 20 minutes. I'll be prepping the table."

"I will Doctor Constance." agrees Hugo. 

Meanwhile Amber was with Allards examining the crop of the farmland of this family.

"This stuff looks pretty good as per usual." sighed Amber.

"Not necessarily, Princess- I mean Queen Amber. We don't use this spray."

"Gold dye fertilizer, peculiar fertilizer while would anyone want to turn soil to gold?" asked Amber.

"Money, endless money, the only two little creatures that have gold are goblins or gnomes.You don't believe in that gold at the end of the rainbow myth do you, my Queen?"

"No, I do not believe those myths there has never been said novel to suggest leprauchauns can lead you cross a rainbow to a said real pile of gold, everyone knows they're tricksters. They are not trustworthy, anyways so anyond who makes a deal with them is either clueless or careless. I can cross the castle trolls off the list, because their treasure is stars not gold." Amber confirms to Allards now.

"Shame about that newspaper ad about your book." said Agrona. "I heard your sister made that magic magician who performed at your palace lose his job. He lost all his animals his magic props all his animals because of her and her bunny friend. He uses small amounts of gold soil to appear like a magic dust, it was probably from this fertilizer, my Queen."

Sofia The First Continuation-Queen Amber I: Under-pressure Princess TalesWhere stories live. Discover now