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Inviting Gwen to the movies was Nadia's sad attempt at trying to rekindle their friendship. But, it worked. When the movie ended, they began to prattle as they walked to the nearest diner to grab something to eat.

The sun was finally setting, as the summer sun seemed to linger these days. It made Nadia think about how she needs to get out more to enjoy the short summer.

"So, tell me about Cory," Gwen sheepishly asked as she grabbed a menu.

Nadia smiled and also grabbed a menu, "He's," she paused remembering that he was a literal GHOST. "He's great. How's Steven?" She spoke in a playful tone.

"Sooo good. I finally made him shave that god awful pedo-stache," Gwen laughed at the thought.

Nadia sat in silence and she pretended to actually be looking at the menu. Only one thing clouded her mind, ghost. It was still too difficult to wrap her head around. She almost convinced herself that it was all a joke until she remembered he vanished right in front of her.

Nadia slammed the menu down onto the table and looked at Gwen, "Do you believe in ghosts?"

Gwen slowly raised her head to peer over at Nadia from over the top of her menu, "Do I what?"

"Believe in ghosts," Nadia spoke matter-of-factly.

"Well, yeah I guess so. Why?"

Nadia took a moment to weigh the pros and cons of telling her best friend that the man she liked, was a ghost. It's too strange and unbelievable. Also, borderline creepy. Maybe even psychotic. How does one spill something like that?

"Hello? Earth to Nadia?" Gwen gently placed the menu down.

Nadia snapped out of it, "I have to tell you something."

Gwen looked at Nadia with a raised eyebrow. Feeling herself grow nervous at the seriousness in Nadia's voice.


"Before I explain, let me grab my laptop really quick," Nadia slammed her front door behind her, not purposely, but from the urge to quickly explain herself. To hopefully find answers.

Gwen took a seat on the couch and watch Nadia march toward her and plop onto the couch, "What's this all about?"

Nadia frantically tapped the keys of the keyboard and pulled up the article she had read. She turned her laptop toward Gwen and watched her face to try and gauge her response.

"Cory?" Gwen didn't really show any emotion while asking. "Wait... your Cory?!" Her eyes widened in horror. "You're not serious about this are you?"

"Dead serious," Nadia felt her heart rate quicken.

Gwen let out a scoff of disbelief, "You're so lying to me right now."

"I swear, I'm not." Nadia felt a slight chill on her shoulder, "He's probably here, right now."

Gwen stood up, clearly shaken up and freaked out, "Nadia, you're really starting to freak me out."

On cue, a book slid off of Nadia's bookshelf and fell onto the floor with a thud. Causing Gwen to screech and cover her face with her hands.

"Cory, stop playing games and show yourself please," Nadia spoke out into the air.

"You're crazy! What happened to you?! You need to be checked into an institution!" Gwen was scrambling to get her purse.

Nadia stood up to try and block Gwen's path to the door, "Please, just... believe me. Because I feel like I'm going crazy too. But, if you're here to see it, then I'll know I'm not."

Gwen shook her head and pushed past Nadia and was stopped in her tracks when she slammed into a tall figure. She looked up and saw Cory standing in front of her.

"Just sit down," Cory demanded, determined to have Nadia's back.

The color in Gwen's face flushed away, she felt frozen where she stood. She felt herself internally screaming and starting to feel lightheaded. She slowly and stuffy stepped back, as if cement was weighing her ankles down. She eventually made it to the couch and dropped down, her eyes never leaving Cory's. She gripped onto her purse as if it was her life source. Nadia and Cory stood in front of her, looking at each other wondering what to do now.

"Is this some sort of collusion? Are you guys messing with me?" Gwen's eyes darted between the both of them.

Nadia knelt down in front of Gwen, "No, it's real, and it's fucking terrifying."

Gwen just nodded, still in shock, "Why did you tell me this?" Her voice shook.

"Because, Nadia is terrible at keeping secrets," Cory seethed between his teeth.

Nadia rolled her eyes, "Because I trust you and I need you to keep me sane."

Gwen just nodded again, "Well, now you told me. Can I go now? I need to... process."

Cory swiftly made his way to her and placed a hand on her shoulder to keep her on the couch, "Not until you promise not to tell anyone. Not even your stupid little boy toy."

Gwen cowered in Cory's dominating presence, "I— I promise."

"Good. Because not everyone is as... accepting," Cory let his hand off of her shoulder.

Gwen quickly stood up and ran for the door, swiftly making her escape. Leaving Cory and Nadia alone in silence.

"I told you that was a bad idea," Cory looked and Nadia and frowned.

Nadia tried to hide her laughter, "Yeah, but, I had to tell somebody. Believing in the paranormal... isn't really my thing."

"Doesn't mean you had to tell Gwen about me," Cory felt himself grow annoyed at the whole situation. "I didn't even want to tell you about my situation. But, I had to because of the damn old man. I felt drawn to you, like I could trust you and I didn't want to fuck it up by telling you I'm a damn entity. I'm really hoping that you don't let me down. If people found out, you'd for sure be checked into a mental hospital and I'd be responsible."

"Me telling people isn't your fault, it's mine. It was my decision. And you would've needed to tell me eventually," Nadia stood her ground.

"I'd still feel responsible if something had happened to you, that would never go away." Cory grabbed Nadia's hand, "I didn't want to tell you that I was an entity because I wanted you to fall for me. Not pity me because I'm dead and alone. I wanted you to fall for how I am as a person, not how I am... dead."

"Cory—," Nadia looked at him sympathetically but he couldn't look at her. He felt too vulnerable and embarrassed to be pouring his heart out so early into knowing her... for the second time.

"No, Nadia, please listen. Something led me to you, I don't feel as if us meeting was a coincidence. The first time I saw you, you walked through that door with a box in your hands that looked way too heavy for you. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, it was cute. And I knew I had to meet you. But, as a living person." Cory grabbed her other hand, "Even though you had no idea of my existence, I felt less alone with you around. I was never able to leave these walls because of my compunction from what happened with... her. But, when you showed up, I was able to finally take a step out the front door. And for that, I'm forever grateful and forever indebted to you."

Nadia was shocked at Cory's ability to delineate his feelings. His confession was both beautiful and... well, sad. Nadia began to finally understand the situation and dropped her head.

"I understand," Nadia squeezed Cory's hands. "I isolated myself for so many years, maybe not as many as you," she tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood, it worked. "But, you've helped me to open up. I feel like meeting you was the best consequence of being alone."

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