Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

I wake up to my alarm on my phone. It's 5:30 am. I guess I forgot to turn off my school alarm. I decide to go to sleep, but woke up again from a text from Nick.

(N - Nick , E - Emily)

N - Be here around noon and make sure to bring Grace, Adam is dying to see her! Also, Nolan is coming over.

E - Okay. Can't wait to see how Grace and Adam hit it off!

N - Haha. Me neither! Well, I have to go flim a video with Adam and Nolan, so I'll see you when you get here!

E - K. Bye.

I look at the clock and it's 7:45 am.

After laying in bed scrolling through twitter and other social medias, I decided to get ready. I checked the clock and it was 8:30 am. I run to my closet and pick out a Whatever crop top and light blue jean shorts with my swim suit. I take a 30 minute shower and get dressed. I put my hair in a high pony tail and run downstairs to eat and watch some TV before I leave to pick up Grace.

"Where is everyone?" I say to myself as I pour my bowl of cereal. Then I remember that my parents are out of town for a few months and my brother is staying with a friend.

As I'm watching TV and going through twitter again, I get a text from Nick.

(N - Nick , E - Emily)

N - Hey, we're going to Dunkin Dounuts. Do you want to meet up there?

E - I actually have to go pick up Grace and we're probably going to stop at Starbucks. I'm sorry...

N - No, no! It's okay! See you soon!

E - Okay. Can't wait!

I glance at the time and it says 10:40 am. I run upstairs and grab my keys.

When I get to Grace's house, I knock on the front door.

"Well hello Emily!" Grace's Mom says opening the door.

"Hey Mrs. Bellmen!" I reply as Grace is coming down the stairs.

"Hey. Are you ready to go?" Grace asks approaching the door way.

"Yeah!" I reply.

"You girls have fun and be safe!" Graces mom says while we walk down the conceret stairs from her house.

"Thank you and we will!" We say in unison.

We stop at Starbucks and then head to the Buongiovanni house.

I knock on the door and Adam opens it seeing Grace and staring at her.

"Oh sorry, come in!" Adam says poniting his arm to the inside of the house.

"Nick is changing, he'll be out in a little bit." Adam says to me.

"GRACE!" I saw Jenna come from behind a wall and hug Grace.

"This is Adam." Jenna says pointing to Adam.

"Yeah. I know. We go to the same school." Grace replies.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Then you probably know Nick?" She asks as he walks down the stairs. He looked so cute it was hard to not look at him!

Nick's POV

"Oh. I'm sorry. Then you probably know Nick?" I hear Jenna say as I walk down the stairs. I look at Emily already staring at me. She looked so pretty with her beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in.

"Well, are you guys ready to go swimming?" I ask everyone.

"Wait. What about Nolan?" Jenna asks me.

"He had to run home and get some swimming trunks." I reply.

"Okay. I'll wait for him. Just so someone can open the door for him." Jenna says blushing.

"Okay. Have fun." Adam says to Jenna.

Everyone follows me to the pool in our backyard.

Grace's POV

"Hey Grace? Can I talk to you over here?" Adam asks me as we finally get to the pool.

"Of course." I say walking with him to the corner.

"Grace, you seem like an amazing girl and I would love to get to know you better, so would you like to come over tomorrow night and have a little movie night?" Adam asks kind of look to the ground and blushing.

"You mean a date?" I ask.

"Well, a friendly date." He says with a huge smile and we both start laughing.

"I would love that!" I say while still laughing.

The Crazy Love // n.b.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