Risky Recovery

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Some of the students are currently discussing on getting treatment for Vito's arm, as it getting an infection is quite likely.

Damien: "We should go to the hospitals nearby and see if they have anything"
Jocelyn: "Lu mau keluar? Gimana kalo ada zombi yang gede?"
Damien: "I'll fucking kill it!"
Vito: "Lu liat dia berantem gak? Dia bisa bunuh berapa banyak zombi"
Jocelyn: "Iya, tapi ada jauh lebih banyak zombi diluar!"
Damien: "Kecuali kalo bisa ga ketahuan zombinya. I got a maxed out stealth deck!"
Jocelyn: "Lu pikir lu bisa ga ketahuan? Lu keluar, bakal langsung ketahuan"
Damien: "Don't worry, I'll find a way"
Moreno: "We could climb up the construction platform next to the building and somehow reach the hospital from there, less likely to get caught by the zombies"
Damien: "Yeah, that's possible"
Aurel: "What if a Berserker shows up?"
Damien: "I'd sneak past it. Google says its senses are more dull than most zombies, it should be easier to sneak past"
Aurel: "Okay, I guess that's true"
Moreno: "Who's willing to go to the hospital?"
Damien: "I assume you are?"
Moreno: "Of course"
Damien: "So you, me, how about you Zet?"
Zethendra: "Oh no, I'm not very sneaky"
Damien: "Chia, you're small, wanna join in?"
Marchia: "Uhhhmmm, I don't know..."
Moreno: "You don't need to if you don't wanna of course"
Damien: "Come on, join in..."
Moreno: "Maybe it's not a good idea to encourage people to join a suicide run"
Damien: "Is this a suicide run?"
Moreno: "Probably a worse idea than wiping all the zombies in the school"
Damien: "Oh okay, nevermind, Chia. You don't have to go... unless you want to..."
Moreno: "What do we even need from the hospital again?"
Damien: "We need..." *Looks through his phone* "Mild unscented soap, warm water and some medical drugs to keep him from screaming so much"
Moreno: "Okay... we can do that"
Marchia: "Wait, only you two are going?"
Moreno: "Yeah, probably. Don't worry, you don't need to go, we don't blame you"
Marchia: "I... I wanna go..."
Moreno: "...I see"
Damien: "Let's go then!"
Felia: "Chia, Lu bener mau pergi?"
Marchia: "Iya... I'll be okay. Don't worry"
Jocelyn: "Hati-hati yah? Chia"
Marchia: "Iya"

Moreno and Damien are using long flag poles as their primary weapon. Marchia is using an extended pole from the Parking Lot. They climbed up the construction platform and saw alot of zombies in the road.

Marchia: "How are we supposed sneak past that again?"
Damien: "Just follow my lead"
Moreno: "Welp, just listen to the stealth master I guess"
Marchia: "Can't they smell us or something?"
Moreno: "Who knows? If they do, we'll just have to kill them or run away"

They walked across the buildings and went to the side of the road, which they have to cross to reach the hospital.

Marchia: "How do we cross the road?"
Moreno: "The road isn't completely full of zombies fortunately for us"
Damien: "Let's just kill a few of them"
Moreno: "No, we should just run past a few of them, starting a fight in the middle of the road makes more zombies attack us"
Damien: "They'll find us anyway"
Moreno: "Only a few of them will know, it's not like they can communicate I don't think, we'll draw a few of them to an empty place across the road, kill them and then we can go to the hospital"
Marchia: "That could work"
Damien: "Solid plan"

They run across the street, a few zombies notice and chases after them. They are drawn to an isolated corner. Moreno and Damien kills the zombies easily. Marchia also manages to knock down a zombie.

Damien: "Good job, Chia"
Marchia: "Thanks"
Moreno: "Let's move before anymore zombies see us"

They enter the hospital, multiple zombies can be found walking around. They sneak through and walk up the escalators while crouching. Once they reach the second floors, they enter a patient room, which should have medical supplies, but also a patient zombie.

Moreno: "Wanna handle with this one, Chia?"
Marchia: "I don't know..."

Moreno strikes it with his flag pole and Marchia attacks it again. They flank the poor zombie for Damien to stab it's brain with the sharp end of his flag pole. They closed the door to prevent anymore zombies to show up. They search the room. Damien manages to find the mild unscented soap.

Damien: "Found the soap! Now, we just need the painkillers!"
Moreno: "Found anything, Chia?"
Marchia: "Uhhhmmm, nothing so far..."

Marchia opens a blind, finding a still figure, she isn't sure if it's a man or a zombie, but she pulls out her weapon. He turns and lets out a powerful screech, deafening Marchia, Moreno and Damien at the same time. It tries to bite Marchia, Moreno quickly runs towards the Screecher and stabs its mouth keeping it from screaming, he punctures its brain from below and kills it.

Moreno: "Chia!? Are you okay!?"

Moreno is confused as he can't even hear his own scream, Marchia lies on the ground, not being able to hear him. Moreno tries to help her but she knocks him back, thinking he was a zombie.

Moreno: "Woah! Woah! Calm down!"
Marchia: "Sorry!... Sorry!"
Damien: "Was that a Screecher!? Are you guys alright!?"
Moreno: "What!?"

Neither of them can hear each other. They are temporarily deaf, actively screaming at each other, it attracts multiple zombies. They take out the zombies and move to another room, slowly but surely, then regain their hearing. They enter a room, and find a doctor, who isn't infected yet with a surgical scissor.

Doctor: "Kamu siapa! Tidak digigit kan!?"
Damien: "Ngga, kita ngga digigit!"
Moreno: "Coba aja check pak, ngga digigit!"
Doctor: "Turunin senjata dulu!"

They drop their weapons and the doctor checks them, Moreno and Damien are clear, he looks around Marchia's leg finding a wound. He quickly stabs her near her stomach. Moreno picks up his flag pole again and stabs him back.

Damien: "Chia! Shit!"
Moreno: "Are you okay!?"
Marchia: "Ah... shit..."
Moreno: *Checks her leg wound* "It was just a fucking scratch wound, you dumbass!"

Moreno kicks the doctor's dying body aggressively, causing him to scream.

Damien: "I don't think he hit anything important..."
Moreno: "What do we need to treat her?"
Damien: "Uhhh clean cloth, bandages and clean water!"

Moreno tries to aggressively find it in a panic but it doesn't seem to be in this room.

Moreno: "Fuck... fuck... fuck! We gotta move to another room!"
Damien: "Alright! Chia, can you walk?'
Marchia: "A little..."

To be continued...

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