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Based on when Han and Chan were trainees, they got in an argument and didn't speak to eachother and on the 3rd day Chan asked Han if he had eaten, and Han started crying.

So I'm taking this and adding Minsung, disclaimer this is an edited truth so the Minsung did not exist, the only facts we know are in the paragraph above.

And yes I know the timeline is a little funky, plz just ignore it :=|

3rd POV
(Day One)

After the day he had, all Han could do was lock himself in his room at the agency and not come out. He never thought he would actually become a trainee for JYP entertainment, he just auditioned for fun. He also didn't think he'd get close to anyone, but there he was, crying over someone he met in an accidental new road in his life that he never planned to even be an option in the first place.

Earlier in the day, Han had found himself arguing over the stupidest thing with his friend Bang Chan. It was over a beat in a song that they couldn't decide should lead into a higher-pitched or lower-pitched chorus on a small side project they were working on together. The argument got heated and things were said that they couldn't take back, all over a tiny decision that should've made no later impact. Eventually the two separated, ending the argument, and had not paid each other any attention as they just wanted to be away from each other for a while. Little did they know how much this would effect the two of them.

Han was now locked in his room crying into a small squirrel pillow on his bed wrapped up in a fluffy blanket. He made sure the sobs where muffled as he didn't want anyone to hear them being chocked out. All he could do was think about what he could've done, if he could've made it better by just listening to what Han said and not giving his input, if he didn't agree to help with the song, gosh he went as far back to if he didn't choose to become a trainee. His sobs got harder and harder as he tried to tune out the world around him.

*knock knock*

Han immediately lifted his stomach off the bed and turned to look towards his door technically still laid down. He stayed quiet trying to calm his cried as he just sniffled and wiped his face back of the squirrel pillow now sitting up to turn towards the door. He never moved, just waited to see if he was just hearing things. Then it happened again, but it came with a voice.

*knock knock*

"Hannie, are you in there?"

He immediately recognized the voice sending chills down his back. It belonged to his friend and half partner Lee Minho, known around as Lee Know. He says half partner because the two have confessed to liking each other but agreed to not make it official so they don't get in trouble, even though they do everything a couple does.

"Min?" Han croaked out, his voice giving up on him halfway through.

"Baby, please let me in.." The older responded through the door. Han stood up shakily wondering if he should really see Minho in this state, but of course he ignored the voice and slowly unlocked the door twisting it and pulling it open. That's when Minho pushed the door faster than Han was intending and surrounded him in a deep hug. Minho was never one for hugs but he would never let that stop him from comforting Hannie.

Before he knew it, Han was back to sobbing but now in Minho's arms. His face hurried into the older's neck as his tears darkened the white shirt Minho had on. Minho started to shift to close the door behind them but Han just started holding onto him tighter.

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