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"JAMES!" Amber hollered down the steps.
"What did I do wrong this time?!" asked James coming to the bottom of the steps.
"How long is it going to take you and your autopilot brain to realize, I like surprises now, twin brother?!"
"Was that what happened?! I didn't know it was an autopilot brain thing."
"Stop trying to tease, you know which brain in your head wanders cluelesly and needlessly."
She had a roll of papertowels in her head and she playfully hit him on the head with it.
"Don't speak for me, if you don't remember what to make your voice say, got it?!"
"Ow!" James whines. "Was that really necessary?!"
"Don't be such a worm, that barely hurt it's only a papertowel tube, brother." scolded Amber like their step-Mother. Callista and Desmond were laughing lightheartedly at Amber's teasing James once again.
"I hear a tabby apurring." James cooed.
"I am anything, but a kitty, James!" groaned Amber. "A fluffy person easily gets taken advantage of, Prince James. And that's not me."
She pinched his cheek.
"Ouch!" James said. "That does hurt you know, I always hated it when Aunt Tilly did that to me; I don't want even you to start doing that too now."
"Oh, relax, you and your handsome face will get over it, James after all Beauty is sometimes pain and sometimes we must be in pain with Family. Tilly is gonna do it again when she gets back here for a visit with Bartleby." replied Amber whispered in James' ears.

Across the castle lawns and in the upstairs of the tower, Gwen sat in the middle of Prisma's crystal platform attaching wheels to the runners underneath so it could run well on any soil including sand and packed mud paths.
"I hope those screws in those wheels are indeed surely tight enough I worked with Princess Isabel of Avalor to improve the screw holds back at her school I got in just before her. (Welcome To The Future You can see Gwen on the left in that episode studying at the same place Isabel goes too.)

(Gwen's picture as a participating student in Avalor's Science College below. -Lumna10)

"I was thinking Sofia's pregnant doesn't mean she always have to be laying down, it just means she can't over exert her body

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"I was thinking Sofia's pregnant doesn't mean she always have to be laying down, it just means she can't over exert her body." said Prisma. "You can't watch a raise in a bed lest you have some display available."
"I was thinking of a reclining chair bed." said Cedric to add to the platform. "Since adding pillows would just make them be knocked and slid off possibly into mud ruining them."
"I see we are agreed then, Ceddy?" asked Prisma.
"We are." He told his wife. "And Isabel the last time gave me just the metal frame for that kind of recliner the last time we visited Avalor."
"I can attach it, then you can do the cushioning it, Cedric and Prisma can add her graceful shimmer to it for Princess Sofia.


Sofia The First Continuation-Queen Amber I: Under-pressure Princess TalesWhere stories live. Discover now