We meet again (Photograph pt 2)✨💤

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Requested by: Minsunglover4life

"I promised I would devote everything to loving you, and when you left, I knew I had to truly for fill that promise."

Jisung opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by a flower field. He felt he had seen it somewhere but wasn't positive what the deja vu was implying. What happened, I don't remember anything.. Instead of thinking more, he pushed away the lingering question and walked around the new area. But was it really new?

The smell of honey filled the air wherever he walked which he found quite comforting in the place. Soft flowers lines a semi curvy light dirt path that lead further into the field. The further he walked the more he remembered.

As his senses returned one by one he thought back to his last known whereabouts. He woke up from a dream that was currently unknown to him and he walked to a bridge near the smaller portion of the Han River.. and jumped.

He remembered closing his eyes as he fell to the watery depths below, a surge of pain flowing through his body as he hit the tension filled surface of the water.. and then.. what?

Was this a coma? Was he sitting in a hospital bed? No this is too real to be a dream.

Dream. That dream. What was the dream he had before leaving the company doors in search of an end?

He continued further to the flower and honey scented fields starting to feel something he hadn't in a while. Freedom.

Instead of thinking of the past, he looked around the present. The baby blue sky with fluffy clouds trickling along the stretches of the world. The tree line in the distance showing a place of eve. The world was beautiful. He looked to himself and what he wore, soft white clothing. Slightly transparent along with the thin material draped in patterns to show long sleeved with a v-neck and white dress pants he could see himself wearing to an awards show.

As he studied the details further he found pockets in said dress pants. Feeling around he places his hand inside his pocket to feel something there. It felt like photo paper, smooth but thin. Jisung slowly removed the item to see a folded photo. Delicately, he opened the photo to be hit with a pain in the heart. It activated memories he had since forgotten upon arrival in this strange place.

On the photograph was a picture of himself with his lover, Minho, on their first date. Minho. Where was Minho? The news, the hospital, the sickness, memories continued overflowing his restarted brain. Why did he have a picture of Minho. The dream creeped into his mind once more showing a deeper relevation of what happened that night. A dream of a field just like this one, clothes just like this one, his gone lover in front of him.

Was this another dream? No, Minho said he had to leave.

Tears prickled in his eyes over the confusion of what was going on. He decided to travel further, not looking back at where he started in the field, only looking for an answer of where he was, why, and where was his Minho.

As he looked further he felt more inclined to find his lover. Peices of the dream slowly came back to him and slowly became a solved puzzle with no missing peices. Eventually, something, or should he say, someone, popped up that was going to solve everything.


His bring hair shone in the light, his clothes matching his lovers, the same smile he always had painted for Jisung was waiting before him, except that was only until the boy noticed him running over.

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