Wasted City

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Aisha aims her gun at Moreno. He runs onto a corridor leading to a shooting range room. He grabs an assault rifle and shoots at her. Aisha quickly dashes behind a wall, avoiding the gunfire.

Moreno: "I do have a question before I kill you! Was the stew we ate this morning human meat!?"
Aisha: "...No! Luckily for you! We still had some beef left!"
Moreno: "You're not lying right!?"
Aisha: "Why are you even asking!? We're literally trying to kill each other!"
Moreno: "Just needed to know!"

Moreno runs upstairs, finding an infected soldier, he quickly dashes past it, leaving Aisha to handle the zombie. She makes quick work of the zombie with her pistol. Moreno finds a balcony, seeing his friends below in their military trucks.

Damien: "Jump down!"
Moreno: "Here goes nothing!"

Moreno jumps from the balcony onto the truck. He hurts his leg and falls down.

Moreno: "Ahhh... shit..."
Marchia: "Are you okay?"
Yuiko: "Oh shit, she's jumping too!"
Moreno: "Drive now!"

Damien drives the truck forwards. Aisha jumps onto the truck, and barely landing. She grabs Marchia and puts a gun onto her head.

Felia: "Chia!"
Moreno: "Woah! Woah! Take it easy!"
Aisha: "You still think you can convince me to stop? After everything you did?"

Aisha aims the gun at Moreno, who clenches his teeth making a nervous look, but he's actually just sending a signal to Marchia to bite her arm and so she bites Aisha's arm. Moreno charges and kicks Aisha off the truck. However, he manages to catch her arm.

Aisha: "...Wha- why are you helping me?"
Moreno: "Just... waiting..."
Aisha: "What?"
Moreno: "For the right time... to let go..."

Moreno waits for the right time and drops her off onto a swarm of infected soldiers. She gets eaten by them. Ironic.

Moreno: "She was eating her men. Now her men are eating her"
Yuiko: "Well fucking played"
Damien: "Almost had me in the first half"
Marchia: "Thanks for the signal"
Moreno: "Thanks for actually getting it... oh yeah, we didn't actually eat human meat"
Yuiko: "What? Really?"
Moreno: "Yeah, they still had some beef left apparently. Well... that's what she told me. Hopefully, she wasn't lying"
Damien: "It wasn't human meat. Human meat tastes like chicken"
Nathan: "Ayyyooo!? How do you know that!?"
Damien: " ♬ I'm only human after all... ♬ don't put the blame on me... ♬ "
Moreno: *Pulls out his phone* "Actually, human meat tastes like beef, but sweeter"
Aurel: "The stew wasn't sweet at all"
Marchia: "So it wasn't human meat right?"
Moreno: "I... I honestly hope so. I don't see why Aisha would've lied at that point"
Nathan: "She's a bad guy. She lies"
Moreno: "Yeah, but... I have no idea why she would possibly lie about us eating beef..."
Marchia: "Yeah, that's true"
Moreno: "If she wanted us to suffer then she'd have told us that it was human meat"
Marchia: "Exactly"
Moreno: "So uhhh... where to now?"
Damien: "I have no idea..."

They quickly searched in the internet a good place to go to survive. Meanwhile, the trucks just kept going and following whoever was at the front. Eventually, Aurel finds something.

Aurel: "There's a base in South Jakarta. I heard most people went there, including my mom and dad"
Moreno: "Send the location to everyone then"

Aurel sends it to the group chat, with every student in it. All of the drivers use google maps and they start to drive there. After several hours of driving, all of the drivers are very tired and they agreed to sleep in a hotel, relatively empty of zombies in its vicinity. Damien drops down a bag full of firearms and military weaponry.

Moreno: "What the fuck is that?"
Damien: "Guns, because noone thought to pick any for some reason!"

The classmates start to play around with the guns and aiming them at other people.

Damien: "Hey! Are the safeties on!?"
Zethendra: "Don't worry, it's on. I'm not that stupid. Try asking Arjuna if his safety is on"
Damien: "Hey Arjuna! Is your safety on!?"
Arjuna: "Apanya?"
Damien: *Takes Arjuna's gun and points at the switch* "This! This is the fuckin safety!"

Damien turns the gun to safety so that he doesn't randomly blast at other people. They all go to sleep and avoid any trouble with the zombies. The next day, they ride back on the trucks. After many hours, they reach South Jakarta, finding an abandoned city, ripped and destroyed by supposedly zombies.

Damien: "Huh... expected this place to be in better shape... it definitely isn't"
Moreno: "I guess just the base would be in good shape. The rest is... not..."
Nathan: "I have a bad feeling about this place, man..."
Marchia: "How much farther?"
Damien: "Uhhh... 16 kilometers away"
Felia: "Masih jauh banget"

All of a sudden, one of the trucks stop.

Moreno: "Damien! Stop!"
Damien: "Wha- what the fuck happened!?"
Moreno: "A truck just stopped"
Markus: "Uhhh... kayaknya bensin habis..."
Moreno: "Welp... We're fucked..."

To be continued...

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