(Chapter 4) Whats this feeling?

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Ein notices Pierce taking glimpses of his body. "Like what you see?" Ein teases smiling.

Pierce's face turns bright red, realizing that Ein caught him staring. He quickly averts his gaze, feeling embarrassed. "I-I didn't mean to... I mean, I wasn't staring, I swear!" Pierce stammers, trying to come up with an excuse.

Ein chuckles softly. "It's okay, Pierce. I don't mind if you look," he says, grinning mischievously.

Pierce looks at Ein, surprised by his response. He feels his face turning even redder as he tries to process Ein's words. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything," he says, feeling embarrassed.

Ein just laughs again. "Relax, Pierce. I was just joking around. It's okay, really," he says, patting Pierce's arm reassuringly.

Pierce feels his heart skip a beat at Ein's touch, and he can't help but smile. He's never felt this way before, and he's not quite sure what to do with all these new feelings.

Ein walks over to Ava and they have a quiet conversation. 

"How do you deal with 5 hot tall guys in your apartment? Like i am 5.8! And these guys are like over 6 feet! LIKE! How do you-" Ein stops and blushes. Ava is shorter than him so he is bending over a bit and he can see Pierce looking at his ass. He turns bright red. He kind of likes it!? So he does not really say anything.

Ava giggles at Ein's question and whispers back, "Well, it can be a bit overwhelming at times, but I just try to focus on their personalities rather than their height or looks. Plus, they're all great guys and I enjoy spending time with them." She then notices Ein's blush and follows his gaze to Pierce. She gives him a playful nudge and says, "Oh, looks like someone has a little crush on you, Ein."

Ein's blush deepens as he looks back at Ava. "What? No, I don't. I mean, I don't even know if he's gay or not."

Ava laughs. "Trust me, he's gay. I always knew he didn't have a big interest in me, And he's definitely into you."

Ein can't help but feel a surge of excitement and shock at Ava's words. He glances back at Pierce and catches him staring again, but this time Pierce doesn't look away. Instead, he gives Ein a small smile and a wink, causing Ein's heart to race.

Suddenly, Ein's phone buzzes, interrupting the moment. He checks the message and his face falls. "I'm sorry guys, I have to go. I will be back soon."

The other guys nod understandingly as Ein quickly makes his way to the door. Before he leaves, Pierce stops him. "Hey, Ein are you ok? You look stressed. You know i can come with you." Pierce offers but Ein shakes his head.

Ein: "I think its best if you don't..." And Ein exits the apartment.

*Ein exits the Building but his dad starts beating him* "WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE PACK! YOUR A DISGRACE! YOUR MOTHER KILLED HERSELF CAUSE OF YOU!" His dad yells Ein tries to yell back but his dad keeps on beating him, cutting and bruising Ein all over.

Pierce notices Ein leaving the building. He though he was just taking a call so he follows him. 

"SOMEONE HELP!" Ein cries. Water streaming down his cheeks.

Pierce hears Ein's cries for help and rushes outside to see Ein being beaten by his father. Without hesitation, Pierce intervenes and pulls Ein's father away from him.

"Get away from him! What are you doing?!" Pierce yells at Ein's father.

Ein's father backs off, but not before spitting at Pierce's feet. 

Pierce: "OI!" Pierce yells

 Decrepid Man "He's my son and I'll do what I want with him." he says before walking away.

Pierce helps Ein up, who is badly bruised and bleeding. "Come on, let's get you to a hospital," Pierce says, supporting Ein to walk to the hospital.

(30 mins later) Pierce and Ein arrive back and Ein can move freely again.

Ava runs up to Ein and gives him a tight hug. Ein smiles as Ava hugs him.

Ava: "Welcome home, Ein. How are you feeling now?"

Ein: "Much better, thank you. I'm grateful to all of you for taking care of me."

Pierce: "We're just glad you're okay now. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. You're safe here with us."

Ein smiles gratefully and nods.

Ava: "So, we've set up the guest room for you and now its your own room. You can go check it out if you want. We also have dinner ready, so come join us when your ready."

Ein nods and follows Ava to his room. It's a cozy little room with a bed, a desk, and a closet. He looks around and feels grateful for having a place to stay.

Ein: "Thanks, Ava. This room is perfect."

Ava: "Glad you like it. Now, do you want to come eat with us? The boys are waiting for us."

Ein nods and follows Ava to the dining table where everyone is gathered. They have prepared a delicious meal. Ein takes a seat next to Pierce at the dining table ,Ein enjoys the company. He feels happy and safe with his new friends

Ein starts to eat the food but he gets some food on his face. Pierce looks at Ein and gets his thumb and wipes it off and the he licks his thumb. Ein stares blankly at pierce and begins to blush from Pierce's actions but doesn't say anything. He continues eating, feeling a bit flustered. After a few minutes, Ein finishes his meal and excuses himself from the table to go take a shower. Pierce watches him go, admiring his figure from behind.

Pierce then gets up and follows Ein.

Pierce follows Ein, catching up to him just as he reaches the living room.

"Hey, Ein, are you okay?" Pierce asks, concerned.

Ein nods, still looking down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me back there."

"Of course." Pierce replies, putting a hand on Ein's shoulder. "I'll always be there for you, okay?"

Ein looks up and meets Pierce's gaze, feeling a warmth spread throughout his body. "Thanks, Pierce. You're a really good friend."

Pierce smiles, his heart beating a little faster. "Anytime, Ein. I'm glad we're friends too."

Ein looks around Pierces buff body but  his abs pairing through his black tank top caught his attention. He then shakes his head and becomes red, he quickly rushes to the bathroom but he forgets to lock the door.

Pierce, noticing that Ein had rushed to the bathroom, follows him to check on him. When he sees that Ein did not lock the door, he hesitates for a moment before opening the door slightly to peek inside.

He sees Ein standing in front of the sink, washing his face and trying to calm himself down. Pierce notices that Ein is still blushing and his heart races as he watches Ein's movements. After a few moments, Pierce realizes that he is staring and quickly averts his gaze, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. Are you okay?" Pierce asks, trying to sound casual.

Ein looks at Pierce through the mirror, still blushing. "I-I'm fine," he stammers. "Just needed to cool down a bit."

Pierce nods, feeling awkward. "Okay, I'll leave you alone then," he says, turning to leave the bathroom.

As he walks out, he can't help but feel disappointed that he didn't get to spend more time alone with Ein. He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and goes back to the living room to join the others.

(1240 WORDS!)

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