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After staring at the mug on the counter for what seemed like an eternity, Nadia ran for her room. Reaching in her nightstand drawer and pulling out her laptop. She opened Google and looked up her house's fire that supposedly happened in 1983.

October 31st, 1983

Klamath Falls, OR — On Halloween night, one man was found dead in his home after a fatal house fire. Firefighters of Station 4, arrived on scene to find the home engulfed in flames.

When investigators arrived, they confirmed one male, dead in his bedroom, named Cory Thorne, a 25 year old male. Not too soon after being on scene, they determined the cause of the fire was arson. A gas can was found, half empty, outside of the home's bedroom. Next to it, a burnt box of matches.

Police and investigators are still trying to find the perpetrators. If you have any information please contact the Police department at (***) *** - ****.


Nadia felt the blood leave her face. A chill ran down her spine as she stared at the short, but affirming article. She closed her laptop and in front of her stood a familiar face.

"I guess you know now," Cory knew it was abstruse.

Nadia was at a loss for words, her mouth gaped open and a tear streamed down her face. Cory slowly walked to her bed where she sat and took a seat next to her. He looked at her trying to figure out what she was feeling.

"They never found who did it, but I know who did," Cory let out a large sigh that made his chest rise and fall deeply. "My wife, she was very pertinacious when it came to my downfall towards the end." He winced at the thought of her, "I was stupid and in love, you know? I thought she loved me. But, she was also very prurient. If I didn't give her what she wanted, she'd find some other man to do it for her. It wasn't a problem, until she started cheating on me. She wanted a divorce and I didn't, I wanted it to work out so desperately. I would've burned the world down for her, ironically," Cory's voice quivered. "Even though she damaged me, I still wanted her. But, she didn't want me. When I refused to divorce she decided to... well, you know. Kind of an esoteric reason to murder someone in my opinion."

"First, how did you get in my house? Ans second, how is this even possible?!" Nadia was blinking repeatedly, still in shock.

Cory shrugged nonchalantly, "It just is."

"Ghosts are just things of fiction, they aren't real, who are you, really?"

"I know it's hard to comprehend, it's even hard myself, but it doesn't change anything... does it?" Cory looked at her wearily.

Nadia scoffed, "It kind of does. You're a fucking GHOST!" She grew more pugnacious.

"I know, but it doesn't change how I feel for you."

Nadia tried to escape off the bed, but was met by a strong hand gripping her wrist, "Nadia, please. I haven't felt this way for anyone since..." Cory's voice trailed off.

"Cory, how would this even work?" She stood at the edge of the bed, his hand still gripping her wrist.

"Normally. Just like everybody else. You can still see me, hear me, feel me."

Nadia avoided eye contact by looking up at her ceiling, "I just... I don't know."

Cory stood up and moved to the other side of the bed where Nadia was. He let go of her wrist and moved both of his hands to her face.

"Cory... I..."

He moved his thumb over her bottom lip, and examined her pouted lips carefully, "Just let me show you."

Nadia didn't speak another word and just watched as he moved his face closer to hers. When his lips were just a movement away from her, he paused and whispered softly, "Let me show you..."

Nadia moved her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Cory's lips crashing into hers. He tried his hardest to savor the feeling of her soft lips on his. Feeling her tongue gently slide over the slit of his mouth, he took the invitation. The kiss grew deeper as their tongues glided.

Nadia's hands lingered, gripping Cory's sides. The feeling of her touch caused him to let out a low growl. He slid his hand to the back of her head and gripped onto her hair. A soft moan escaped her lips. His touch warming her core. The feeling of arousal swarmed them both.

Cory slid his other hand to the small of her back and pulled her closer. His growing erection pressed against her thigh. Nadia felt her legs grow weak as the tension rose.

Suddenly, it was cold. Cory pulled away and looked at Nadia, breathless. His chest rising and falling quickly.
His eyes were locked with hers, "I'm going to make you wait."

Nadia let out a breathless sigh, "What?"

He stepped closer and placed his hand on the back of her neck pulling her head back, "I want you to beg for it. I want you to want me, so tremendously that you ache... everywhere." His innuendo was not discreet.

Nadia felt herself grow nervous. The power in his voice made her melt. Wanting him. She felt her arousal seep through her leggings.

"I know you want my dick, tell me," Cory dropped his face closer to hers.

"I—" Nadia was too nervous to speak.

"Tell me," He spoke sternly.

"I want your dick," Nadia felt herself wince at the words, she's never been told to say that before.

A sinister smile grew on Cory's face and his eyes grew dark. He reached his free hand down between her legs and let out a groan, "I love how wet you are for me."

Nadia moved her hips forward, looking for any kind of friction to help the ache. But, not a second later, Cory was gone.

Nadia's eyes widened as she scanned the room for him. He was gone, just... vanished. She relaxed when she remembered... "Oh yeah, a ghost."

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