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Moreno and Damien are hunting for more military guards after letting the zombies through the gates. Meanwhile, the other students are hiding on top of a rooftop, witnessing the zombies enter the gates.

Marchia: "Did they just... let the zombies through the gates?"
Alicia: "This is unexpected"
Yuiko: "I guess they can't kill all the guards by themselves"

Zethendra, Arjuna and Terry are guarding the door, in case any zombies or guards were to reach the rooftops as well. After a while, they  see a swarm of zombies run up the stairs. The three of them hold off the door, but is then nearly shot by a guard with a sniper.

Marchia: "Shit! Everybody duck down!"
Zethendra: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! We can't hold the door much longer!"

Eventually, the sniper stops shooting, but the zombies manage to break through. They use wooden planks from the rooftop to fight back the zombies. Deux manages to hold off the most zombies, and few of them managed to even kill the zombies. Eventually, the sniper shoots one of the zombies down.

Yuiko: "He's not shooting at us?"
Zethendra: "Is that Moreno and Damien!?"

Damien was the one using the sniper after they killed him from behind. Moreno holds off multiple guards coming from the door and kills them with the element of surprise. Damien helps the other students hold off the zombies and they managed to kill them, the first swarm at least.


They could barely hear him but understood what he said clearly, they went down the stairs, trying to find a better hiding spot, only to be surprise attacked by a soldier. Instead of stopping, Zethendra charges at him and tackles the soldier onto a wall. The soldier hits Zethendra's back with his assault rifle. Terry smacks the soldier's face with his wooden plank and stuns him. Zethendra pummels the soldier, landing multiple punches, but the soldier manages to fight back and overpower Zethendra. Jonathan uses his wooden plank to try and choke the soldier, Deux and Kevin helps him overpower the soldier and they suffocated him. Deux grabs the gun and tries to shoot incoming zombies, but is overwhelmed by the recoil.

Deux: "Anjing!"
Kevin: "Pake tenaga, Deux!"
Lumondo: "Kasih gua aja!"

Lumondo takes the gun from Deux, and sets it to single fire. He manages to kill a few zombies and they move out of the building to find a new place to hide.

Back to Moreno and Damien's perspective, fighting off soldiers in a staircase. Moreno grabs on a hanger and dropkicks one of them onto multiple zombies. After the zombies eat the soldier, he shoots the zombies dead. He then reloads his gun, but is attacked by another soldier with an assault rifle. He runs into a cover and while the soldier is distracted by Moreno, Damien kills him with a few shots. They walk onto a corridor, Moreno hears a few soldiers walk on his left side, he tells Damien to stay back. He aims off the wall while crouching, letting him get a shot before the guard could react. He uses the soldier's body as a human shield to kill the second soldier behind the first one.

Damien: "Not bad. That was kinda sick"
Moreno: "Learned it from John Wick"
Damien: "Maybe watching movies is better than training in the military"
Moreno: "Maybe so"

They encounter more soldiers with assault rifles, they lean off the side of the wall and wait for the soldier to stop shooting. The soldier stops shooting to bait Moreno and Damien. Moreno shoots his gun aimlessly so that he wouldn't get shot. The soldier aims his focus on Moreno, and while not looking, he gets shot by Damien.

Damien: "How many have we killed?"
Moreno: "Lost count, at least 20 I think"

Damien picks up the assault rifle and puts his pistol on his pocket for later. A few more guards show up with only pistols, so Damien outguns them pretty easily. A big soldier with a minigun shows up. The two hide behind a cover, Damien pulls out a grenade and then throws it at the soldier aimlessly. They went out of the cover to find him injured, but still alive and barely conscious.

Moreno: "Where'd you get a grenade?"
Damien: "You should loot these guys more often. Having just a pistol is boring"
Moreno: "I thought you were looking forward to using a handgun"
Damien: "No, I said I was waiting a long time to use guns. Not just a handgun"
Aisha: "You two are certainly having fun"

Aisha appears out of knowhere and shoots at both of them. They hide into a corner just in time to avoid the gunshots.

Moreno: "Well, can't say it's good to see you when you start shooting at us!"
Aisha: "I have to say, I'm even more impressed, you managed to kill half my men. Honestly... I wanted to spare the two of you. Would've made some pretty good soldiers, wouldn't you think?"
Damien: "Fuck off!"
Moreno: "And what!? You're gonna have us eat our friends!? Yeah! No thanks!"
Aisha: "I don't think you understand the meaning of the word sacrifice! Do you think it's easy to feed 56 soldiers!?"
Moreno: "You know... most of them are dead, we could always resolve this in peace!"
Aisha: "You think you can get away with killing my men!?"
Moreno: "Hey, you were the one planning to eat my friends, sick fuck!"
Aisha: "Touché"
Moreno: "You know... it's not too late for you to change... and regain your sanit-"

Moreno aims at Aisha, hoping that his persuasion could distract her. He manages to shoot the gun out of her hand, but she makes a run for it and manages to get away.

Moreno: "Fuck! Almost had her!"
Damien: "Thank god, I thought you were gonna try and give her redemption"
Moreno: "Do you really think she can redeem herself?..."
Damien: "Nope... but you should've like- signaled me that you were gonna shoot"
Moreno: "Yeah, probably, but we've been in sync for quite a while, I thought we were thinking through the same two braincells"

The other students are running through the base trying to find a hiding spot. They are later overwhelmed by alot of zombies, and Lumondo shoots down a few zombies with his assault rifle. Eventually, they encounter several soldiers, they hide behind a wall with zombies coming from behind them. The rest of the students hold off the zombies, while Lumondo tries to gun down the soldiers. He is severely outnumbered and outskilled, so they manage to shoot Lumondo's shoulder. Lumondo is injured, so Jonathan grabs the gun and waits for the soldiers to stop firing and reload before firing back. He manages to hold them off for a while but couldn't actually kill one of them realistically.

Deux: "Jo! Cepetan! Ada banyak zombi!"
Jonathan: "Sabar!"

A grenade lands on the horde of zombies and kills them before they could reach the other students. The grenade came from Moreno, alongside Damien, who is shooting down the soldiers with a sniper.

Damien: "Fucking amateurs..."
Moreno: "Soldiers or our friends?"
Damien: "The soldiers! They can't aim for shit! They're like stormtroopers"
Moreno: "That's probably because you have the range advantage with a sniper"
Damien: "That's true..."

He screams at his friends, they run across and find a garage, filled with trucks.

Deux: "Ayooo! Gas!"
Zethendra: "Tunggu! Moreno ama Damien gimana!?"
Yuiko: "I'll call Damien!" *Makes a phone call* "Damien! Where are you! We're at a garage!"
Damien: "Don't worry! We'll catch up! Just stay there for a bit!"

After waiting for a bit, they arrive at the garage and decide on who should drive.

Juan: "Vito! Lu bisa naik mobil kan?"
Vito: "Bisa... kalo gua ada dua tangan!"

They decide on who to drive. But before they could drive, they are attacked by a frag grenade. Moreno is split apart from the rest of the students.

Aisha: "You thought could could get away?"
Moreno: "Oh for fucks sake"

To be continued...

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