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I would be lying if I said I didn't use my ghostly powers to snoop around Nadia's room. I mean, c'mon. Anybody would.

Her room always smells like her, and seeing pictures of the people she cares about scattered around makes her seem so... enchanting. She cares. Little items of memorabilia rested on top of her dresser. One in particular was a beaded friendship bracelet with G+N on it. Gwen. The girl who brought her housewarming champagne.

What caught my attention the most though was a journal in her nightstand table. Normally, I wouldn't go that far and read somebody's most inner personal thoughts. Shamefully though, I did. Hoping it would give me insight on how to impress her... and boy, it did.

After the other night, I knew I had her intrigued. Luckily, she was out right now so, I had another chance to peek inside the leather journal. My favorite parts were her sexual fantasies she's written about. At times, it makes my cock twitch putting myself in the imaginary man's position.

See, like this one from the other day—

Last night I had a dream, a wet dream to be precise. I couldn't tell who the man was, but he was definitely sexy. Sometimes, I wish it'd be Cory who haunted my dreams. His body... I can only imagine what was underneath... never mind.
In this dream, this mystery man was telling me how to touch myself. He was just standing there fully clothed. A few moment before, he told me to undress and lay on my bed. He told me to only refer to him as 'Daddy' which I didn't think I was into, until this dream.
Past sexual relationships I've had were always vanilla, but the kinky and dirty stuff always interested me. And this dream man knew it apparently.
Anyway, when I was close to finishing he told me to stop and I looked up at him with pleading eyes—

I had to stop reading because I was growing extremely horny. But, when she mentioned wanting me to haunt her dreams, I thought it was funny at first because of my... condition. But, ultimately, I definitely want to be in her dreams. If I could sleep she'd, without a doubt, be in mine.

This journal is what encouraged me to pull the move I did that night. She had mentioned it in a dream she had before and I had to try it. Let me tell you, it worked. When I reached down and touched between her legs, she was drenched and I almost gave up on feeding her fantasy.

But, the past couple of days with Nadia had been enjoyable. Staying up late with each other and gaining new insights into who we are as people. We were growing closer and it was saccharine, in the best way. I felt as though she was beginning to trust me. It was an honor to be able to gain that from such a spectacular human.

As I was putting her journal away, I heard a car pull into her driveway. It couldn't have been her, she was out seeing a movie with Gwen. I moved to the bedroom window and peeked outside. There standing, was Elijah. What the fuck did he want?

One good thing about my 'condition' is that I can appear and disappear whenever I felt like. So, I remained hidden and went outside.

I watched as Elijah walked up to her door and knock. Pathetic. He stood around patiently, but, what was he waiting for? Her truck wasn't here, he has to know she's gone. Interesting. I watched a few more seconds before he began to walk into her backyard and, of course, I followed.

He opened her slider door. Fuck, I should've locked it. I don't understand why she leaves it unlocked. He made his way inside and looked around before stepping into her bedroom. What is this fucktard doing? I don't see him being capable of robbing her.

I leaned against her bedroom wall as I watched him open her underwear drawer and snoop around. Disgusting. He then made his way to her nightstand and opened the drawer that housed her journal. I quickly lifted from the wall. How did he know that was there? I had to think of something quick.

I hauled my ass into the bathroom, luckily the door was closed, so my plan would work perfectly. I quickly flushed the toilet and started the sink. In this moment, I was very thankful that the bathroom and her bedroom shared a wall. So, I could reappear and listen to what he was doing. I heard quick shuffling and I turned the sink off and walk out. He could definitely hear my footsteps. I entered her bedroom and acted surprised.

"What the fuck?" I put on my best show.

Elijah quickly stood from the bed, "I didn't know you were here."

"What're you doing here?"

"I uh... Nadia asked me to drop off something for her," Elijah stumbled over his words.

Lie #1.

"Why is her underwear hanging out of your front pocket then?"

Elijah quickly reached into his pocket. "That's what I was returning."

Lie # 2.
Do people normally lie this much?

"She never slept with you, she told me that."

"People are liars," Elijah was really trying to cover his tracks.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "I think you should go now."

"I think you should leave Nadia alone."

Not this again.

I rolled my eyes and let out a soft laugh, "I think you're the one who should leave her alone. Considering you're now breaking into her house to steal her thongs."

I found satisfaction in watching Elijah's face flush red. Sure, I'm no saint. I snooped through her journal as well, but I'd never gone through her underwear drawer and tried to steal a pair. That, was weird. I started to realize that this wasn't some crush he had on her, it was a real obsession. A scary one. I won't let anything happen to her.

"Like I said, returning," Elijah was keen to prevaricate.

"How'd you know she'd be gone?" I stepped toward him.

Elijah scoffed, "I didn't."

Lie #3.

I bursted out into laughter, "You're really bad at lying."

"I'm better for her than you are," Elijah's eyes flashed with anger and he stepped towards me. I wasn't intimidated easily.

"If you say so, buddy. Regardless, you should go now," I was getting bored of the back and forth with this dipshit.

I noticed Elijah's fists and white knuckles, "Okay."

With that, he actually left. I was expecting him to try and start a fight with me. I was pleasantly surprised. When his car disappeared from view, I disappeared once more and made sure to lock all of Nadia's doors and windows. I even cleaned up the mess he left in her room. Not enough to where it looked like I was there. But, enough to where it looked like it did before.

I was happy with how things turned out. Now, it was time to patiently wait for Nadia to return home.

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