Chapter thirty eight: Home.

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Kids Again by Artist vs Poet.
Home by Madeon.

Sally had instructed Vanilla and Amy to conjure up a sufficient number of chilli dogs, after almost hugging the life out of the mother rabbit. Cream and Cheese both readily offered to assist and the princess happily obliged. Sally asked if Antoine and Rotor could gather supplies for a fire, and with their agreement Tails and N-I-C-O-L-E pursued after the pair (the fox mostly flooding the holo-lynx with questions of fascination). Knuckles offered to bring the bags from the Tornado and Bunnie hopped to help, showing the echidna where the equipment could reside.

Sonic watched all this occur, swiping the Tails Electric and locking eyes with the new, updated Knothole. Passing the mound with a silent, observing Sally (the large group rushing ahead), he first noticed a stone, spherical building with a hay roof. At the beginning of it's path stood a sign, labelling the structure as Rotor's workshop (and Chaos did Sonic know Tails would freak when he saw that). Opposing the property were oak windmills and even further crops and a pond. A small waterfall was squished between the trees and a large plank jetty reached to the pond's centre.

"We call that the Ring Grotto." Sally uttered softly, almost carefully, and lightly took Sonic's hand to guide him to the spot.


"Sometimes, these large golden rings jump out. They're actually what we use to power a lot of the stuff here, it takes the pressure off Nicole that way."

"You mean these?" Sonic dug in his quills, pulling out a shiny (albeit smaller) version of the named phenomenon.

Sally's eyes widened, almost sparkling. "How did-?"

"Been collecting 'em for a while. Like your stuff here, they give me a boost."

"Chaos knows you need it." The princess teased and the blue blur stuck his tongue out.

"Why're you surprised I can carry 'em?"

"It's more so that you can use them. We can all hold them, but we've discovered we can only apply them to a lifeless object. Almost as if they give life to things. That said, you use more energy than anyone so of course you can use them for a boost." Sally giggled.

Sonic returned to his exploration and Sally retreated back into her silent observation, with the exception of now hooking her arm around his. They passed Rotor's workshop and then a white building the chipmunk informed was the Power Generator, the addition of a Water-mill residing beside the river. Thus, they crossed a torch lit wooden bridge and Sonic's head rolled back in an attempt to take in a grand tree like no other.

"The Great Oak." Sally enlightened, politely waving to Bunnie and Knuckles as they walked past.

"It's massive. I don't remember...."

She lightly squeezed his arm. "We've been growing it since you left. You see those buildings circling it?" She pointed towards the white structures.


"They're for food and supplies, mostly. But the biggest, furthest one from us? That's for the Tornado."

Sonic's head whipped to face Sally and he found her proudly, perhaps excitedly, smiling back. "You're kidding."

"It's true!"

Dramatically, he drooped a hand over his forehead. "Don't do this to me, Sal."

Failing in hiding her snickers, Sally shoved the teasing hedgehog. "Weird way to say thank you, but you're welcome."

Sonic lightly tossed the large tuft of the chipmunks front hair back. "How'd you know you'd need the space?"

"I'm always prepared."

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