Before they were the gang

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Ix Chel, the Mayan Goddess of the moon, her name translates to "She of the Pale face." A strong Hispanic girl's name that was less than rare in the USA in 1959. But in Mexico City Itzel (the modernized version of the goddess name) Perez was one of three girls in her class with the same name. Every kid in her class spoke Spanish and one or two knew Portuguese. In 1963 all five of the Perez family immigrated from Mexico City to Point Place Ohio. Why Point Place? The job market was high for workers who were willing to work for low. And the education system was one of the country's best at the time. Cheap housing only sweetened the deal.

Itzel first met Eric Foremen when she was in Pre-k, she didn't speak any English and he thought she was the coolest thing he had ever seen. He also thought she spoke gibberish. They used to play together any chance they got, he was her first American friend. He used to tell his mom, Kitty, stories of the girl who speaks gibberish in his class. As any mother would she assumed he had just made an imaginary friend. That was till a year later when a five-year-old girl appeared on her porch speaking broken English. After that day Kitty would use textbooks she borrowed from the library to help teach Itzel English, and over time, she became all the Perez children's tutor.

Itzel met Donna Pinciotti in the third grade when Donna beat up a boy who was making fun of Itzel's name. After that, they became so close that Itzel spent more time at Donna's house over the summer than at her own. Donna made a reputation for beating up people who even dared to laugh at Itzel. The two girls looked like opposites from the outside. Itzel was the little girl on the playground running around in a puffy dress with her hair done up. And Donna was the little girl who most people thought was a boy at first glance. But when it came down to it the two were quite similar. Itzel may have been in a puffy dress but she would still chase Eric around the playground swinging sticks two times her size at him. And Donna may have looked like a little boy but she still liked to dress up as a fairy for Halloween.

Donna, Eric, and Kelso already knew each other for years. But in the fourth grade, Itzel first met him when he tried to get her to play doctor with him. Itzel was afraid of going to the doctor so she ran away crying. The confused boy of course chased after her. Screaming a butchered pronunciation of her name. That was how their friendship started. With a teacher scolding a confused little boy and a little girl crying because she thought she was being dragged to the doctor's office. He never asked her to play doctor with him again, but he did ask her to play baseball and started calling her Jel, a nickname that blossomed into Jello.

Eric met Stephen Hyde when he was nine and they became extremely close. That's why Itzel met Hyde. She was at one of her final English lessons with Mrs. Foremen when a curly-headed ten-year-old came running up the stairs from the basement screaming about gum in his hair. Itzel got up quietly grabbed a pair of scissors from the utensil drawer and cut the curl out that was holding onto the gum piece. Then she put the gum piece onto the back of Eric's hair. Hyde didn't yell at her for cutting his hair instead he thought she was the coolest girl he had ever met. That summer Eric had to get a buzz cut because the missing patch of hair made it look like he was balding. Hyde gave in a few weeks later and got a matching buzz cut. 

It's been seven years since Hyde first met Itzel but he still thinks she's the coolest girl he knows. After eight years Kelso still can't pronounce her name. Thirteen years ago Itzel met Eric and they might as well be siblings. Donna and Itzel have officially known each other for nine years as of today. Kelso's girlfriend Jackie has only been around more often than not. But it's been so off and on she can't keep up. Now at seventeen, she sits in Eric Foremen's basement alongside her friends playing a two-day-long game of Monopoly. 

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