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en, Chia grabs the knife and tries to puncture its brain. She struggles and ends up hitting the knife's handle with her palm. This hurts her hand but it manages to pierce its brain. The Berserker collapses, it is barely alive, so Moreno blasts whatever's left of its brain to bits with his shotgun.

Marchia: "Owww... that hurt..."
Moreno: "You okay, Chia?"
Marchia: "Yeah... I'm good"
Moreno: "That was uhhh..."

Moreno helps Marchia off the ground. Zethendra runs up to them.

Zethendra: "Holy shit! Good job, Chia!"
Marchia: "Yeah... thanks but uhhh... technically Moreno got the kill so..."
Moreno: "What're you talking about?"
Marchia: "You shot it"
Moreno: "No, I didn't"
Marchia: "Don't do that... don't be like that..."
Moreno: "Hey, you killed it. Zet, you saw it too, right?"
Zethendra: "Yeah, I did"
Marchia: "No! Stop gaslighting me!..."
Moreno: "I literally have no clue what you're even talking about"
Zethendra: "Same bruh"

The others walk up to them. Damien is being supported by Nathan and Terry.

Yuiko: "Chia! That was fucking sick!"
Marchia: "Moreno actually killed it"
Moreno: "She's lying"
Marchia: "Stop!"
Damien: "Chia, you're an official badass"
Marchia: "I didn't actually kill it..."
Nathan: "Doesn't matter, you fucking stabbed its brain. That was badass enough"

After all the fuss, more zombies show up. Vincent and Terry shoots them all down. They quickly continue their journey and walk the rest of their 14 kilometers.

Damien: "You actually killed the Berserker right? It wasn't actually Chia"
Moreno: "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about..."
Damien: "Bitch! You did kill it!"
Moreno: "Hey, you saw her stab its brain right? That means she killed it"
Damien: "Yeah... totally"

They keep walking for 4 more kilometers. They encounter a man, barely alive and is torn apart. He tries to speak.

Survivor: "...Help"
Ellen: "Is he okay?"
Moreno: "I... don't think so..."
Marchia: "Are you all alone?"
Damien: "We should check if he's infected"
Zethendra: "We gotta help him, man"
Survivor: "Help... my... friends..."
Moreno: "Where are your friends?"
Survivor: "Ravager... in the building..."
Zethendra: "Ravager?"
Moreno: "What the fuck's a Ravager?"
Survivor: "Kill it... please..."
Damien: "It's okay, we'll kill it"

The survivor dies, they are surprised as he holds no bite wounds, but he was torn apart and clawed.

Nathan: "Is Ravager a new zombie?"
Damien: "Maybe its a Hunter, but these guys named it something else"
Moreno: "I doubt it... anybody wanna hunt down a Ravager?"
Aurel: "Can I just not go in?"
Ellen: "Yeah, I'd prefer to stay outside"
Aurel: "Why do we even have to kill it?"
Moreno: "I guess that's what the guy asked for, its best to respect a dead guy's wishes and help out his friends... if they're still... y'know..."
Aurel: "We don't even know the guy"
Moreno: "Yeah, but we can still help his friends. Plus, that's added muscle power"
Aurel: "They're probably dead, bro..."
Damien: "I just wanna kill something, I've been walking for way too long"
Moreno: "Alright then... who's willing to enter the house?"

The only one who raises their hand is Zethendra. Noone else wanted to go.

Damien: "Alright, let's go Zet"
Moreno: "No more panic attacks, huh?"
Zethendra: "Yeah, I've grown past that"
Damien: "You don't wanna come too, Chia?"
Marchia: "Uhhh... I'm good..."
Moreno: "Don't worry, we'll handle it"

Moreno, Zethendra and Damien enter the haunted house. It was dark, nearly pitch black, so Damien pulled out a flashlight.

Moreno: "I thought we agreed you wouldn't hide anymore items from us..."
Damien: "Hey! We agreed that I wouldn't hide any WEAPONS"
Moreno: "And you thought you didn't have to tell us that you had a flashlight?"
Damien: "I thought we wouldn't need it!"

