Chapter twenty: Little Blue Saviour.

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Eulogy by Kyle Dixon and Micheal Stein.
The rest of my life by Hans Zimmer, The Magnificent Six, Pharrell Williams, Johnny Marr.
Castle Byers by Kyle Dixon and Micheal Stein.


Green eyes darted across the muddy, red stained ground beneath his tattered shoes. Held tightly in his lavender mothers arms, his ears flattened to drown out the noises of screaming, explosions and crumbling buildings. Arrows and cannon projectiles lit up the scarlet sky with lasers casting streaks of light, overpowering the lightning even further above. To the small hoglets left was his whimpering sister, who's glassy eyes refused to leave the sight of burning trees and dropping birds. Cyan rays crashed down onto the crumbling city, taking groups of mobians with them. Badniks, Robians and other sorts of machines tore Mobotropilis apart, clawing away at those who opposed them and ripping buildings asunder.

Despite the pleas and cries, there was still determined yelling. Mobians ahead ran towards the upcoming swarm of deadly optics and merciless claws, with a deep blue hedgehog and brown dotted rabbit in the lead. Already, many in the crowd began to fall- their cheers being silenced. Swords and spears were raised, with torsos of lifeless machines employed as shields. Cannons were raised to the polluted, dark clouded sky above, aiming for flying ships that sent further cyan rays and Badniks pouring down. The small hoglet couldn't find any of Mobotropilis' flags and any other remnant of the city was swiftly destroyed to become nothing more than a memory.

"Don't look, Honey." His mothers voice soothed as she shifted him to hide the horrors from view.

Bernie coughed from the thick smoke slithering through the city and abruptly skidded as a Robian Tiger reached for her head. She then twirled and sent a rough side-kick to it's leg, letting it topple over. She didn't waste a second in continuing forwards, for she then realised they were amidst the ocean of Robotnik Machinery. At Sonia's gasp, Bernie grimaced upon discovering a pair of red eyes staring emptily at the sky as she manoeuvred past them. The small purple dress the bear wore had three deep bloodied scar marks traced across their front, and a tiny hand reached at no one ahead of them.

Bernie forced herself to look away and swerved to avoid a robust Badnik barrelling straight for her. In doing so it collided with a Royal Army soldier who expertly drove his sword through the robots head. She turned away and refocused her attention on spotting a cream rabbit and tiny green hoglet.

The fountain they had met Vanilla and Sally at was more so a blood bath then, with bodies and metal scrap drawn over the bottom base and red liquid overflowing the structure. The mother progressed past it nevertheless, reaching the beginnings of the once gracious neighbourhood. Now alit with flames, mobians had evacuated this part of the city- leaving it desolate and swarmed by Badniks.

There was a crash and a shout to the lavender hedgehogs left and she whirled to see a cream rabbit scarcely escape the robotic claw of her demise. A dirtied, scratched green hoglet wailed in her arms and the soon-to-be-mother fell on her behind, pain pinching at her face. The Egg Pawn leered over her, a pair of claws sparkling from the fires light.

"Vanilla!" Bernie cried as she charged towards her friend, glancing at Olgilvie who after a moment seemingly caught on to her silent plea.

He scrunched up his face in concentration and with effort blasted out of his mothers hold in the shape of a spiky sphere. With a trail of blue following, he crashed into the heavy machine and sent it tumbling before he rolled. Bernie reached Vanilla who with shaky breathing thanked them before allowing the former to help her up. Almost immediately Vanilla grimaced and cried out as she stumbled forward, holding her belly. Bernie was quick to her side and Sonia jumped to the ground, then securing Manic in her own grip. A little further on, Olgilvie sprung up with a growing headache and groaned- the headless Egg Pawn sprawled out beside him.

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