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Nadia arrived at work and was greeted by Gwen in the break room. They hadn't talked in a bit and Nadia felt like she needed to finally talk about Cory.

"Gwen!" Nadia smiled and stalked towards her friend.

Gwen smiled, "Nadiaaaa."

"I really need to tell you about..." Nadia trailed off, now wondering if this was a good idea or not. Knowing she'd be bombarded with a million questions about this guy.

"About...?" Gwen raised an eyebrow playfully.

"So, there's this guy..."

"I know..." Gwen trailed off and looked away. "Elijah told me."

"Oh," Nadia nervously laughed.

Gwen's eyes widened to give off a dramatic effect, "Yeah, he's not very happy. And, honestly, I feel bad for the guy."

Nadia dropped her shoulders in defeat. It felt as if everybody in the world wanted to get them together, except her. Just because he had chased her for years, doesn't mean she wanted him.

"Personally, I feel like you led him on," Gwen shrugged.

"How? I said no every time," Nadia raised and eyebrow as she started to feel aggravated.

Gwen sighed sympathetically, "I guess that's true. I don't know, I guess I pictured you guys together."

Nadia just scoffed and grabbed some hand rags from the shelf and made her way to the back bar. Upon arrival, Steven was already there wiping down the surfaces before opening.

"Hey, Nadia!" Steven smiled wide.

Nadia forced a smile back, "Hi, Steven."

"Guess what?" Steven paused. "I asked Gwen out on a date," and he smiled cheekily.

She didn't tell me that.

"Did she say yes?" Nadia kept forcing a smile.

"Well duh, you think that you could resist me?" Steven used his hands to scan his body playfully.

Nadia let out a real laugh, "I don't know, Steven. Tempting," She laughed again, this time mockingly.

Steven wasn't NOT attractive, just not Nadia's type. He was about 6' and had medium length, dirty blonde hair. He had blue eyes that were border-lining grey and had and interesting mustache that most people would call a 'pedo-stache.' He only ever promised to shave it if Gwen told him to, which, she will.

The bar finally opened, and it started off slow. It had been a couple of days since the incident with Elijah and since Nadia had seen Cory. It was almost as if he just disappeared. Throughout her shift, she was hoping that maybe Cory would just appear in front of her and keep her company while she worked. Maybe even ask her on another date.

Nadia never expected this from herself. Working and thinking about a man she actually hoped to see again. It was out of character and it scared her, in a good way. Despite what Gwen thought, Nadia was excited and happy to be finally free of Elijah.

Today, was an early day, only a 4 hours shift because of the new bartenders coming in for training. Nadia kind of wished she was training, maybe she'd ask her boss next time. But, while driving home, all she could think of was the green eyes and dark brown hair. Maybe it was a bit myopic of Nadia, but she was going to knock on his door. Tonight.

Nadia decided to park at her house and just walk over to Cory's home. She quickly made her way of her to his house and stopped at the end of the driveway, unsure if this was a good idea or not. But, she found herself moving towards the door.

After a few swift knocks at the door, she heard shuffling making its way. The door opened and the face of an older man appeared.

"Can I help you?" The man seemed reticent.

"Hi, is Cory here?" Nadia gave the man a friendly smile, assuming this must've been his father or grandfather.

The man winced, "Cory, who?"

Nadia felt her heart slightly drop, "Thorne...?"

The man just paused and raised and eyebrow in confusion, "Is this some kind of prank or?"

"No! No! He just told me that he lived here. I'm sorry, must be the wrong address," Nadia began to walk off as if excusing herself.

The door opened wider, "Wait!"

She quickly turned around.

"You talked to Cory?" The man asked as if in disbelief.

Nadia paused and slowly walked back toward the old man, "Yes, just a couple of days ago."

"You should come in and sit down," the man gestured to the inside of his house.

Nadia complied and made her way to the dining table and took a seat while the man made tea. She looked around, scanning her surroundings. The house wasn't very big, but it was a comfortable size. Different shades of brown and green were scattered everywhere, giving it the cabin feel. Along with the rustic decor and furniture.

The man cleared his throat as the placed mugs in front of the both of them, "Cory Thorne," he spoke softly.

Nadia began to look around, clearly confused and uncomfortable. All she wanted to do was see Cory and now she was drinking tea with a stranger.

"Do you know the history of your home?" He asked firmly.

Nadia shook her head, "No, sir." The air was thick and eerie.

He chuckled to himself, "Well, in 1983, that house of yours... burnt to the ground. Killing somebody that inhabited it." He stared at Nadia, inure of the words he spoke. "That man inside was named, Cory Thorne."

Nadia quickly stood from her chair, "That isn't very funny and I think I should go. Thank you for the tea," she took long strides toward the man's front door. Her legs were shaking from the fear and shock he had just bestowed on her. It was just a prank, unbelievable.

"If you see him again, ask him," the man shouted from where he sat.

Nadia shook her head as she ran home, in disbelief and disgust at the man's joke. It wasn't funny and it was crude humor. She ran to her front door and checked behind her to make sure that creep wasn't following behind. She closed her eyes and sighed in relief.

Feeling creeped out she decided to do a sweep of her home and check all of the rooms and closets. She didn't understand why what he said and gotten to her. The paranormal simply, did not exist. All of those TV shows and movies are all just entertainment, fiction... fantasy. Just like dragons and fairies. The lochness monster or sasquatch. He was just trying to scare her, and it worked for a moment.

Nadia took a deep breath before walking into the kitchen to make herself tea. The tea the man served was good, but not under the circumstances. It inspired her to make her own. She filled an old kettle her mom gave to her and placed it onto the stove. When it began to whistle, she reached for the cabinet and looked down at the counter and saw a mug with chamomile tea bag already placed inside.

She froze.

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