The Red Faction

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Moreno and Damien helps Marchia out of the room. They encounter several zombie corpses, but they don't question it due to their panic, they eventually encounter a lady with a gun, telling them to stand still.

Lady: "Berhenti! diam disitu!"
Moreno: "Don't shoot! Our friend needs help!"
Damien: "Uhhh... teman kita ditusuk..."
Lady: "...I can speak english"
Moreno: "Okay! But can you help us!?"
Lady: "Come here"

The lady leads them to a room, with a group of men, armed with assault rifles.

Lady: "Are any of you bit?"
Moreno: "No, but she has a wounded leg and a stab wound, it's not a bite..."
Lady: "Did someone think the leg wound was a bite and stabbed her?"
Damien: "How the fuck did she know?"
Lady: "We're from the military"
Military Man: "Ini anaknya siapa?"
Lady: "Belom tau, mereka perlu ditolong"

They treated Marchia's wounds and wrapped it around with a bandage.

Marchia: "Ah... that feels a bit better.. "
Moreno: "Are you okay?"
Marchia: *Tries to stand up*
Damien: "Woah... take it easy"
Moreno: "Just stay there for a bit"
Lady: "You can't just go out like that"
Moreno: "Who are you guys anyway?"
Lady: "My name's Aisha, I'm a part of the... I guess you could call it the Red Faction"
Moreno: "The Red Faction? How many of you guys are there?"
Aisha: "56, we used to have more but... they died..."
Moreno: "How many of you guys have guns?"
Aisha: "All of us, I'm betting you want some too right? We still have some room for a couple dozen"
Moreno: "Uhhhh there's actually almost, if not over 100 of us..."
Aisha: "100?... That's... that's great. We can try to make enough room for that much. Plus, more muscle power would certainly help. It must've been hard... surviving despite being teenagers"
Moreno: "It was certainly difficult"
Aisha: "What're your names?"
Moreno: "I'm Moreno"
Damien: "I'm Damien, that's Marchia"
Marchia: "Just.. call me Chia"
Aisha: "Where are the rest of you?"
Damien: "At Santo Yoseph, across the road"
Aisha: "We can pick you up with our cars, would you like to go there first?"
Moreno: "We should probably go back first, we came here to get treatment for one of our friends. You guys can come get us later"
Aisha: "Of course, that's not a problem"
Moreno: "Alright uhhh... thanks for the help"
Aisha: "It's my pleasure"

After Marchia recovers, they quickly left the hospital crossing the road and they climb through the gates into the school undetected by the zombies. All of their friends are there, hoping for them to return. They cheer for them once they came back.

Aurel: "How the hell are you guys still alive?"
Moreno: "Not satisfied with that?"
Aurel: "No... good to have you guys back"
Ellen: "How did you guys even survive?"
Damien: "Alot of zombie killing"
Moreno: "Oh yeah... there was a lady from the military there, she offered to have us join her faction"
Aurel: "What? How did you encounter a military woman?"
Damien: "I assume she was looking for medical supplies just like us"
Felia: "Chia, lu nggapapa?"
Marchia: "I got stabbed... but i'm okay!"

They explained the Red Faction situation to everyone, and they are all looking forward to abandoning the school. Moreno is seen sitting on a wall, looking depressed.

Damien: "Are you okay, Morbs?"
Moreno: "...Uhhh what? Oh yeah, I'm fine"
Aurel: "Why do you look depressed?"
Damien: "Is it because Chia almost died?"
Moreno: "Well... kinda, but... technically I also killed a guy..."
Ellen: "You did what!?"
Damien: "That guy was a dumbass! He was the one who stabbed Chia"
Moreno: "I know! But killing someone isn't something I can just... get used to... Chia almost died because we let him check us"
Damien: "Wait, are you bummed out because you killed the guy or because of Chia?"
Moreno: "I guess... both?"
Damien: "Stop blaming yourself, man. It wasn't your fault and not my fault. The doctor... the fucking DOCTOR... was just dumb as shit"
Ellen: "Wait, so why did a doctor stab Chia?"
Damien: "He was checking us and found a wound on Chia, EVEN THOUGH it was just a scratch wound!"
Ellen: "So Moreno killed him?"
Damien: "Yeah"
Aurel: "About the military people... you sure they aren't gonna kidnap us?"
Moreno: "To do what? Feed us to their lord and savior, Cthulhu?"
Aurel: "They worship Cthulhu?"
Moreno: "I was being sarcastic..."
Aurel: "Oh... oh okay"

After a short while, several cars arrive outside, Aisha knocking at the gate with alot of gunfire and dead zombies outside. Aisha knocks on the front gates.

Aisha: "Is Moreno here?"
Moreno: "Yeah, how many cars you bring?"
Aisha: "Who said anything about cars?"

The front gates are open and there are multiple dozen trucks with a group of armed men.

Aisha: "Everybody get on the trucks!"

On the back of the trucks, there are at least 2 military men with guns just in case they are attacked by a large swarm of zombies. The trucks would ride to the base of the Red Faction. After several minutes, they arrive at the base. They enter through a metal gate, leading to their base. They quickly wipe out any zombies that are close to the gates. The students enter the base, finding alot of military men at work.

Moreno: "Is it all military soldiers here?"
Aisha: "For the most part, yes. I assume most of you are hungry?"
Jessica: "Yes, we're starving"

They are led to a canteen and are given food. Not the most appetizing meals, but decent enough to make the students full. After their meal, the students are shown their rooms.

Aisha: "Each room has 13 beds, so choose your roommates"
Damien: "Who you choosing?"
Moreno: "I don't know..."

They chose their roommates, Moreno and Damien shares a room with Aurel, Ellen, Alicia, Sofi, Yuiko, Zethendra, Arjuna, Vincent, Terry, Nathan and Edbert.

Moreno: "Ah, Group Sus all over again..."
Yuiko: "Group what?"
Moreno: "It's a group chat"
Aurel: "Ughhh why'd we have to share a room with these guys?"
Damien: "Just ignore them if they annoy you, or even better, beat them up, but you'd break like a piece of glass"
Moreno: "You got used to them in class, you can get used to being roommates with them"
Aurel: "So... are we gonna be turned into military soldiers now or something?"
Ellen: "I don't know, why would we?"
Aurel: "We're gonna live in a military base..."
Ellen: "Do we look like we can be military soldiers, Aurel?"
Moreno: "They'll probably teach us how to survive, it seems like a logical thing to do"

At 12 p.m, everyone is asleep, except for Moreno, who is overthinking as usual. He gets bored and checks outside of his room. He finds Aisha in a shooting range training with a handgun.

Aisha: "...Why are you still awake?"
Moreno: "Uhhh... couldn't sleep"
Aisha: "What do you want?"

To be continued...

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