Family Part 2

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"Oh my Titan, I almost killed him!"

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did!" Voaldin sobbed. "And he's too fucking nice to say anything to me about it! He was limping Dzua! Limping!"

"He'll be fine. Trust me, I made that kid resilient," Hyzotz assured the other. "He has advanced healing. He'll be fine in a few hours or so."

"I could have killed your son Hyzo! Shouldn't you be more worried?"

"He's still immortal, Dumbass," Xesus chimed in from their place in a tree. "You can't kill him!"

"Not helping, Xes," I growled at them as Voal sobbed harder. While they were one of the oldest, they had always been one of the more emotional of the titans. It doesn't help that he was instantly attached to Ulixity like some kind of puppy.

Xesus cackled and started sawing at a nearby branch with their dagger. A loud crack filled the air a moment later, followed by an even louder yelp from Voaldin. "Not my fault they're such a pu-"

"Xesus!" Hyzotz snarled, cutting the other off.

They rolled their eyes in response and jumped from the tree, landing gracefully. "Well, my dear siblings, I'll be off. The night can not wait!" They then looked at Voaldin, grinned and loudly claimed, "Pussy!"

"Bitch-faced Fatherfucker," Voaldin sneered back, still crying. It was brief moments like this that reminded all of us why they controlled the future.

Xesus took the insult with stride and laughed. They waved good-naturedly and vanished. "Prick," Voal growled, wiping away their tears. A hard glare was set on their face towards where the Night Titan had just left. "Do we have to claim them as family?" They whined.

"Sadly," Hyzotz and I replied in unison, ripping a deep sigh from the third. For a moment, they look so old, so worn out, it was unbelievable. But the second that moment was over, their hair was sky blue again, and the wrinkles around their brown eyes disappeared.

"Damn it," they hissed. "Can I check up on him?"

"No!" We yelled. They crossed their arms and pouted. Neither of us relented. They walked away and grumbled something about it being unfair.

'Thoes ones are going to be the death of us," Hyzotz claimed, shaking their head slowly. "And they'll go down bickering."

"Tis but their nature," I responded, brushing it off and laughing. "In other news... have you found anything out about Phoen?"

"No, not ye -" they went strangly quiet. I waited for a minute to see if they'd continue, but after a while of silence, I opened my mouth to talk. I was cut off by them, "Something is wrong. Ulixity is in trouble."

"Then you should go." They had already vanished by the time I finished my statement. For a kid they used to complain about all the time, I could tell they genuinely cared for the boy. Whether this was for their own reasons or because of our experience with our shitty parents, we may never know.

I sighed and decided to roam around a bit. They could be a while.

The Heavenly Realm had changed quite a bit since we first came here. All the buildings that had been reduced to rubble in the fight had been built over. Now, new buildings stood in their place. Very few remained. I might have felt bad about all the destruction, but upon exploring the realm, I couldn't find a single thing from our reign.

The only dark place in the realm stood in the lowest part of a nearby valley. A building so black you couldn't see the details of the outside, but I knew it was made of stones. Not a single window was in it. Only a large dark door contrasted the outside.

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