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Tired of the truck crunched on Nadia's gravel driveway. Nearing closer to her home. The truck squealed to a stop and Cory shifted into park. Together, they sat in the truck, staring at each other's soaked hair and wet faces.

"Random question," Nadia asked, her eyes never leaving his.

"Yeah?" Cory stared right back.

"What's your last name?" Nadia leaned her head back against the headrest.

Cory looked away and just smiled, "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"Ooo, sneaky!" Nadia softly laughed. "It's Elsher."

Cory closed his eyes, trying to savor the moment, "Well, Nadia Elsher... I'm Cory Thorne. Pleasure to meet you." He looked back at her.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Thorne," Nadia laughed and Cory joined in.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging on Nadia's window that caused her to jump. She whipped her head over and saw Elijah knocking and shrugging his shoulders dramatically with wide eyes.

Oh, shit.

Nadia quickly looked back at Cory with worried eyes and they stepped out of the truck together.

"Nadia, where the fuck have you been? I've been calling and texting you for the past two hours! You always at least text me when you're home from work to let me know you're alive!" Elijah ran his hands over his face in a stressed manor. "I was 30 seconds away from calling the fucking cops!"

"Elijah, I'm sorry I was busy and didn't check my phone," Nadia tried to subtly close the truck door so he wouldn't see the flowers behind her.

But, it was too late. Elijah noticed the flowers, her wet hair and the man walking around the truck towards them. His face went pale and he looked back at Nadia.

"What's— what's going on?" Elijah slowly stepped backward as if she was the plague.

"I... um," Nadia looked to Cory for an answer.

It was an obvious moment of a man's world crumbling down. Elijah had tried everything in his power, for years, to try and get Nadia to at least go on one date with him. Now, here she was in front of him with a man who only had to ask her once. He always held out hope that maybe one day she'd take the leap. Despite all of his friends and family telling him to let it go, he didn't, because he was in love with the woman in front of him. He rejected every woman that ever crossed his path for her. He felt as if his soul had left his body and all of this was just a really, really, REALLY, bad dream. But, when Cory spoke, he realized it wasn't.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry I kept her out so late that wasn't my intention," Cory tried his best to diffuse the situation, but, only made it worse.

"Stop talking," Elijah still stood frozen staring at Nadia. It started to scare her.

"Elijah?" Nadia's voice shook.

"Elijah, man, I think you should go," Cory stepped closer to the frozen man.

Elijah snapped out of his trance, "Don't you fucking touch me."

"Elijah, listen-" Cory was cut off.

"No, you listen, Cory. I think that you should go and never come back. How about that?" Elijah stepped towards him.

"I think you both should leave," Nadia spoke sternly to make sure she was heard.

"Him first," Elijah began to stare down Cory.

Nadia looked to Cory and mouthed, "I'm sorry."

Cory nodded once and began to walk away into the dark, looking over his shoulder to make sure that Nadia was still okay.

"Elijah, look, will you come inside and talk for a minute?" Nadia tried to place a hand on Elijah's shoulder and he jerked away.

He said nothing and just nodded. Together they walked into her home and Nadia began to dread the confrontation that was about to unfold. She has never seen Elijah speechless before, he always had something to say. Quite frankly, it scared her to death.

For the first few minutes, Elijah wouldn't even sit down. He was stuck, pacing back and forth between the kitchen and living room. His hand on his chin, deep in thought and Nadia sat on the couch just watching. Unsure of what to do or say.

Then, Elijah spoke, "Did you fuck him?"

"Elijah," she scoffed in disbelief, "No."

"Okay, okay," he said talking to himself. He finally looked up at Nadia and quickly sat down next to her. "I think we can move past this then."

"Elijah, we were never in a relationship. You know that."

"No, I know, but..." he scooted closer to her and grabbed her hands, "I think that we can still work something out. Like... uhhh," he paused. "Like you don't talk to him anymore or see him anymore and I think we'll be fine. You know?"

Nadia took her hands back, "Elijah," she spoke solemnly, "We were never together. There's nothing to work out or move past."

His eyebrows scrunched upward, painting a sad puppy kind of look on his face, "But, Nadia, I... I love you."

"I know— but, I don't feel the same way."

Elijah started to shake his head and stood up quickly, "I think that you do and that this Cory guy is just a phase." Elijah began nodding his head as if what he was saying was making sense. "Yes, that's what this is. That's okay, I'm a patient man, I can keep waiting."

Nadia stood up with him, "This isn't a phase Elijah. I like him and he likes me. I think it's time for you to move on. Like you should've done long ago."

"No, no, no. That's not true. I saw the way you looked at me today at the bar. You finally wanted me."

Nadia tried not to laugh, "I was just horny, Elijah, that doesn't mean anything."

"You were horny for me though," there was a slight glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I think you should go."

"But, Nadia, I—"

Nadia opened the door and waited for him to walk out.

"Nadia, please," Elijah began to start to look defeated, his eyes watering.

"Just go," Nadia looked away not wanting to see Elijah in this state.

Finally accepting his fate, he walked out the front door with his head hung low. When he looked back to see her once more, the door was already closed.


Nadia put her hand over her chest, feeling as if she had just escaped death. She solemnly walked into her bedroom and began to undress herself to change into her pajamas, not worrying about the lake water that still lingered. When she was changed and sitting on the edge of her bed trying to recuperate herself, she heard a knock on her bedroom window.

Looking over, she saw Cory at her window. She gave a slight smile before reaching over her bed and opening her window.

"Are you okay?" Cory asked from the warm outdoors.

"Were you here this whole time? Stalker," she tried to joke to make herself feel better.

Cory gave a slight smile back, "Not the whole time."

Nadia tried to laugh but only air escaped her nose.

"For what it's worth, I had a great time with you tonight," Cory placed his hands on her windowsill.

She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, "Yeah, me too."

For a moment, Cory scanned her face. His eyes eventually locked onto her lips, feeling an empty feeling on his own. He could see her chest rising and falling deeply. He wanted it and so did she, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

"Goodnight Nadia, sleep well," Cory removed his hands from her windowsill and began to walk away.

Nadia sat still and watched him walk away, eventually closing her window. She turned off her lights and tried to fall asleep. But, her heart was still pounding from the thought of Cory kissing her. Maybe even more.

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