Whats a Woo-Hoo?👀

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Bit longer then some of my other oneshots at about 3800 words :]

Han's never played the Sims4 and honestly had never heard of it before. That was until a fan meet where he was introduced to it. Being him, he downloaded it and tried learning how to use the fun game, unaware of what you could do in it. But what happens when he chooses him and Minho's sims to be the test subjects and they autonomously go on a romantic path? To add, what happens when Minho finds out?

Author Note/Disclaimer:
Based on what I saw on Sims 4 but Wattpadified-
Listen I was playing sims, one thing lead to another, all of the sudden Minsung is making out in front of me without me telling them to.
Not my fault :>

Bottom: Han Jisung
Top: Lee Minho

3rd POV
Han was sitting in his room, unaware of the surroundings around him. It wasn't like him to be this focused on something that wasn't music, but this was to funny to pass up the opportunity.

A few days prior a game had made its way into Han's knowledge. He was at a fan meet for 5-star and one of the Stay's came up to him and showed him something they had created. It was him and the rest of Stray Kids, but in a game called the Sims4. She was really proud and it made sense. The facial features and proportions were extremely accurate and the clothes were based on things they actually wore. Han was extremely interested and excited when she explained to him the game and all the things you could do.

After she left and the fan meet had ended he quickly got home to his computer and looked more into the game. He thought it would be funny if he created everyone and made them do stupid things, showing the members as he did it. But of course first he had to get use to the game and understand it more before he could actually brag about his embarrassing creations.

Since the band was very busy with practice and meetings, all Han had done was download the game, he hadn't even opened it until present time.

He started a game and looked around create-a-sim, watching the tutorials to know how everything worked. Eventually he was able to understand the basics.

The sims he made representing the group weren't there most accurate, but he was still proud of himself. Well, that was until he accidentally clicked the catalog and saw other people's creations.

Of course with this information he did what anyone would do..... delete his hours of work and download ones of the catalog! (With minor changes of course).

Now that he had finished, he brought his wonderful creations to the home menu and picked out a home that felt right, and of course the only one that could fit 8 sims. How did he afford it you may ask? Cheats. His lifeline in the game he knew little about.

After a few more minutes, he had felt like he figured everything out, and now it was just time to test. The sims all walked into the house and surprisingly nothing caught fire for the first few minutes of them being autonomous!

"Okay let's see.." Han spoke to himself and the game. "Who shall be my test subjects!" With a smile he tried to copy an evil laugh, mostly failing.

He moved his mouse to hover over his own sim. He noticed a red light pop up meaning low battery but didn't mind.

"Of course I'll mess with you.. but I have to test how they talk to each other also.." he said, afterwards clicking through the rest of the household to weigh his options.

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