Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

"I can't believe we're graduating this weekend. It's like just yesterday we walked into this hell." I say walking to my locker with my best friend Grace.

Graduating was kind of weird to me. Standing up in front of over a thousand people I don't even know does not sound fun. It sounds frightening!

"I mean there is one up to this," Grace says turning to me.

"And that is?" I ask.

"We finally get to live are dreams of becoming famous actresses! I CAN SEE IT! You and I standing in front of Paul Wesley. THE NEW VAMPIRE DIARIES!"

"Grace!" I say loudly snapping my fingers in front of her face rapidly.

"Grace, snap back into reality!" I say with Grace still staring into the distance with a huge smile on her face.

"Just a thought!" She says as we both start laughing.

"Well, I have to meet up with Jenna at Starbucks. Do you want to come?" I ask Grace as we start walking to her locker.

"I would love to, but I can't. I have so much homework to get done. I wish I could! I miss Jenna a lot, but tell her I said hi!"

"Okay and maybe next time!" I suggest.

"Of course! Also, are you still coming over around 6 to help me with Math?" She asked.

"Yes!" I say.

"Okay, bye!" I wave behind my back. As she is waving back I'm already to my car.


As I pull up to the Starbucks, I see a familiar car. I walk in and see 3 faces with huge smiles them while one walks up to me. I put my arms around Jennas neck and hug her as tight as I could. After hugging her for about 10 seconds, I look behind her back and see her 2 twin brothers, Adam and Nick, seating at one of the tables fighting.

Nick looking adorable as always and Adam being his own flirting self. We sit at the table and talk for about an hour. I glance at Nick sitting across the table from me and catch him already looking at me. We both smile at each other while Adam and Jenna are talking. When they were done talking to each other I looked over at Jenna. She gave Nick and I a look of confusion.

Jenna's POV

I love having conversations with Emily! I love listening to her because of how interesting she really is. The only thing I don't like is that is seems like her and Nick have a "thing". The only reason I don't want them dating is if I want to hang out with her, Nick would be around the whole time and if they broke up she would never want to hang out again!

"Hey Nick, can I talk to you?" I ask Nick in kind of a whisper since Adam and Emily are were talking.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Nick asks me in a concerned voice.

"Well, not everything."

"What's wrong?" Nick asked with a frown.

"Do you and Emily have a thing?"

"Of course not! and I'm not lying to you!"
"Okay. Well, do you like her?" He immediately looked down to the ground.

"She's amazing and beaut..." I didn't let him finish.

"YOU DO LIKE HER!" I said very loudly.

I could feel everyones eyes on me. I look over at Emily and she has a confused face. Adam and Emily start walking towards us.

"Hey. Um... I need to go. I need to go help Grace with Math homework."

"Okay. I will hopefully see you tomorrow?" I ask Emily.

"Sounds like a plan!" Emily says.

"Can you guys go swimming tomorrow? You could even bring your friend Grace?" Nick suggest.

"I'm not to sur..." I start to say.

"Oh my god that sounds amazing! I will talk to Grace about it tonight." Emily says interrupting what I was about to say.

She hugged all 3 of us, grabbed her coffee, and left.

Grace's POV

As I was getting my homework done I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 6 o'clock.

"Come in!" I yell from the kitchen.

"Hey! Nick invited us to go swimming at their house tomorrow. I still have to ask him what time and everything, but do you want to go?" She asked walking into the kitchen with Starbucks and Paneras.

"Of course!" I replied.

"I thought you would since you love Adam so much!" Shes says jokingly.
I slap her arm joking and start blushing.

"I don't like Adam!" She reassuring her.

"Mhmm. Sure you don't. You talk about him all the time when you see him in the halls at school." She said.

"Oh my god. Adam is looking so cute. I could literally die over his smile and his messy cuffed hair. He's just so cute." She said mocking me.

"Aww Nick, those beautiful brown eyes are to die for! He looks so good in a beanie, but even better in a snapback!" I say mocking her back.

"HEY! I only said that once!" She said trying not to blush.

"Anyways, how did see Jenna again go?" I ask her.

"Okay, I guess." She replied

"What do you mean "okay"?"

"I mean Nick and I were..."

"YOU AND NICK!?" I scream.

"No, not ME AND NICK! As I was saying we were looking at each other and smiling an..."

"You guys were smiling at each other?! OHHHHHH EMILY! THATS A SIGN!" I scream again.

"A sign of what?"

"That he likes you!"

"HA! Nick does not like me!"

"Do you like him?" I ask with a smirk.

"Of course I like him," She says blushing. "But why would the cutest boy in our school like me or even want to date me?" She continued saying with a frown.

"Well, does Jenna not like imagining you guys together?" I ask.

"I don't know. I mean I could see why she wouldn't like us together." She replied.

"True, but don't you think that she would understand if you guys truly like each other?"

"I hope she does!"

"Okay. I'm done. Ready for Math?"

"Yeah. Lets get this over with!"

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