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Based on the song Photograph by Ed Sheeran
Han has a photo of his past lover he lost to sickness.

Character Death (Past and Present)
Really freaking sad

*edited* I added an extra sad part at the end that's why you got the notification


Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know

He was my love, my life, and my everything, but now he's gone I don't know what I'll do. Minho had a bad sickness and we knew he wouldn't be able to live much longer, but it was so fast I honestly hoped it was just a bad dream and I'd wake up with him back in bed, holding me as I drift back to sleep in his arms.

When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing makes us feel alive

"Han I know what you're doing." Felix sternly walked towards me. I was sitting in mine and Minho's shared bed, well mine now, covered in blankets with Soongie Doongie and Dori cuddled against me in different areas.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied facing away from him. I could hear Felix walking over to me and felt as he sat at the end of the bed.

"Hannie you haven't eaten since we were at the hospital.. when Minho forced you to.." he quietly said behind me. I shuffled a little to now face him.

"Okay we'll he's gone so there's no one who can tell me to eat. Not even you." I felt bad as my reaction came across cold and stern, but honestly, I'm too tired and sad to care. Felix went quiet and said nothing but looked at his hands.

"He would want you to-"

I cut him off the second I knew what he was going to say.

"I don't give a fuck if he would've wanted me to move on and be happy. I can't fucking be happy Felix! I'll never be happy!" I started sobbing as tears ran down my puffy red cheeks.

"Oh Hannie.." Felix came closer to me taking me in his arms. A gentle hug was what I needed, but not from him.

"No, I'm not hugging anyone but Minho, I want my Minho. Felix I want my Minho back." My cries got louder and now I was too sad to even look at Felix in the eyes, I just turned back around and stuffed my face into my pillow with closed eyes.

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves

Images and memories of the two of us replayed on loop in my mind. The good times. Just the two of us together against the world. Moments that stay's never saw. The cuddles at night or the good luck kisses before concert, all overflowing my mind like a river going off a cliff, except the outcome wasn't pretty.

I came back to reality when Dori started burying their head into my side. I grabbed the cat and pulled them closer.

"I know baby, I know.. I miss him too." I said to the cat purring. The soft breaths of the pet aided my sleep as I fell into a world of dreams, a place where I could maybe if I was lucky, see my lover again.

Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen, still

I ended up in a field, running along the lavender flowers that cleansed my senses. I felt the air hit my body through the thin white long sleeve shirt I wore and white jeans. Everything was great, though the thought of Minho ended up in my brain once again.

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