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The school day was boring like every other day. She went to her classes, then went to lunch and sat with her brother and Marcus (she has a different period than her friends), and at the end of the day, she met up with her friends. She waited in the parking lot beside Eric's car for him to show up. Hyde stood on the other side of the car smoking. Kelso sat on the hood with a sad expression on his face. "What's wrong now Kelso?" Itzel asked. 

"Jackie broke up with me again," He grumbled. 

"What did you do this time?" She asked. Kelso looked at her offended. He crossed his arms and turned to look at Hyde. She already knew what he did, Jackie told her in the fourth period that she saw Michael kissing another girl when she got to school.  Quoting Jackie, "She wasn't even pretty! She looks like a sunfish, I mean if she was pretty I'd understand but she's U G L Y!" Sighing Itzel leaned against the car, "Oh my god what is he doing?" 

"What's got you in a hurry? Got a new boyfriend to see?" Kelso asked. Itzel has a reputation for shooting down guys around the school. She also had a reputation for never going on a second date. She got bored of a guy after just one date. Well not bored, just he wasn't what she wanted. Although she has been trying to get over that. "I'm just tired," She said closing her eyes. 

"Long night of boneing Harry?" Kelso joked. Harry was the only boy Itzel ever dated, the two are still friends. But Michael likes to make fun of her for dating him cause after she dumped him he spread rumors. But one day the rumors just stopped, and he apologized in front of everyone. Hyde smacked the back of Kelso's head. "Lay off," He said harshly. 

Eric finally started walking towards his car one hand in Donnas and the other carrying her backpack. Itzel opened her eyes and looked over at the couple. "Aw a cute couple," She said. 

"Makes me sick," Kelso added sliding off the hood. By tonight he will be calling Jackie and begging for her back. Eric unlocked the car door for Donna and let her take a seat. Then he ran around to the driver's side and unlocked the doors for everyone else.  Itzel slid into the back seat and sat between Hyde and Kelso. She smacked Kelso's hand when he reached to put it on her thigh.  The rest of the car ride was pretty boring till they turned down Itzel's street. 

"Jello you should let us come over to your house," Kelso remarked. Confused Itzel asked, "Why would I do that?" 

Michael waved his arms around and said, "Cause your mom always feeds us." 

"I don't know if my Tio is home or not," She said. If Santiago is home then boys in the house are a no-go. He's Satori's older brother and even her ex-boyfriend wasn't allowed inside. Not cause he didn't like him just cause he didn't some grown man around Valeria and Itzel. He acts more like their dad than their uncle. Plus her mom works all the time and he has flexible hours. (He runs the number one repair shop in town.) Eric pulled up in front of her house. He looked back at her, "Yes or no?" 

 She shrugged and reluctantly agreed, "Why not." Bad Idea. 

Eric parked and they stumbled out of the car. Itzel walked up to the front door and unlocked it. "¿Alguien en casa? (Anyone home?)" She called out. No response. She pushed the door open the rest of the way and let her friends inside. Kelso immediately went to the fridge. Hyde and Eric followed behind him looking for beer. Donna knew the house better than anyone else, she's been coming over for years. 

They hung out for a while, watched a lot of TV, and talked about dumb shit. Itzel nearly choked on her water when she heard a car pulling up. She knew that sound. The loud muffler of her Tio's truck. "Run," She said calmly. First, her brother came in the door carrying his backpack and a large toolbox. His white t-shirt was covered in oil and his slick back was all messed up. He was ahead of his time in fashion. He smiled and waved at Donna. 

Then he saw the guys standing over the TV trying to fix its bad connection. The only boys allowed over are Marcus and Eric, but that's cause Santiago can trust them. Valeria thinks something happened to their mom when she was in high school. Because once they got old enough to like boys he started becoming a tyrant. "What the hell Itzel," He said sharply. "What," She said. 

"Tio knows Eric but he doesn't know these two idiots," He said. Itzel grabbed Hyde and Michael and dragged them up the stairs. Michael ran down the hallway straight to the bathroom. The sound of loud stomping came into the house. 

"Eric, Donna, nice seeing you! Where is Itzel," she heard her Tio call out. Boys in the house were one thing, but boys upstairs were an entirely different situation. Of course, guys came over for birthday parties and pool parties and shit. But not even Eric was allowed upstairs, only Marcus but even then Santiago is like a hawk when he stays the night. Itzel panicked and shoved Hyde into the bathroom.  

"Coming!" She yelled down the stairs. Racing down the stairs she waved at her uncle. He knew something was up. She could tell just by the look on his face. "So why are you guys over here?" he asked. 

"Kitty was cleaning the basement so I invited them over," She responded. Donna nodded and fixed the pillows beside her. Eric turned to face the fridge, he couldn't lie to Santiago. He and Red Forman got along a little too well. "Just these two," He asked looking her dead in her eyes. "Yep, I know you and Ma wouldn't want a lot of people over," she lied. 

"I should go clean the bathroom before Mom gets home," Anthony said trying to cover for her. "Lemme go wash my hands first. The sink down here quit working right just before I left for work," he said blankly. He made his way up the stairs and the four teenagers huddled at the bottom. They were good as dead. They watched as he opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. No screaming, no ass beating, just running water. Eric looked back and saw Michael standing in the doorway smiling like an idiot. 

"We should get going it's almost time for dinner," Erik said.  Michael ran out to the car when Santiago opened the bathroom door again. "You two are more than welcome to stay for dinner," Santiago said politely. "Next time for sure, my parents are just waiting up so I should probably go and Eric's my ride," Donna interjected. They exchanged pleasantries and then walked out the door. 

"I should go change," Itzel said quickly. "Tell Steven and Michael next time they should just walk out the front door," Santiago said blankly. She nodded, Itzel is a bad liar. Her hands shake, she can't focus, and her stutter comes back.

 She ran up the stairs to her room and closed the door gently behind her. "Hyde," she whispered. Her window was wide open. She looked out and watched as Hyde walked towards Erik's car. Sitting on her dresser was a small origami marijuana leaf. She had noticed it half hanging out of his pocket when they were in the car. He just left it behind for her, or it was an accident. She chose to go with it being an accident. 

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