Fire and Sun

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Zethendra: "Why won't you die!"
Moreno: "We gotta get him outside!"
Damien: "We can burn the house down!?"
Moreno: "Let me guess! You have a lighter!"
Damien: "Of course I fucking do!"

They continue to shoot the Ravager. Damien grabs his lighter, only for the Ravager to see and smack it out of his hand.

Damien: "Ow! What the fuck!?"

Moreno shoots the Ravager down the stairs. It gets back up in a short amount of time. Zethendra grabs the lighter and burns the wall. The Ravager quickly gets back up.

Moreno: "Okay! We gotta get out of here!"
Damien: "Where do we go?"
Zethendra: "We can jump off the window"
Moreno: "Uhhh... screw it. Break a leg"

They try jumping off the window, but the Ravager gets in their way, actively stopping them from escaping.

Zethendra: "Why is he so fucking smart!?"
Moreno: "Not that smart..."

Moreno blasts the Ravager out of the window, he then jumps down and lands on his knees to avoid breaking his legs.

Nathan: "He's not dead yet!?"
Yuiko: "Kill it now! Monyenyo!"
Moreno: "Working on it"

Moreno continues to blast the Ravager away. It starts to crumble away, but he grabs Ellen and threatens to slice her with its claws.

Damien: "Oh, come on, man!"
Aurel: "What the fuck is it doing!?"
Moreno: "Oh... you're fucking smart..."
Ellen: "...Help... please..."
Nathan: "Why is it like a human!?"

The Ravager walks around Moreno, towards the house while grabbing Ellen. Damien goes down and starts shooting the Ravager from behind to avoid Ellen. The Ravager manages to run to the house on time. Damien chases after it alongside Moreno. When the Ravager climbs upstairs, Zethendra fights it directly. He shoots at it, while being far away enough to dodge its attacks. He eventually runs out of ammo and has to reload. The Ravager swings at Zethendra before he could react and knocks him out cold. Damien walks up the stairs and rains fire with his M16. The Ravager runs up to him and knocks the gun out of his hand. Damien quickly switches to his shotgun, blasting it across the room. The Ravager jumps across the walls towards him in a zig zag pattern and grabs the gun out of his hand. Moreno shows up, trying to shoot at it. The Ravager notices, aim-dodges and throws the shotgun at Moreno, making him drop the weapon. Damien pulls out his pistol and starts to fight the Ravager close range. The Ravager tries to grab his arm to stop him from shooting. Damien pulls out his pocket knife and tries to stab its head. The Ravager grabs his other arm and tries to bite him, but Moreno shoots its face with his Glock. They flank the weakened Ravager, not letting the zombie shed its own skin. The roof starts to burn up, revealing the sun's ray. Moreno and Damien move Zethendra's body away so that he doesn't get hit by the burnt roof ash. The Ravager is ultimately cornered, trying to kill the three students as a last ditch effort to shed its skin and barely escape.

Moreno: "Damien, you're knife please?"
Damien: "...Alright, just kill the damn thing"

Moreno starts shooting at the Ravager with his pistol. The Ravager tries to slice him and Moreno dodges. He swings his knife several times, but the Ravager manages to dodge all his attacks. Zethendra is finally awake. They rejoin the fight. After the roof starts to burn up, Moreno kicks the Ravager into the sun's ray, burning it away. Moreno tries to stab its head, but the Ravager grabs his hand, slowly trying to crush it with the last of his strength. Damien and Zethendra shows up, they try to tackle the Ravager, but isn't strong enough to do it. Moreno helps push it forward, and they throw it out of a window. It starts to crumble away, slowly turning into ash. They walk out of the crumbling house, heavily bruised up.

Ellen: "Are you guys okay?"
Zethendra: "No... we're not"
Damien: "I feel like fucking dying..."
Moreno: "Same..."
Aurel: "Do you regret going in now? His friends are all dead, I'm guessing"
Moreno: "Kinda"
Damien: "That was fucking awesome!"
Ellen: "Weren't you dying just now?"
Nathan: "That's just how he is"
Yuiko: "Monyenyo, is it dead?"
Moreno: "Of course its fucking dead"
Yuiko: "Good, that thing was so scary, bro..."
Ellen: "It literally held me hostage..."
Vincent: "Kenapa zombinya pinter sih?"
Terry: "Zombinya putih, Vin"
Zethendra: "Shut up, Ter..."
Terry: "Ngga mau"
Moreno: "Can we uhhh... take a break?"

They go back to the burnt house, finding an open area covered in ash. They find a broom on the lower floors that aren't burnt down yet to clean up the ash.

Moreno: "There's a fire place here..."
Ellen: "It's not burnt down?"
Moreno: "It's literally made to contain fire inside of it... Damien, can you light that up?"
Damien: "You still want fire?"
Moreno: "The wind's pretty cold, would be nice to have at night time"
Damien: "Alright, I guess that's true"

The sun goes down, Damien lights the fire place and they hang around there with sheets they found in the first floor.

Zethendra: "Hey, I found a guitar in the first floor"
Damien: "Does it work?"
Zethendra: "It's pretty dusty..."
Moreno: "Let Chia play it"
Marchia: "I'm not touching a dusty guitar... can you clean it first?"
Zethendra: "Sure"
Yuiko: "Yay! Chia's gonna play a guitar!"

Zethendra cleans it up with a dirty towel because the sink doesn't work anymore. It's clean enough to work with though. Marchia plays the guitar as everyone hangs around near the fire place. Eventually, everyone is tired and they fall asleep, but Moreno stays awake, afraid that a zombie might interfere and assault them in their sleep. He nearly closes his eyes before hearing a helicopter landing nearby. He gets up, grabs his pistol and looks out the window to find soldiers.

Moreno: "Stay back! Who are you!?"
Soldier: "Sabar nak! Kamu murid GMC yah?"
Moreno: "Uhhh... iya..."

More helicopters fly over and land on the site. The other students are awoken from the noise and they are brought over by soldiers. They are brought to the safety camp by the helicopters within several hours. They are beyond relieved that they didn't have to walk the remaining 10 kilometers. After several minutes, they reach the safety camp. They are shown around and are reunited with their classmates.

Alicia: "Of course, you guys are still alive"
Aurel: "Why? Not happy?"
Alicia: "I am, I was counting on it"
Jessica: "Yay! Now I have someone to argue with again!"
Aurel: "Fuck off, leave me alone"
Arjuna: "Semusinya gua ikutan"
Zethendra: "Lu langsung meninggal, Jun"
Terry: "Lu diperkosa zombi, Juna"
Arjuna: "Gimana kalo gua mau?"
Zethendra: "What the fuck!?"

They are also reunited to their families... if they're alive at least... eventually, they lived happily ever after... but that's boring as shit so wait a little longer for Act II.

The zombies will return...

Survive The Apocalypse, Act IWhere stories live. Discover now