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Nadia was shocked to see the polaroid Cory held in his hand. She hadn't seen that photo in what felt like ages. She remembered the day it was taken—

Elijah had taken her down to the lake on another hot summer day, sometime in August. When summer was slowly coming to an end. It was her first summer after graduating high school and she felt invincible. Nadia had met Elijah at the lake on the 4th of July, not too long before that photo.

He was always very flirty with her, looking back now, it was probably wrong. But, she was 18 and had just graduated high school. He was 5 years older and already started working at the tattoo shop. Elijah had actually given her, her first tattoo that summer.

But, that picture. It was right before Elijah had approached her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. In front of everyone else there, Nadia remembered feeling embarrassed. Alas, Elijah seemed proud. Like he was showing off his new shiny trophy. When it was dark, they were still at the lake, and everyone else was gone. Elijah groped her breast while kissing her and began to beg her to go on a date with him. That's when the rejection first began.

"I found it," Cory interrupted her flashback.

Nadia's eyebrows furrowed, "Where?"

Cory began to rub the back of his neck nervously, "When I was out... exploring."

Nadia let out a frustrated sigh, "Stop being so stubborn and explain yourself."

Cory tried to elucidate, but he knew he couldn't tell her what he had found. Not yet. He didn't want to scare her, plus he was here to protect her. He had to devise a plan for Elijah before he could tell her. That way she couldn't tell him no.

"Okay, fine." Cory took a deep breath trying to think of a quick lie, "I went into Elijah's tattoo shop and saw it on his desk and I took it."

"Why were you in his shop?" Nadia unsure.

"I don't know, curiosity? But, when I saw he had a picture of you like that it pissed me off so I took it," Cory knew lying to her would catch up to him later. It wasn't a full lie though, was it?

"I don't believe that you went to his shop out of curiosity, Cory," She crossed her arms over her chest.

Cory scoffed, "It was curiosity because that's where you got all your tattoos done. I wanted to see where they originated from."

Nadia squinted her eyes at him, unsure if she should believe him or not. After a few seconds of debating she let it go, "Fine."

Cory felt the weight fall off his shoulders, but he wouldn't show it. Instead, he pretended to act annoyed that she'd question him. Inside, he was burning with guilt. This was manipulation and he knew it. But he genuinely believed it was for her safety. He'd do anything to keep her safe. Especially from that creep, Elijah.

When things had started to settle down, they sat down on the couch to watch a show together. Nadia's phone buzzed not too long after and Cory whipped his head in her direction, already having an idea who it was.

Hey, Nadia. I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow and talk. I'm ashamed with how I acted and would like to apologize in person.

Nadia glanced over at Cory and saw the look on his face. Was it anger? Frustrating? Jealousy? All of the above? Whatever it is, he wasn't happy.

"What'd he say?" Cory asked hastily.

"He's just asking if we can meet up so he can apologize," Nadia shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. But, Cory knew it was a big deal. A very BIG deal.

"Doesn't seem like a good idea. He was pretty aggressive last time," Cory was trying his best to convince her not to go.

Nadia smiled, "He would never hurt me."

Cory winced at her words, knowing how unbelievably wrong she was, "Wouldn't you rather stay here with me?" Cory laced his fingers into her hair.

"I've known Elijah for a long time, all he wants to do is apologize," Nadia looks down at her phone and begins to type a response.

Cory quickly moved closer to her, "Please, stay with me. I'll make it worth your while."

"Hmm, tempting," Nadia bit her bottom lip.

As he was moving in for a kiss, Nadia stood up, "I think I'm ready for bed. You should go."

Cory was taken aback by her sudden change in attitude. He sat on the couch and blinked a couple of times and furrowed his brows, confused. "Um, okay?" He stood up slowly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? And none of your ghost spying business," Nadia gave him a fake reassuring smile.

Cory scanned her face, "Okay." He thought to himself, She's going to say yes.

He walked out of her house without another word and Nadia quickly pulled her phone back out.

Elijah just texted me asking to apologize in person, wth do I do?

Uhhh, you go obviously? I'm surprised he waited this long honestly

Nadia ran a hand through her hair nervously. It was strange that Elijah had taken thing long to apologize. He usually apologized the same day.

Why wouldn't you go?

Oh, I don't know. Not like there's a tall, handsome man that I've been hanging around or anything.

Fair enough. But, I still think you should go.

Nadia let out a large sigh and contemplated for a few minutes before typing out a text to Elijah.

When and where?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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