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Requested by: Chinooi

Han Jisung was getting weaker and paler everyday, even his boyfriend was concerned, but what sets off worry throughout the Kpop group was when..

Not Eating

3rd POV:

Han Jisung had always been heavily involved in his work taking it a bit more serious than others at times. It would get so bad at times that he would get so in the working headspace, the rest of the world would vanish and he wouldn't fill any of his physical or mental needs. Recently has been one of these times.

Preparing for a comeback with just a few weeks left stressed the quokka boy beyond belief. While other members were trying to enjoy their time before a new era of constant performances and interviews and get their dances practiced to perfection, Han was more worried about if the songs they had recorded and made would actually be liked by the fans.

Han was always good when it came to speaking English, and in 3RACHA, Chan's first language is English, so he shouldn't have been as worried as he was about the amount of English in their new comeback, 5-star, but he was.

Running over papers over and over again, checking lyrics through 20 different translators online and in person, he didn't feel it was enough. With Korean songs he always knew that what he wrote had a deep powerful message that could be easily understood by their audience, but with English he would always worry he would mess something up with the grammer or pronunciation. So here he was overworking himself to death, having overwhelming sleepless nights, and not eating due to the time taken up by it.

Nobody had fully noticed the quokka odd behavior, not even his boyfriend Minho, otherwise known as Lee Know on stage. Minho had noticed the pale tone his boyfriends skin had taken, and all the nights he went to bed without his boyfriend by his side, but tried not to say anything knowing Han would get anxious at the confrontation. So, he made sure to just keep a closer eye on the quokka rather than try to say something head on.

It was Stray Kids dance practice day again, they had 4 official ones every week though with the comeback coming up, the members agreed on adding more to that, and if they couldn't, they would make the practices longer.

"Hey Chan hyung, have you seen the quokka yet?" Jeongin asked to the leader while stretching.

"No sorry Jeongin. Last night he was in our recording/writing studio, but I haven't seen him sense." Chan responded. He got more concerned that he would if another member asked him the question because Jeongin was in the room next to Jisung's, so he should constantly be running into him.

He turned his head to the person he assumed would have the answer.

"Hey Minho have you seen Jisung?"

Minho whipped his head around to the older talking to him. He had dark eye bags and a tired facial expression.

"Shit Minho are you okay??" The elder asked concerned, forgetting his previous question.

"I'm fine, I stayed up all night because I was waiting for Hannie to get back. That's why I got caught off guard by you asking me, sorry." He responded.

At first Minho was only a little worried, but recently he hasn't seen his boyfriend at all causing him to try and constantly keep track of him and what he's doing, but he had lost the boy and hadn't heard from him since the night before when he saw him run past the room with a notebook.

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