Eliminate and Exterminate

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Prepping for their more ambitious goal, each student at their absolute peak performance with a weapon suited to their style... at least that was what they were hoping for... instead, everyone is tired, worn out and unprepared. The weapons they possess boil down to a few pipes, curtain hangers, flag poles and alot of chairs. Damien is wielding a metal sheet and a pocket knife. Moreno holds a metal curtain hanger and a dented metal sheet. Zethendra uses a flag pole with a sharp end as a spear. The rest would use either pipes or chairs.

Moreno: "Today's the day... our suicide run"
Ellen: "Do we really have to do this? What if help shows up right after we die?"
Moreno: "Low chance anyone knows we're alive, even lower chance that they'll notice we're here if we just stay in the classrooms all day. This is the only way unfortunately..."
Damien: "Cheer up, me and Moreno will do all the work for you. Just defend yourself and try not to get bit"
Ellen: "Okay... I'll try..."
Damien: "Everybody is calling their parents and telling them goodbye. You wanna do the same before we do this?"
Moreno: "My phone battery is dead"
Damien: "There's a socket you can charge with over there. No need for a powerbang"
Moreno: "Noone has the right charger that fits for my phone"
Damien: "Seriously?"
Moreno: "Yeah, but honestly... we survived through all of that, I feel like we can survive even this"
Damien: "Really?... Seemed like you were doubting we could survive yesterday"
Moreno: "Changed my mind. It happens overnight"
Damien: "Alright, whatever you say"

They left the classroom and went down to the lower floors. With their sheer numbers and strength, they quickly cleared out the second floor and moved onto the ground floor. There are dozens of zombies.

Moreno: "This is where the fun begins"
Damien: "Come at me! Motherfuckers!"

They charged at the zombies. Eliminating them with overwhelming aggression. Moreno uses a dual wielding combo to knock down a zombie and damages its brain with a few stomps. With his metal sheet, Damien smacks the zombies and finishes them off with his pocket knife, slashing and slipping through them. He could wipe out the zombies much faster with his lethal knife, compared to Moreno and Zethendra, who wield blunt weapons and require multiple attacks to damage a zombie's brain. The other students either shield the attackers by pushing away the zombies or they restrain the zombies for the attackers to finish them off. Despite most of them being severely out of shape, their desire to live pushes them to strategize and use their weapons effectively. Moreno after tirelessly killing zombies gets fatigued and overwhelmed, his metal sheet is completely snapped in half. A zombie then charges at him, Moreno blocks off its mouth with his curtain hanger. Damien later stabs its brain and kills it.

Damien: "You okay?"
Moreno: "Yeah... getting a little exhausted..."
Damien: "We're gonna survive right? Then don't fucking die..."
Moreno: "Noted"

Moreno gets tackled by a zombie, he pushes it to the side and gets attacked by another zombie on the opposite direction. He strikes at both zombies with his curtain hanger and stuns them, he gets up, kicks the second zombie away and crushes the first one's head with his curtain hanger. He obliterates the second zombie's face with a swing, but loses his stamina. A zombie tries to attack him from behind, but is saved by Zethendra.

Zethendra: "Moreno! Are you okay!?"
Moreno: "Yeah, I'm fine... we need to close the two gates, or else more zombies will come in and this won't end"
Zethendra: "I'll close the gate, I need some people to defend me though"
Moreno: "Damien! Get someone strong to close the second gate!"
Damien: "Alright, got it!"

The classmates split up, Zethendra is closing the first gate, protected by 10-2 students. While the second gate is being closed by Markus, defended by 10-1. The older students split up to protect both classes. Once both gates are sealed, the zombies would stop entering and increasing. Moreno goes on to kill multiple zombies, despite having been tired. The other classmates would go and do the same, killing every zombie while being careful to not get bit. Vito is the most absent classmate in the fight due to him missing an arm, but he is strong enough to wield a chair with one arm and kicks if his strikes aren't powerful enough. After most of the zombies are dead, one zombie shows up with glowing veins.

Zethendra: "What the fuck is that?"
Moreno: "That's a-"

The zombie glares at Zethendra, spitting out lava from his mouth towards him. Moreno notices that and kicks him out of the way.

Moreno: "That's a fucking Burner! Don't touch it, it'll burn you with its skin!"

Jonathan appears from behind the Burner and strikes it in the back of the head with a chair, knocking the Burner onto the ground. It looks up and tries to spit at Jonathan.

Moreno: "Jonathan! Watch out!"

Jonathan barely dodges the lava spit and falls back from the Burner. It looks around looking for a vulnerable prey. It aims after Ellen, Moreno notices and pulls her away.

Moreno: "Damien! Get behind him!"
Damien: "Already onto that!"

Damien gets behind the Burner trying to stab it with his knife. He manages to cut through but the Burner isn't dead.

Damien: "Oh, what the fuck!"

Damien pulls out his knife to find that half the blade has been melted when it came into contact with the skin. The Burner turns and tries to strike at Damien. With its burning skin, it could easily burn and injure Damien. But before the Burner could touch Damien, Zethendra throws his flag pole hard enough to knock its hand away. Moreno runs from behind and strikes its head with his metal curtain hanger. The Burner is knocked down and Moreno pummels its head many times, breaking its skull despite his weapon melting away with each strike. With the Burner dead, the school has been disposed of zombies.

Ellen: "Is that the last one?"
Aurel: "Yeah, I think..."
Yuiko: "Fuck yeah!"
Moreno: "Wait! Don't celebrate too quickly... we need to check if anyone is infected..."

They do a check up on anyone who is potentially bitten and the results were quite surprising to say the least.

Moreno: "Wait... nobody is bitten?"
Damien: *Making a Sigma expression under his face mask*
Moreno: "You know noone can see your expression right?"
Damien: "Yeah..."
Yuiko: "Let's fucking go!"
Zethendra: "Thank god..."
Vio: "Makan yo gais... gue laper banget..."

Moreno runs towards the canteen first to check if there are any zombies. There aren't any to his relief and they eat any food that they could possibly find. Hopefully, they won't run out of food any time soon.

To be continued...

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