The most miserable party

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This is the most miserable party Itzel has ever attended. She's avoiding Kelso. Hyde's avoiding her. And Jackie won't stop glaring at her. Sighing Itzel leaned against the wall of the empty pool. "Why did I do that?" She whined. Donna, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, looked up at her friend. It wasn't hard to tell Itzel was extremely bothered. Her nose was scrunched and she was staring up at the pitch-black sky like it had wronged her.

"You were trying to prove to Hyde that you're over him," Donna said in an attempt to comfort her friend. Itzel grumbled. "I mean yeah with Kelso was a disgusting shocker but it should work the way you wanted it to," Donna continued, "I mean, and what's the worst that could happen? Hyde ignoring you isn't so bad."

Itzel slid down the concrete wall. She wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees. Not that bad? They ride the bus together every morning! They spend second period sitting beside each other! They spend every day together practically! Itzel stared down at her faux cow skin belt (Technically she stole it from her mom).

"Why does Jackie keep looking over here?" Donna asked.

"Fez probably blabbed about the stupid kiss," Itzel muttered. Fez has a problem with accidentally spilling secrets he doesn't know are secrets. Once at the start of the year, he told everyone by accident about a keg the gang found. Suddenly a small group turned into a huge party.

"I'm glad it was you," Jackie stated loudly. Looking up Itzel stared confused at the perfect girl. Every physical thing about Jackie is perfect. She would be completely perfect if it weren't for her attitude problem. "What?" Itzel asked.

"I'm glad it was you that he kissed instead of some hoe. At least I know you don't have a disease," she remarked. Itzel couldn't tell if she was trying to be nice or rude. "Thanks?" She replied. Jackie walked away like nothing happened.

"Was she nice to you?" Donna asked.

"Maybe. I thought she was going to try and kill me."

"I still wouldn't eat anything she gives you. Or drink around her. Or be alone with her-"

"I get it, Donna!"

Donna laughed and bugged her friend. "Oh come on Jello, are you going to let this get you down?" She asked. Itzel nodded and stared at the crowd. "You can't sit here forever," Donna argued.

"I can sit here till I die," Itzel whispered. Scoffing Donna set down her red plastic cup. She stood up and outstretched her hand to her friend. "I won't let you just give up on life over a boy," She stated, "Especially not Hyde."

Groaning Itzel took her friend's hand. It took her a second to get warmed up but within minutes she was dancing with Donna. (And the occasional stranger.) She couldn't even hear the lyrics to the music over everyone talking but she could hear that it was playing, and that is all that mattered. After a beer or two, she stumbled back into the crowd to grab another. Hyde was on keg duty.

"Fill me up buttercup!" She shouted. He glared at her, as he does everyone, and took away her cup. "That's enough for you," He muttered. She reached for the cup but he just kept pushing her back. "You're not my mother," She grumbled as she reached up into the air trying to snatch the cup back.

"Your already making terrible decisions today let's not make this any worse," He fired back.

"My decisions are perfectly fine!"

"Your being an idiot Jello," He muttered.

"I am not!" She shouted as she nearly fell over herself. Hyde caught her but it made him spill his beer all over them. "Your mom is gonna kill me," He said harshly.

"Why do you care?" She yelled trying to push him off of her. But it only made me crumble deeper into his worried clutch. "Because your Uncle looks like he kills people and your mom threatened to bury Kelso in her backyard once," He said quietly trying to get he to lower her voice. Itzel laughed at the memory. They were twelve years old and it was her brother's birthday party so she invited all of her friends. It was also the first time Satori let Itzel wear a "big girl" swimsuit (A tankini).

Hours into the party Itzel's older sister finally showed up and Kelso thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. So he told her just that. Except he told her she was one sexy lady. He was twelve and Satori thought by scaring him then he would quit acting that way. So she told him that she buried nasty rude kids in her backyard. He didn't believe her, and just to prove a point she showed him a covered-up mound in their backyard. It was where Anthony's late bunny was buried but with a little lying, she managed to scare all the kids.

Kelso quit calling Valeria a sexy lady for the whole summer. The bus vocabulary expanded to a little sexy mama. That time was the first time Itzel's Tio threatened to shoot a thirteen-year-old boy, it also wouldn't be the last time he threatened to shoot Kelso period.

Itzel looked up at her sober friend. He was taller than when they were twelve and he was much less roach-like. This morning she thought he was handsome. But while intoxicated she thought he looks like a manatee. She giggled to herself about his manatee-like appearance while he made sure she stayed close to his side. Hyde loved pouring the beer. He only had to pour everyone one or two full ones until he could scam them into taking less and less. Erik always lets Hyde keep the last of it, he's the only one of the gang who could get away with carrying a keg through his front door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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