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There's something to be said about the fact that Nadia was giving her full trust into a man she barely knows. Sitting in her truck, as a passenger, for the first time. It made her feel soft. Not soft as in weak— well, maybe. But more like soft as in weightless, trusting. It was rare for her to feel that way, maybe even more than rare if there's a word for that. Non-existent maybe.

Cory stole a glance at Nadia and let a smile creep onto his face. She was unaware of him looking at her, she was just... existing. Looking out the passenger window at the moon, or maybe just the view. Whatever it was she was looking at seemed to engulf her. Hold all of her attention and Cory found himself envious, wanting to feel like he was the one she was engulfed in.

"Nadia?" Cory asked gently as he kept his eyes on the road.

Nadia snapped out of whatever trance she was in and responded, "Yes, Cory?"

"Why haven't you asked me how I know these random things about you?" He stole another quick glance.

Nadia paused for a moment and just looked at him, thinking, "Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just avoiding the answer."

Silence filled the truck. Nothing but the sound of the tires crunching against the concrete and the wind whirring past the truck.

Cory cleared his throat and continued on, "Would it scare you if I said that you intrigue me and I want to know everything about you?"

Nadia looked down at the flowers in her lap, "I don't think so." Feeling brave, she continued on, "Would it scare you if I thought the same thing about you?"

Cory shook his head, "No." He lied.

Memories had always escaped Cory. Things that happened long ago were now forgotten. Things like, his first kiss, what his mother's voice sounded like, and his favorite color. Minuscule things that he felt didn't matter up until now. Wanting to give Nadia what she wanted, to know everything about him. But, he didn't even know everything about himself. He shuttered at the thought of her dissatisfaction.

"Tell me something about you," Cory gripped the steering wheel tighter. Waiting in anticipation of her asking him the same question.

She smiled and laid her head back onto the headrest, "Um, well..." She trailed off. "I don't know how to ride a bike."

"I'm sorry, you what?" Cory smiled at her in disbelief, trying not to laugh at her misery.

"Yeah, yeah. You think you're the first person to react that way?" She laughed.

Cory scratched the back of his neck nervously, "No, but I might be the first person to say that I can teach you."

"I think you might be."


After a few more minutes of them talking about Nadia, they arrived at Cory's mysterious destination.

"Where are we?" Nadia looked out of every available window.

Cory said nothing as he hopped out of the truck and made his way to where Nadia sat and opened her door. She hopped out of the truck and placed the flowers that were previously in her lap, onto the seat. He closed the door with a thud and motioned for her to follow him.

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to follow you, a man who I've only met like once, into the forest?" Nadia paused in her tracks and raised an eyebrow at Cory.

Cory held his hand out to her, "Will you allow me prove to you that I'm trustworthy?"

She hesitated and eventually, slowly placed her hand into his. He gave her a soft smile and began to guide her down a small trail into the array of trees. Helping her to step over big rocks and fallen tree branches. Walking in front of her on steep slopes to ensure he would catch her if she fell. Eventually, they arrived at a small clearing in the dense trees and there lied a river. Big enough that you probably would struggle to swim across, but small enough that it couldn't be classified as a lake.

The moon glimmered on the soft ripples of the water. Sounds of flowing water, cicadas and crickets filled the air. With the occasional sound of a soft breeze brushing through the leaves above.

"It's beautiful here," Nadia looked around intently making sure to soak up every detail.

Cory just put his hands into his jean pockets and watched her as intently as she took in the scenery. Studying her face and body, ensuring not to forget a single detail about her.

"Want to get in?" Cory pointed to the water subtlety.

Nadia rubbed her arm shyly, "Are you trying to get me to skinny dip with you?"

He chuckled slightly and looked at the rocks below him, "Only of you want to, but no. We can just get in fully clothed. Who cares?"

"I think my truck does," Nadia giggled at her remark.

Cory started to feel himself getting nervous and softly kicked a few pebbles in front of him, "It's okay if you don't, we can also just sit here and talk."

Nadia didn't say anything else and began to strip away her clothes, leaving her only in her thong and bra. Cory noticed and began stripping himself and started to follow behind her into the water. Trying to avoid his eyes lingering where they shouldn't. Only catching a glimpse of her round ass as it swayed while she walked and quickly looking away.

When they were in the water together he kept a safe distance to make sure not to make her uncomfortable. But, Nadia began to feel a little lonely. A feeling that was unfamiliar, a feeling that hadn't been felt in a long time.

"Why are you shy now?" Nadia began to slowly tread through that waist high water towards Cory, "You weren't shy before."

Cory's breath hitched, "Because I'm with a beautiful, half naked woman in a secluded river." He paused, maintaining eye contact as she walked closer. "And you make me nervous."

"Are you being sarcastic?" Nadia was only inches from him now.

Cory could feel his heart flutter with every step she took, "No, anything but."

She finally reached him and slowly placed her hand on his upper bicep, "Does this make you nervous?" She began to slide her hand down his arm.

He gulped loudly, "Yes."

"Hmm, interesting," Nadia stepped even closer, their bodies almost touching. "What about this?" With her free hand she splashed him in the face and began laughing uncontrollably.

"Wowwww, cheap shot!" Cory laughed and wiped his face.

Nadia started to back away from him and shrugged tauntingly. Cory tried to hide his smile by biting his lip before rushing toward her and splashing her back.

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