Outburst of Undead

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The school day is almost over, Class 10-1 and 10-2 are leaving at the same time. The first to go to the ground floors are Moreno, Damien, Aurel, Ellen, Yuiko, Alicia and Sofi. There are more students behind them.

Aurel: "You guys wanna go to AW later?"
Damien: "Me and Moreno are gonna buy ice cream in the Alfamart"
Aurel: "Noone asked you, loser"
Damien: "Bitch! Who were you even asking!?"
Aurel: "Ellen, Alicia, Sofi and Yuiko! Duh!"
Ellen: "I can't, I already got picked up"
Yuiko: "Me too, I need to go to the hospital"
Aurel: "Damn, that's a shame"
Moreno: "Is your dad still sick?"
Yuiko: "Of course he is"

Moreno is scrolling through his phone. He finds videos of zombies in his area, but merely scrolled past it, because he thought it was fake, as would most people. When they walked outside of the TU door. They saw alot of people running away.

Damien: "What the hell is going on?"
Yuiko: "They running a marathon or something?"
Sofi: "They look kinda scared actually"
Ellen: "I got a bad feeling about this..."
Moreno: "Same..."

As the crowd of people passed by, one person is seen caught and eaten by a zombie. They are all surprised and have no idea how to assess the situation.

Aurel: *Slowly backs away*
Moreno: "What the fuck!"
Zombie: *Glares at the students*
Alicia: "Holy shit! Run!"

They rushed back into TU, coming across the students like Zethendra and Arjuna.

Zethendra: "What's going on?"
Damien: "There's a fucking zombie outside!"
Moreno: "Just fucking run!"

Moreno grabs a trophy on top of a desk and throws it at the zombie, knocking it down for a while. They continue running and reach the stairway. Some people decided to stop and use the elevator but quickly changed their minds once the zombie catches up to them. They run onto the third floor and hide inside a classroom. They find several of their classmates, who are pretty much clueless about everything.

Markus: "Woi sabar, ngapain lari-lari?"
Damien: "There are zombies outside, you fucking idiot!"
Marchia: "What? Zombies?"
Yuiko: "He's actually not lying"

A zombie cuts off their conversation by ramming onto the door. Everyone is startled by the jump scare obviously.

Markus: "Anjing! Apaan itu!"
Moreno: "Itu zombinya..."
Vio: "Itu... makeup yah?..."
Zethendra: "Beneran zombi, Vi..."
Marchia: "...I think I saw a zombie video on the internet just now..."
Moreno: "Me too, but I thought it was fake, because... why wouldn't I, right?"
Aurel: "Maybe, we should just stay here until help arrives or something..."

Zethendra has a panic attack, more severe than he used to during presentations, very much understandable due to the situation. Everyone is trying to process the current situation, due to its supernatural nature.

Terry: "Zet, lu nggapapa?"
Arjuna: "Sabar, Zet, sabar..."
Zethendra: "Lu coba sabar! Anjing!"
Marchia: "Oh god, is he okay?"
Moreno: "Zet, you gonna be okay, man?"
Zethendra: "I... I'll be okay... I think..."
Damien: "We need a plan"
Aurel: "To do what exactly?"
Damien: "We need to go to my house, we got barricaded windows, high grade weapons. It's literally the best place to be during a zombie apocalypse"
Ellen: "I think we should just stay here..."
Moreno: "...We need to find the others"
Aurel: "You wanna go outside?"
Moreno: "Yeah, our chances of surviving are higher with more people"
Alicia: "How do you plan on doing that?"
Moreno: *Thinks for a bit* *He checks outside the windows*
Alicia: "What're you looking for?"
Moreno: "There's 9 zombies outside..." *Counts the students inside the room* "And there are 23 of us in this class"
Aurel: "Don't tell me you wanna kill them?"
Moreno: "Obviously, we can't do it without weapons, which is why we have this guy" *Grabs Damien's shoulder*
Aurel: "Did you bring a gun?"
Damien: "No, but I got a pocket knife, a box cutter and a screwdriver"
Aurel: "I've never been more happy that Damien brought a weapon to school..."
Marchia: "What if one of us gets bit?"
Moreno: "We're gonna use the chairs to hold each of them back. 2 people for each zombie should be enough for the job, while Damien kills them with his pocket knife"
Damien: "Seems like a plan"

To be continued...

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