A Lioness and Her Pride

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Cookie's eyes followed Andre as he stood. This meeting seemed to be dragging on and on. She was both irritated and tired. Craving a nap even if it was a short one. Officially in route for her third trimester. It seemed like her body was finally realizing she was carrying. Aside from the tiredness she had been skating by. Lately, it seemed she was always exhausted. Which was an irritating nuisance when you had one of the biggest events of her career coming up.

The focal point of this long ass meeting. The Lucious Lyon Legacy concert was just shy of 15 days. What made it so important for her......Cookie Lyon presents Lucious Lyon......her name was first. To anyone else that was nothing  but to her that was everything. She loved Lucious but he was a deeply selfish person. The fact that he had let her pull everything together without nitpicking and hovering spoke volumes. That also brought added stress. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing needed to fail.

It had to be perfect!

"Umm.....just a second." Andre muttered, adjusting the blanket around Dwight.

The whimpering child not happy with being jostled. The 1 month old having a daddy day. It seemed Rhonda needed a break. Time to herself was important, just as important as it was to be around. She was adjusting to motherhood and working through postpartum. With coaching from Cookie, Rhonda had put her foot down and said she needed more from Dre.

Like a good son not wanting to anger his mother, and a good husband he finally stepped up. Hence why her grandbaby was here. Lucious sighed rising from his seat. Taking his grandson so that Dre could state his business. Andre thanked him silently. Clearing his throat he started his notes.

"As we discussed earlier as well as the Legacy concert has come together. The journey is far from done. Until Legacy is done we all need to hive it our all. Which brings me to the smoke surrounding Empire. Because where there's smoke...there's fire." Andre voiced, Cookie sighed dropping her head into her hand. Rubbing her temple in preparation for more bad news. Anika frowned reaching out. Rubbing Cookie's thigh in concern.

"Empire has too much bad publicity circulating. Where we should have interviews galore with everyone trying to get a backstage look, we have silence. Why because Empire is the black sheep right now. Everyone's worried something more is going to pop up and association with us tears them down." Andre continued.

"Save the speech Dre. What are we looking at?" Cookie spoke, Andre ignored the rudeness of his mother.

"Jamal being shot at the ASA's, Leviticus Overdoses, Shynes death, Q-Baby's RICO case, the John Doe sexual assault claim, and Jamals....endeavors lately. It's a slippery mess. We can't afford anything else to come up in negative light. We are in an Era of so called Woke. Social media is as much a weapon as a tool. So our main priority is ensuring we keep and push good publicity. Such as the unveil of the new recreational center in Philly. So public relations ensure we see some good headlines in the next coming days, while we work to smother the fires." Andre concluded. Shyne's issue had been handled by the Lyons funding his funeral already. Leviticus was barely coming out of police sanctions but it had been handled.

"Alright, we have a lot to do but this is Empire. We're family, we never fail. Dismissed we'll reconvene tommorow." Lucious announced, needing a break from the business talk. As the room cleared Cookie was already texting Jamal.

"We need Jamal to do an interview about his ideas for his future. Which means also addressing his whore activities...." Andre spoke up, watching Lucious's face scrunch.

"I'm already on that. Look Lucious we need to drop Q-Baby. He's popping yes but let's get out of this case before we're pulled in like Leviticus. Handle that. Kitty, you mentioned that distant relative that's a detective. Try and give him a call up. Try and get into the Sexual Assault case. We need to know Who it is and who did whatever. Andre tell Hakeem to stay off the topic. We know it was his party but the world does not." Cookie spouted off, Lucious rose a brow at how quickly she came with a game plan. It made him proud.

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