They explore around the house with their flashlights. The house is covered in dust, webs and rot. The three walk up the stairs, they search around, hearing uncomfortable chewing noises. They look ahead and find nothing. Eventually, they realize the noise is coming from above, and when they look up, they witness a 7 foot tall zombie eating a human while sticking their claws onto the ceiling. After it eats the corpse, the zombie slowly looks at the three, armed with heavy firearms. They immediately rain fire at it, shocking the other students outside. The Ravager jumps off of its surroundings, sticking onto walls, while hardly being affected by the gunfire thrown at him.

Zethendra: "Fucking kill it!"
Damien: "What the fuck do you think I'm doing!?"

The Ravager charges towards Damien, wielding an assault rifle. Moreno blasts it away with his shotgun.

Moreno: "Damien, use your shotgun"
Damien: "Got it"

He puts away his assault rifle in place for his shotgun. They start blasting at the Ravager, but it is able to effortlessly evade the bullets.

Damien: "Did it just fucking dodge my bullets!? What the fuck!"
Moreno: "No wait! It's aim-dodging!"
Damien: "It's what!?"
Moreno: "Just shoot it when its not looking at you!"

Zethendra rains fire on the Ravager, attracting its attention. The super zombie tries to tackle him before being blasted away by Moreno.

Moreno: "Just like that!"
Damien: "Okay! I get it now"
Moreno: "Zet! Just keep firing!"
Zethendra: "Got it!"

He continues to fire, but instead of drawing his attention to Zethendra. It turns to Moreno and charges at him. Moreno tries to fire but the Ravager moves his shotgun away. It tries to kill Moreno, but Damien manages to blast it onto another room. The Ravager screams. The other students outside hear it, drawing zombies from outside. However, the other students hold back the horde of zombies.

Nathan: "What the fuck was that scream!?"
Terry: "Gimana kita tau, Nat!?"

The screech was loud, nearly as loud as a Screecher. Moreno, Damien and Zethendra were heavily stunned by it. It tackled Moreno, trying to claw at him. Zethendra uses his gun to try and choke the Ravager and hold him back. Moreno rolls onto the side and blasts the Ravager away. Damien looks out of the window, seeing the zombies from outside.

Damien: "Shit! Horde incoming!"
Zethendra: "What!?"
Moreno: "...That was one loud ass scream..."

The Ravager gets back up, tackling Zethendra onto the ground. Moreno shoots at it. The Ravager looks towards Moreno and aim-dodges again.

Moreno: "You're one smart son of a bitch!"

It runs towards Moreno before he could fire his shotgun, drawing the shot away. Moreno pulls out his handgun and shoots it at point blank, while holding his shotgun in his left hand. This stuns the Ravager, giving him enough time to blast it out of the window with his shotgun. It starts to slowly burn within the sun's ultraviolet rays. The other students see the Ravager and they start immediately shooting at it, sensing a more powerful danger than the horde of zombies within their vicinity.

Aurel: "What the hell is that thing!?"
Yuiko: "Just kill it!"
Nathan: "Fucking die already!"

Moreno: "Its scream is almost as loud as a Screecher, he's almost as fast as a Hunter, tougher than a Berserker and he is infinitely smarter than all of them and he can draw in zombies with his scream too..."
Damien: "Damn..."
Zethendra: "That thing is too overpowered, thank god its fucking dying already"
Moreno: "Don't be too sure..."

Moreno starts shooting it from a distance with his shotgun alongside his friends and despite the sun's ray and the gunfire, it was able to barely crawl back into the house and hide under the shadows.

Zethendra: "Did it just..."
Damien: "Oh shit"
Moreno: "Gotta prepare"

Moreno reloads his shotgun, preparing to try and kill it again. Once it reaches the second floor, the Ravager sheds its burnt skin and is awake in a new body.

Moreno: "Oh what the fuck, man?..."
Damien: "Fucking kill that thing now!"

They start to rain fire onto it. The Ravager crawls around the walls, bouncing from wall to ceiling in quick succession. It spits acid at Moreno, who manages to dodge it. The acid melts through the wooden floors.

Moreno: "This thing doesn't make any sense..."
Ravager: *Wierd monster-like laughing*

To be continued...

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