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To wake up Ialdir, I smothered him with a pillow. He wasn't happy about it but got up begrudgingly. I gently shook Nyx, who woke up quickly. I couldn't tell if he was actually asleep or just pretending.

"Get up, losers! I got a lead!" Robin burst into the room. "A little town not far from heard. Reports of a deranged person claiming they were a divine being."

"Good," I said. "Go put a shirt on." She flipped me off as she walked back to her room. Ialdir and Nyx changed quickly, and we met up with Robin and Tholnia in the lobby.

"Lovely night. Five stars," Robin told the clerk as she gave him a tip.

"Don't use all our money on one night," Tholnia warned. "We can't just create more."

"I used to," Ialdir sighed. "Controling water was definitely another perk of divinity. And the lack of use for money. We just traded services."

"Sounds like a good way to get screwed over," Tholnia stated. "That's why mortals have money." Robin laughed as Ialdir glared at them both.

"So, where is it we are going?" Nyx asked them once they stopped laughing.

"Peristeria Park," Robin told him. "Named after the world's most famous lovers. I'm sure Lesterati will be there."

Lesterati was not there. We arrived at the village around noon. Most of the townsfolk were eating, so the streets were pretty clear. "Let's split up. Cover more ground," Nyx suggested.

"Good idea. I'll take the shithead," Robin agreed, putting Ialdir in a headlock. "We should have a girl in each group. From what I've heard, Lester doesn't like men much."

I ended up going with Nyx and Tholnia. I was actually excited to see whatever results Robina and Ialdir would produce. It was probably going to be a black eye.

"We should ask around," Tholnia said. "From the rumors going around, the locals must know something."

Nyx pointed to a nearby building, "There's a bunch of people in there."

"Good observation," she stated as we walked in.

"Welcome!" The woman at the door said. "You folks from out of town?"

"Yeah," I told her. "Would you mind us asking a few questions?"

Her smile faded a bit, "It's about that crazy little kid running around, isn't it?"

"Yes. We're with the police department of The Boiling Desert and need to find them," Nyx told the woman, flashing a badge that I didn't know he had on him.

She sighed, "Yeah. He hangs around the fountain in the center of town. He keeps claiming he's some kind of god." We all exchanged a glance. Lesterati was supposed to be here, not some little boy. Was this really just a crazy kid?

"Thank you, Ma'am. Have a nice day," Nyx told her as we walked back out.

"That was way too easy," Tholnia said. "Where's the fight? Or the people trying to stop us?"

"The Titans don't think we can do it," I reminded her. "Maybe it's not supposed to be hard. Now, let's see who this mystery God is and where Lester is."

As we approached the fountain, we could see someone sitting on the rail, gazing sadly at the water below. They looked like a teenager, with shaggy black hair, dull grey eyes, and a bad case of acne.

"Uh... hello? Are you the immortal?" I asked. I had no clue who this kid was, but with how Ialdir looked, anything was possible. For all I know, they could be Lesterati.

"Who...? Ischia-son!" They yelled, flinging themselves at me. I was not pleased to hear that nickname. The teen hugged me so tight I thought he'd find a way to suffocate me.

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